Hoke's job if he wants it

what do you people want? The guy was at Ball State for six years and had 12 wins there his LAST year - not his first, his LAST! He inherited nothing, and BUILT a crap team to more then respectability in his first head coaching gig. That same last year at Ball State, his squad was second in their league academically.

I'd be very happy with Hoke. I would say he is on a par with Calhoun and Golden, and I would be happy with either of them as well.

And if you keep looking at just overall records, you people are morons. Look at where these coaches started, and whether or not the teams have progressed.

what do you people want? The guy was at Ball State for six years and had 12 wins there his LAST year - not his first, his LAST! He inherited nothing, and BUILT a crap team to more then respectability in his first head coaching gig. That same last year at Ball State, his squad was second in their league academically.

I'd be very happy with Hoke. I would say he is on a par with Calhoun and Golden, and I would be happy with either of them as well.

This isn't true. Ball State took a step DOWN with Hoke. It was not until his 3rd year that he began to perform at a level that his predecessor did.

This isn't true. Ball State took a step DOWN with Hoke. It was not until his 3rd year that he began to perform at a level that his predecessor did.
Right because he got better in every year except his second year at Ball State. He led them to 12 wins in his final season. That definitely seems like a step down from Lynch's mediocrity as Ball State.

Hoke's records:

Year Team Overall Conference Standing Bowl/Playoffs Coaches# AP°
Ball State (Mid-American Conference) (2003–2008)
2003 Ball State 4–8 3–5 T-4th◊ — — —
2004 Ball State 2–9 2–6 6th◊ — — —
2005 Ball State 4–7 4–4 5th◊ — — —
2006 Ball State 5–7 5–3 T-3rd◊ — — —
2007 Ball State 7–6 5–2 2nd◊ L International — —
2008 Ball State 12–1 8–0 1st◊ —‡ — —
Ball State: 34–38 27–20 ◊ MAC West Division
‡ Did not coach Ball State in the 2009 GMAC Bowl.
San Diego State (Mountain West Conference) (2009–present)
2009 SDSU 4–8 2–6 7th — — —
2010 SDSU 7–4 4–3 5th — — —
San Diego State: 11–12 6–9

Hoke's records:

Year Team Overall Conference Standing Bowl/Playoffs Coaches# AP°
Ball State (Mid-American Conference) (2003–2008)
2003 Ball State 4–8 3–5 T-4th◊ — — —
2004 Ball State 2–9 2–6 6th◊ — — —
2005 Ball State 4–7 4–4 5th◊ — — —
2006 Ball State 5–7 5–3 T-3rd◊ — — —
2007 Ball State 7–6 5–2 2nd◊ L International — —
2008 Ball State 12–1 8–0 1st◊ —‡ — —
Ball State: 34–38 27–20 ◊ MAC West Division
‡ Did not coach Ball State in the 2009 GMAC Bowl.
San Diego State (Mountain West Conference) (2009–present)
2009 SDSU 4–8 2–6 7th — — —
2010 SDSU 7–4 4–3 5th — — —
San Diego State: 11–12 6–9

So, if you look at Bill Lynch's last 3 years at Ball State (5-6,5-6,6-6) Brady Hoke managed a whole one year where he was significantly better than Lynch. I've posted this before. It's also very interesting to see just how horrible Ball State became after Hoke left...bare cupboard for his OC who is already out the door after 2 years. Hoke got out at the right time.

If Hoke is hired I will be really upset. maturi said he would be making a "Tubby-like hire" and Brady Hoke is far from that. If Brady is the only guy willing to take the job it makes me wonder why the Minnesota job is so terrible and who do we need to remove from power to make this a destination job? Tony Dungy can kiss the U's ass for all I care. He doesnt come to games or support the U "on the record." If its true Maturi is using Dungy for assistance on a new coach I think its time to fire Maturi as well! I don't care about the opinion that Hoke will be hired by some other school because he is an up and coming stud in the coaching ranks, we need to hire a guy that is a proven name and we need to pay out of our ass to bring that person here. If its Leach, pay the man and give him a second chance. If its Bellotti bring him in to fix this program and let him hand the program over to someone he trusts. I think we are screwed with this coaching situation, and Hoke isnt selling season tickets! After reading this I feel like the negativity bug has taken over after an awesome game today!

