Has Gray lost a step?

How did all the D. Robinson, "I can take U. Bolt" speed do vs. Bama?

Unfortunately, I think Bolt could probably only muster about 4 receptions & 46 yards receiving against Alabama. :)

He didn't look slower to me but he's never been a blazer. I've always thought he has a better chance at the next level being a 260lb receiving TE than a wide split WR. Maybe if he dropped down to 220 or so he'd gain some speed back but even at WR he wasn't blowing by people

Last night on the Sports Show, Fatrick said something to the effect of, "Gray didn't look like he lost a step when he was running away from those white boys from New England." He also tweeted: "Gray 75 yards. Didn't look fat & slow on that one. Then again, no D-backs from the South chasing him."

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