great video: tubby takes myron down a couple notches w/ the patented "stare". love it

Nov 17, 2008
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great video: tubby takes myron down a couple notches w/ the patented "stare". love it

an unknown female reporter and myron keep pushing on the royce white topic, which understandably begins to annoy tubby since he told all of them after his initial comments that he was not going to speak about it any futher during the interview. at the end of the video myron tries one last time to get another royce white question in and tubby basically "bitch slaps" myron with the "stare" we have all come to know and love. take a seat myron, you silly, little man. too funny!

myron - you are working on borrowed time when it comes to access with tubby smith and his b-ball program.

here is a link to the video on the mpls star tribune website.

an unknown female reporter and myron keep pushing on the royce white topic, which understandably begins to annoy tubby since he told all of them after his initial comments that he was not going to speak about it any futher during the interview. at the end of the video myron tries one last time to get another royce white question in and tubby basically "bitch slaps" myron with the "stare" we have all come to know and love. take a seat myron, you silly, little man. too funny!

myron - you are working on borrowed time when it comes to access with tubby smith and his b-ball program.

here is a link to the video on the mpls star tribune website.

After an already very long week - that made me laugh! Thanks for posting, Bronko!

I'm pretty sure Tubby used the word "followization" in the same press conference. (around 45 seconds in). Is that a real word???

I love it !!

I'm pretty sure Tubby used the word "followization" in the same press conference. (around 45 seconds in). Is that a real word???

Any word or even any guteral sound Tubby emits is a "real" word as far as I am concerned!

:) :) :)

Tubby is wayyyyyyyyyyy to nice to these guys. The curt and firm "No" was good. But a "What part of the yesterdays news and todays news don't you understand?" question from Tubby followed by a bit of silence then "Have a nice day" would have been fitting.

I agree, Bayfield... sometimes the only way one can make a point is to embarrass the hell out of someone.

Not as nasty as the one he gave McKenzie during his first year, but Tubby definitely gets his point across!

myron - you are working on borrowed time when it comes to access with tubby smith and his b-ball program.


Pretty sure Tubby is a lot smarter than that. There's nothing Myron and the Tribune would like more than to be denied the access other reporters get. Then they could sensationalize this thing even more, drag it out longer, make it a bigger story possibly going national, and sell more papers along with getting more hits on their website. There's the old quote about not fighting with someone who buys his ink by the barrel.

Judging from the great reaction, yes, Tubby is getting tired of Myron's quest for a Pulitzer Prize, but he also knows how the game is played. Reporters are going to ask follow up questions. I'll bet Tubby is still a hell of a lot more ticked at Royce White than he is at Myron Metcalf.

Good luck putting this behind you, Tubby. You are not in Kentucky anymore. Either Myron gets in your face about Royce White, or the Strib will send over the first team to do it. It's your choice.

Good luck putting this behind you, Tubby. You are not in Kentucky anymore. Either Myron gets in your face about Royce White, or the Strib will send over the first team to do it. It's your choice.

ohhh......ohhh.......let me guess who is on the "first team". fatrick reusse, jerky jim souhan and d-bag dennis brackin. am i right? bet i am. ;)

my two cents: assuming the whole "laptop thing" is nothing but hot-air the mpls star tribune doesn't have "the balls" to go after tubby non-stop about royce white, nor should they.

Good luck putting this behind you, Tubby. You are not in Kentucky anymore. Either Myron gets in your face about Royce White, or the Strib will send over the first team to do it. It's your choice.

Ha. The strib is a joke. The only people who read it are losers who post on message boards to bitch about their beat writers. :rolleyes: Myself included.

And yet if he didn't ask that question, you guys would be all over him for not asking the "tough" questions.

And yet if he didn't ask that question, you guys would be all over him for not asking the "tough" questions.

Or he could ask questions about the rest of the team, the ones that are playing... we are mostly just enjoying the fact that Tubby didn't give him the time of day because he is a joke.

I'm pretty sure Tubby used the word "followization" in the same press conference. (around 45 seconds in). Is that a real word???

I think he says "finalization," which is a word.

I have no issue at all with the questions that Myron asked. His job is to report on the team and gather as much information as possible to inform his readers. Like it or not, the issues with Royce, Mbakwe, and Devron ARE newsworthy.


Good luck putting this behind you, Tubby. You are not in Kentucky anymore. Either Myron gets in your face about Royce White, or the Strib will send over the first team to do it. It's your choice.

Too funny! The Strib HAS a first team ???? I am sure the thought of the Strib "first team" knocking on Tubby's door keeps him up at night !!!

Why dont we have an emotican for ROTFLMAO ????

Good luck putting this behind you, Tubby. You are not in Kentucky anymore.

Lol. Are you kidding? I'd bet real money the Minnesota media is NOTHING compared to the scrutiny that Tubby faced at Kentucky, where it's nothing but basketball, 24/7 365 days a year.

Tubby can handle himself and media quite well I'm sure.

Love that Tubby stare someone else! Hopefully Myron will move on until there are new facts to be reported. There will be no more "news" about Royce until he handles his issues to Tubby's satisfaction. Move-on, Myron.

Wonder how Royce feels when Rodney is getting playing time on the court and doing well? I sure hope Royce gets some needed help to straighten-out his attitude and decision-making. He's trading possible future $millions for $100 jeans. How stupid.