While I would prefer Harbough, Patterson, Richt or Bellotti like anyone else, if they are not available, I have no problem with Hoke and I don't get all of the knashing of teeth here. If we are going to get one of Hoke, Calhoun, Golden or Sumlin, etc. why not Hoke from that group? Someone please tell me why any of the other 3 are better?

Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ! Maturi never said he was going to make a Tubby-like hire. He said they were HOPING for a big-time coach like Tubby and would have to gauge the interest before hiring the best coach they could get.

Only you control your negativity. Grow up. Better yet, give me your tickets in your will when you finally blow that gasket.

While I would prefer Harbough, Patterson, Richt or Bellotti like anyone else, if they are not available, I have no problem with Hoke and I don't get all of the knashing of teeth here. If we are going to get one of Hoke, Calhoun, Golden or Sumlin, etc. why not Hoke from that group? Someone please tell me why any of the other 3 are better?
Well said, exactly what I am trying to say.

some of you will never be happy. I can't even comment on this thread anymore.

And how do we know Lynch didn't get out from Ball State at the right time? And is there not an adjustment time for a new system to be installed? I'll take 12-2 in a final year (again, year six - his players, his system) anytime, and i'll take going from 4-7 one year to 7/8-4 the next anytime.

Understand - a coach has to want to come here. Just because we don't hire Harbaugh, Patterson, Peterson, etc, etc, doesn't mean we didn't contact/want them. The closemindedness on this thread is putting a damper on a wonderful day, thus I must move on.

Hoke wouldn't be the worst candidate. He won't sell any tickets but it could be worse.

Given the opportunity, the hopes are always for what is perceived as better. I for one would love for the Gophers to get Mullin or Patterson. I do not know who is considered on the A list and who is on the B list.

To some Hoke is considered an up and comer, like Mullin, though not quite the same resume. Maybe there is some sort of smokescreen. Seems a little quick to say someone is going to be introduced Monday or that it is Hoke's job if he wants it, but who knows.

Not confident in regards to leaks at this moment either.

I guess when they have made up their minds and a coach has signed on the line, we shall know.

i would rather have sumlin if we are going to pick from this litter

Something smells fishy. First Hoke was a B list candidate. Now it is his job to turn down. Bruininks mentioned how different it would be to hire a coach with a winning record.

Maturi mentioned in his letter the search was going well....odd to send the letter out and mention a big time candidate would not be someone able to be hired by a big commitee from a bigger university and then hire a guy away from Jeff Schemmel (sp?) At SDSU.

We'll see...... he might do well here....not a proven winner at the BCS level. I would take him over Sumlin and Edsell, though. Hoke, Calhoun, Golden are about equal for me. I would like Mullen, Patterson, Harbaugh over the 2nd tier guys.


On a side note, If Hoke is the guy I believe his buyout is less after December 15th. I'm not sure what the difference is in his buyout but I want to say something like 500K.I'm not sure if we'd be willing to wait for that reason or not. Just thought it might be an interesting piece of information since the original rumor says he will be hired Monday.

Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ! Maturi never said he was going to make a Tubby-like hire. He said they were HOPING for a big-time coach like Tubby and would have to gauge the interest before hiring the best coach they could get.

Only you control your negativity. Grow up. Better yet, give me your tickets in your will when you finally blow that gasket.

trying to understand this post! when maturi said they are going to "try" for a tubby-like hire does that mean he never said that or he did say that but didnt mean it?

i dont like the hoke hire, its my opinion. if he takes the job and has success i will be the first to say im wrong. but what about my previous post has you so upset that youre to become so worked up to tell me to "grow up" and "give you my tickets?"

thanks for blowing a gasket!

I think maybe the reaction is due in part to how this is being presented. It's "leaked" that it is his job if he wants it. All those other names may have already said no, but that was "leaked". I think people like to hear that some of the "A list" people have passed or are off the board before they feel better about a Hoke type hire. Not to say he couldn't do well here, maybe he can, no one really knows. Just don't expect people to be super excited about him, we all want/expect/hope for the best.

