Half time adjustments (lack thereof)


Active member
Apr 12, 2010
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It’s unusual to see such a competitive game going into halftime then an absolute blowout on both sides of the ball in the second half. Iowa clearly made halftime adjustments which we were not able to counter. Very disappointing to see such a good defense get absolutely torched on the ground.

What are everyone’s productive thoughts? Why do we continually struggle to play chess after halftime adjustments against competitive teams?

It’s unusual to see such a competitive game going into halftime then an absolute blowout on both sides of the ball in the second half. Iowa clearly made halftime adjustments which we were not able to counter. Very disappointing to see such a good defense get absolutely torched on the ground.

What are everyone’s productive thoughts? Why do we continually struggle to play chess after halftime adjustments against competitive teams?
Because pj is a horrific xs and os Coach and hires people with literally no experience at their spot to do this for him

Finishing tackles on defense.
Discipline, no penalties.
Better punting on special teams.
An O Line that knows and performs their blocking assignments exceptionally.
Winning the turnover battle.

Finishing tackles on defense.
Discipline, no penalties.
Better punting on special teams.
An O Line that knows and performs their blocking assignments exceptionally.
Winning the turnover battle.

Great list. The punting really is atrocious. Can we stop with the rugby garbage and find someone with some hangtime and over 40yds?

The tackling was fucking awful tonight. Long fucking drive back to the range after this shitshow.

All true, but when you are getting obliterated on both lines, you are just simply screwed.

What are all the adjustments Iowa made at halftime. They simply lined up and ran the ball all over us by blowing us out up front.

We have a massive lack of talent on this team in comparison to others. Iowa had the better lines, the better linebackers and the better secondary. Their running back is way more explosive than anything we have, also

Where were we better......at wide receiver is about all I can come up with. Hell, our punting game was putrid compared to theirs, also.

Finishing tackles on defense.
Discipline, no penalties.
Better punting on special teams.
An O Line that knows and performs their blocking assignments exceptionally.
Winning the turnover battle.
PJ has our punter do the end over and shit. He must think it’s easier to cover those or something but that’s not on our punter. That’s on PJ Every punt is kicked like a normal punter would only kick as a pooch.

All true, but when you are getting obliterated on both lines, you are just simply screwed.

What are all the adjustments Iowa made at halftime. They simply lined up and ran the ball all over us by blowing us out up front.

We have a massive lack of talent on this team in comparison to others. Iowa had the better lines, the better linebackers and the better secondary. Their running back is way more explosive than anything we have, also

Where were we better......at wide receiver is about all I can come up with. Hell, our punting game was putrid compared to theirs, also.
I don’t think that’s true. They actually did make adjustments. They took advantage of the fact that we were over pursuing on the backside and ran roll outs to the tight end and cut back runs just an obliterated us we
Lost all contain. Plus, we missed a bunch of tackles on the plays right up the middle it was really, really tough to watch.

I don’t think that’s true. They actually did make adjustments. They took advantage of the fact that we were over pursuing on the backside and ran roll outs to the tight end and cut back runs just an obliterated us we
Lost all contain. Plus, we missed a bunch of tackles on the plays right up the middle it was really, really tough to watch.
Astute analysis. Iowa switched to a bunch of counters and misdirection that created epic 1:1 mismatches and they exploited it for chunks of yards. They didn't even have to threaten pass.

In the second half it was like the Iowa secondary knew the routes of the receivers. In the three seconds Max had to throw, there was rarely a clearly open receiver. Tip of the cap to Iowa even though it sucks.

In the second half it was like the Iowa secondary knew the routes of the receivers. In the three seconds Max had to throw, there was rarely a clearly open receiver. Tip of the cap to Iowa even though it sucks.
They were tight windows in first half too, even long plays. They did seem to anticipate when we were throwing based off our motion and direction.

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