Or he could ask questions about the rest of the team, the ones that are playing... we are mostly just enjoying the fact that Tubby didn't give him the time of day because he is a joke.

Million Moves - I agree with you, he had to ask that. I always crack up when I'm at a media conference when no one will ask the tough, obvious questions. I remember earlier in this season after the OSU game and Brew put Gray in after we were down 0-38 (or something like that). I sat through almost his whole presser and no one would ask about Gray...and I finally did...and I'm not a professional media person.

Gorton's - it's the media - they ask and write about what we read. How often does everyone read a feel-good story or a nice pregame preview? Not often. How much traffic do you think they're getting with all this scandal? A ton. It's a business.

With that being said, I still loved his reaction!

And yet if he didn't ask that question, you guys would be all over him for not asking the "tough" questions.

that was not a "tough" question. that was just myron being repetitive, which he is prone to be. as are many on GH (especially the masonites)! ;)

Million Moves - I agree with you, he had to ask that. I always crack up when I'm at a media conference when no one will ask the tough, obvious questions. I remember earlier in this season after the OSU game and Brew put Gray in after we were down 0-38 (or something like that). I sat through almost his whole presser and no one would ask about Gray...and I finally did...and I'm not a professional media person.

Gorton's - it's the media - they ask and write about what we read. How often does everyone read a feel-good story or a nice pregame preview? Not often. How much traffic do you think they're getting with all this scandal? A ton. It's a business.

With that being said, I still loved his reaction!

that is fine. so long as newspaper, tv and most other traditional media types stop denying that fact and quit acting like they are the most important profession on earth and that we just can't live without them. i don't know how many times i have heard reporters and columnists (in all cities) claim (especially now since their business model is dead) that they are all needed because they are the voice of a city, a reflection of a city, that all they want to do is tell meaningful, rich, thouroughly researched stories, that they aren't in it for the money, blah, blah, blah.

b.s.! cry me a river media types. you are nothing but another business, so don't pretend you are not. i have no qualms with newspapers and tv stations cutting reporters, columnists, editors, photographers, etc. across the country. tough! keep putting out a crappy product that is not reflective of what the majority of your audience wants and you will continue to see the financial results you are getting. :rolleyes:

I think everyone agrees that they are newsworthy, but if there's no new information to add, it gets kind of old reading the same thing every time. I realize there are readers that don't pay as much attention as us to the gophers, but at this point I don't know if it's necessary to repeat the same stuff about Trevor and Royce over and over. I think people want to hear more than just the legal troubles.

I have no issue at all with the questions that Myron asked. His job is to report on the team and gather as much information as possible to inform his readers. Like it or not, the issues with Royce, Mbakwe, and Devron ARE newsworthy.

I think everyone agrees that they are newsworthy, but if there's no new information to add, it gets kind of old reading the same thing every time. I realize there are readers that don't pay as much attention as us to the gophers, but at this point I don't know if it's necessary to repeat the same stuff about Trevor and Royce over and over. I think people want to hear more than just the legal troubles.
A couple of things to point out:

  1. while we follow these stories pretty closely, not everyone who reads the Strib's sports section does; and,
  2. I'll bet if there were no threads on Royce, Devron and/or Trevor in a couple of days, somebody here would call out "anyone hear anything new about Royce" or "anyone know what's going on with Trevor's court case?" or "Has anyone heard why Devron got suspended?"

Oh, wait, that last thread has already been started. ... ;)

Another observation: while I disagreed with the disclosure of White's name as being subject to an investigation, anyone want to bet on how many threads/posts we would have had here if somebody had tweeted "I hear that one of the Gopher b'ball players is under investigation for a theft"

While I know some get off on criticizing the media for doing its job (i.e. reporting news), I think a number of folks here should bear in mind Pogo's statement: "We've met the enemy and he is us."

Glass Houses and Stones

that was not a "tough" question. that was just myron being repetitive, which he is prone to be. as are many on GH (especially the masonites)! ;)

I'm sure glad, Bronko, that you don't get repetitive in criticizing Myron (and the media in general). ... :)

A real irony is your reference to Masonites. One of the biggest Masonites was Wren -- and he'd take off after the press just like you do. I still remember his meltdown when the Strib reported that Maturi was going to fire Monson at the end of the season ... lots of similarities to your rants.

I did mention that I understand that most people aren't as up to date on the gophers as we are, so I understand them repeating stuff for a while, but at this point, if there's nothing new to add to the Trevor case and White MOA incident, I don't know if they need to summarize what happened in each article they write. Also, repeating the stuff about them doesn't add anything new so if the paper didn't mention their cases for a few days I don't really think it would make a difference. People on here would figure out that there is no new information.

A couple of things to point out:

  1. while we follow these stories pretty closely, not everyone who reads the Strib's sports section does; and,
  2. I'll bet if there were no threads on Royce, Devron and/or Trevor in a couple of days, somebody here would call out "anyone hear anything new about Royce" or "anyone know what's going on with Trevor's court case?" or "Has anyone heard why Devron got suspended?"

Oh, wait, that last thread has already been started. ... ;)

Another observation: while I disagreed with the disclosure of White's name as being subject to an investigation, anyone want to bet on how many threads/posts we would have had here if somebody had tweeted "I hear that one of the Gopher b'ball players is under investigation for a theft"

While I know some get off on criticizing the media for doing its job (i.e. reporting news), I think a number of folks here should bear in mind Pogo's statement: "We've met the enemy and he is us."

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