Where do you purchase the Broken Dreams? Loaded question I know.
On the boulevard, tikited, on the boulevard.
And thanks for pointing out that the cocktail ingredients weren't forthcoming, my original thought was to actually develop something drinkable that we could all hoist in unision each week and make it a tradition, but I do like the thread responses nonetheless.
I say we all experiment this weekend and come up with a real drink, none of this Golden Gopher or Maroon and Gold names either, it will officially be called a Gopherhole.
Do we dare add an ounce of beer, in honor of Brewster?
Mason supporters can drink it out of a Mason jar.
OK, don't rip on me for this, but kind of a stupid question here. Can't figure out how to copy the prior posting to add to it like many do, what's the secret? I'm obviouslly not an IT grad.