Great get: Allen. Do you think he is the consolation prize?

My understanding is that LeBradford Smith is actually LeBradford Schmidt and didn't make it to a HS combine and may not be on any site at all. He is a very interesting story. His father is a German national who is heavily involved in Missionary work. He met LeBradford's mother on a mission to Uganda. They are currently working in Uzbekistan and doing wonderful work. LeBradford is a brilliant 'homeschool' story and has been accepted to Harvard. Although he has Edwards like dimensions he is only being considered as a preferred walk-on. This will only play out over time.

I just found a short article on him. He's 6'5", 332 lbs. Kind of a funky looking dude. Apparently he's an Uzbeki junior powerlifting champion and an avid wrestler. He hasn't exactly played a lot of "traditional" football but it is a game that is very similar. It is a game called rotsgrieb. It sounds like it is a combination of rugby and polo but instead of a ball it is a goat carcass. It also appears he does a lot of his training Rocky IV style by running in the snow, climbing mountains, and splitting timber. did it. You found the LeBradford I was talking about.

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