great video: tubby takes myron down a couple notches w/ the patented "stare". love it

I'm sure glad, Bronko, that you don't get repetitive in criticizing Myron (and the media in general). ... :)

A real irony is your reference to Masonites. One of the biggest Masonites was Wren -- and he'd take off after the press just like you do. I still remember his meltdown when the Strib reported that Maturi was going to fire Monson at the end of the season ... lots of similarities to your rants.

do you really want to do this again rick? let me know. thanks

p.s. you are way off

Just a quick question for the people who think that the media has been too focussed on who isn't here than who is:

What if the reason that they aren't playing was because of injury. Say Trevor and Royce suffered significant injuries and Bostick has a bad hamstring.

Would it be piling on if they continued to write about the injury? Or would that be OK? Or are you mad because of why they are out?

The end of the interview WAS funny, and I'm not a huge fan of Myron's, but I don't think that Myron asked anything wrong - he was trying to get some information. That's his job. Myron was right. So was Tubby.

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