Hey is tonight game

Good luck with their streaming video. I purchased it and I could not get it to come on 2 brand computers. Their customer service was awful so I gave up and got my money back. I do know of some others that purchased it and got it okay.

I had to use the stream last week during class, but tonight's class doesn't allow computers - does anyone know if the Blackberry Bold would be able to pick up the feed?

I had to use the stream last week during class, but tonight's class doesn't allow computers - does anyone know if the Blackberry Bold would be able to pick up the feed?

Not sure about the Blackberry, but its funny you mention it because I have night class tonight as well and luckily I sit in the back row so I can stream the game. I hope I don't randomly get called on.

I believe you can listen to the game using itunes. Winona State has a radio station KQAL 89.5 fm. Their broadcast supposedly starts at 6:30pm.

Its on KQAL for sure. They just said the barn is in St. Paul though....HUH?

I had to use the stream last week during class, but tonight's class doesn't allow computers - does anyone know if the Blackberry Bold would be able to pick up the feed?

I was able to watch the games from Canada on my Droid Incredible. Probably does not answer your question.

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