On a side note, If Hoke is the guy I believe his buyout is less after December 15th. I'm not sure what the difference is in his buyout but I want to say something like 500K.I'm not sure if we'd be willing to wait for that reason or not. Just thought it might be an interesting piece of information since the original rumor says he will be hired Monday.

You are correct, the buyout is $1.5 million now, 1 million after $Dec 15.

He make $675k now, with a $50k bonus for a bowl game.

then i responded poorly to his comment cause it may or may not have been directed at me...my bad

You are correct, the buyout is $1.5 million now, 1 million after $Dec 15.

He make $675k now, with a $50k bonus for a bowl game.

If Hoke is the guy and if he's ready to roll on Monday or shortly thereafter, you do it now and don't worry about the $500K. He could have his staff pretty well put together and a running start to recruiting in the two weeks we wait to save the $500K on December 15.

Go Gophers!!

Lots and Lots of pi$$ing into the wind again tonight.

So Brewster gets fired for going 15 and 30

But you guys are all excited about Brady Hoke going 15 and 31 at Ball state in his first four years.
That is the standard you guys are looking for? In hopes every six years he has one good season?
There is just as much logic to suggest that Brewster would go 11 and 1 next year if he were still here.

They both have proven they can't coach at an elite level. Hoke has two seven win seasons versus weak teams. He is somehow going to do better versus better coaches and competition than his past? Three winning seasons in eight years? Why in the world would this guy be interviewed let alone hired?

Hoke got better at Ball State as time went on. Brewster's teams at first got better but then definitely regressed this year. The records may look the same but the results seem very different from my perspective. I realize on the surface Hoke may not look that great but I've only heard/read good things about him. Previous big ten experience, proven ability to turn around a program, and what I would consider successful previous head coaching experience. I would love to get Mullen but I don't see it happening especially with jobs like Miami and possibly Michigan opening up.

Hoke inherited worse teams at both of his previous stops (Ball State 6-6, SDSU 2-10 year prior to Hoke)than Brewster did at the University of Minnesota.

If its true that he is going to accept the Minnesota job on Monday, I don't like the fact that he will have left both of his teams before the their seasons are completed, assuming SDSU is invited to a bowl this year.

Prepending Bill Lynch's record at Ball State. He was fired after the 2002 season. Remember he took over for Hoeppner after he died and the next season he got them to a bowl game. Not sure who he took over for in '95. They were decent.

This all said .... I would prefer a BCS caliber coach with proven winning college caoching experience...like Holtz was. Come on Bruininks....make it happen. Drive the Brinks truck to Palo Alto and bring Harbaugh to Mpls.

Ball State Cardinals (Mid-American Conference) (1995–2002)
1995 Ball State 7–4 6–2 T–3rd
1996 Ball State 8–4 7–1 1st L Las Vegas
1997 Ball State 5–6 4–4 3rd (West)
1998 Ball State 1–10 1–7 6th (West)
1999 Ball State 0–11 0–8 6th (West)
2000 Ball State 5–6 4–4 T–3rd (West)
2001 Ball State 5–6 4–4 T–1st (West)
2002 Ball State 6–6 4–4 4th (West)

Hoke's records:

Year Team Overall Conference Standing Bowl/Playoffs Coaches# AP°
Ball State (Mid-American Conference) (2003–2008)
2003 Ball State 4–8 3–5 T-4th◊ — — —
2004 Ball State 2–9 2–6 6th◊ — — —
2005 Ball State 4–7 4–4 5th◊ — — —
2006 Ball State 5–7 5–3 T-3rd◊ — — —
2007 Ball State 7–6 5–2 2nd◊ L International — —
2008 Ball State 12–1 8–0 1st◊ —‡ — —
Ball State: 34–38 27–20 ◊ MAC West Division
‡ Did not coach Ball State in the 2009 GMAC Bowl.
San Diego State (Mountain West Conference) (2009–present)
2009 SDSU 4–8 2–6 7th — — —
2010 SDSU 7–4 4–3 5th — — —
San Diego State: 11–12 6–9


This guy is not an "up and comer", he is someone that has plateaued in mid-major land with one real good season. His pedigree isn't even as good as Mason's. Please let this be another of Doogie's rumors that goes nowhere. If this is as good as Maturi can do, we need a new front man running the search.

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