Gray vs Shortell: Who ya got?

Come on man, he missed wide open receivers on multiple occasions?! Rule number one when looking for a QB is can he throw the ball? If no other QB on the roster can throw better than that then they should pull all of their scholarships and start over.

Should Gray be benched? I don't think so; even the best players are entitled to a bad game.
However; as I have stated in other posts, I don't know that we have the best player playing
because the starting position was never won it was appointed.

Now with that being said; this could be Grays worst game of the season. A game the gophers still
won. The gophers can still go undefeated and Gray can still win the Heisman so I won't get to caught up in one game.

My man, so you think that Kill is the only coach who pushes aside competition to allow his choice to rise to to the top of the depth chart? I know you really like Brewster, but if you look at Brews first year, and all the other years, he did that all over the place. I don't see why you keep taking side jabs at Kill for certain things, when those that you appear to respect more do the same thing.

( Actually I do know why you hold some disdain for Kill, but to me it is unwarranted)

Gray said his adrenaline was flowing - he will calm down and get on track with the next 3 at home. Its all good!

Gray said his adrenaline was flowing - he will calm down and get on track with the next 3 at home. Its all good!

+1 I liked what I saw late in the game and the overtimes. First 3 quarters, not so much :)

We are talking about this after the first game? Really? This is Gray's second year at the quarterback position in college just like Mr. Shortell and I think once Gray get the kinks worked out with his passing game and not aim like many have said before, our offense improves drastically! But a quarterback controversy question after one game in which we won (that's all that matters now the day after) is ridiculous in my opinion... :confused:

I like you Darren & usually agree with you, but this time I think you've got it backwards. Chicken & the Egg scenario but I don't think the defense stacked the box because they respected Gray the runner, they stacked the box because they didn't respect Gray the passer, especially after the first few horrible incompletions.

Benching Gray for Shortell would not solve anything. Do people realize the reason why 4-5 times we had a WR open behind the secondary? It's because the safeties were cheating up to account for Gray's running threat. Those were CB's on an island in 1:1 coverage. Insert Shortell and all of a sudden you have 2 additional safeties back there and the throw isn't so easy now.

This isn't an excuse on Gray. He made some pretty poor throws last night and if this team wishes to score some upsets in conference he will need to play better. However; Gray gives the team a dimension on offense that we haven't had for quite awhile.

"He's a Senior. He doesn't need to get better, he needs to be better."... (plagiarized from a poster at GI)

Gray said his adrenaline was flowing - he will calm down and get on track with the next 3 at home. Its all good!

Gray vs Shortell: Who ya got?

Last I checked, we've got both.

I don't know what's up with this gray obsession at WR. I think he will be an NFL TE. Not a WR.

Also he will start all 12 games at QB this year if healthy.

I don't know what's up with this gray obsession at WR. I think he will be an NFL TE. Not a WR.

Also he will start all 12 games at QB this year if healthy.

Is that why he put on the extra weight?

I don't know why he put on all the weight. But the weight isn't going to allow him to play WR. When's the last time you have seen a 260+ pound WR who probably can't run a 4.5? He seems like more of a 4.7-4.8 guy watching live.
Put an 8 before the five and a lightnight bolt on his jersey and he looks like a body type clone of Antonio gates. Same proportions.

I like you Darren & usually agree with you, but this time I think you've got it backwards. Chicken & the Egg scenario but I don't think the defense stacked the box because they respected Gray the runner, they stacked the box because they didn't respect Gray the passer, especially after the first few horrible incompletions.

Difference of opinion then, CRG. But it was pretty clear on that first drive when he overthrew Raabe that they were playing up. Thus they didn't even account for a TE coming out of the backfield. Regardless, even if you are correct it would seem logical that other teams will try to duplicate this and I would rather take my chances that Gray will start making those throws than "starting over" with a new QB after Gray ran the starting offense for a full spring and fall camp.

I won't vote either, but this is definitely the stupidest thread of this young season.

Gray and this should not even be a question. Earlier posters in this thread perfectly stated the reasons why. Shortell did nothing to even warrant consideration.

My man, so you think that Kill is the only coach who pushes aside competition to allow his choice to rise to to the top of the depth chart? I know you really like Brewster, but if you look at Brews first year, and all the other years, he did that all over the place. I don't see why you keep taking side jabs at Kill for certain things, when those that you appear to respect more do the same thing.

( Actually I do know why you hold some disdain for Kill, but to me it is unwarranted)

1st off you are correct, unfortunately it is the norm for coaches to push aside competition in favor of someone they want to win the position. However, that doesn't make it right and it certainly don't bold well for the long term success for a coach. No, I'm wrong. A coach can still last it just severely taints the college experience for some of his players.

Brew? You are correct he's a friend. I understand how you could arrive at your conclusion but I'm much more direct than that. I said what I meant to say. Players that legitimately won their positions by their play on the field will have the success of their season determined by something other than that. This was not meant to be a shot at Kill.

So....what is the "unwarranted" reason for my disdain for coach Kill?

I don't know why he put on all the weight. But the weight isn't going to allow him to play WR. When's the last time you have seen a 260+ pound WR who probably can't run a 4.5? He seems like more of a 4.7-4.8 guy watching live.
Put an 8 before the five and a lightnight bolt on his jersey and he looks like a body type clone of Antonio gates. Same proportions.

I completely agree with you. Both Gray and Hageman have NFL bodies. I have no doubt Gray will collect years of NFL pay a TE. He's a good kid and hard work...not to mention an outstanding athlete.

Watching Hageman 4 years into his college career still stand straight up at the snap tells me I was 100 percent correct that he should have been moved to LT on the offense. Just thinking of a o-line that had Rasheed at one tackle and Seantrel Henderson makes me wonder about the possibilities of Mn talent.

It all makes me wonder of the game inexperience of the commentors who never played the game but are authorities on all things.

Wow. Where's the thread that Adam Weber will be a starting QB in the NFL! Where is that thread. I have a few comments to add.

"Rule number one when looking for a QB is can he throw the ball? If no other QB on the roster can throw better than that then they should pull all of their scholarships and start over."

My rule number one for a quarterback is does he win? got me. That would be number for one me also.

Wow. Where's the thread that Adam Weber will be a starting QB in the NFL! Where is that thread. I have a few comments to add.

They shot themselves in the toe next to the left big toe.

I completely agree with you. Both Gray and Hageman have NFL bodies. I have no doubt Gray will collect years of NFL pay a TE. He's a good kid and hard work...not to mention an outstanding athlete.

Watching Hageman 4 years into his college career still stand straight up at the snap tells me I was 100 percent correct that he should have been moved to LT on the offense. Just thinking of a o-line that had Rasheed at one tackle and Seantrel Henderson makes me wonder about the possibilities of Mn talent.

You have a dizzying football acumen.

Staring down receivers, rarely checked down to his second or third receiver options, was hesitent to throw after the interception, miss reads - throwing into double coverage when others were open, more than just overthrown passes he was terribly inaccurate and missed even some very short passes, and on a few plays threw (incomplete) when he should have tucked it and run. I've watched a lot of Qb play over the years and MG's 1st 3 quarters were brutal. A posed quarterback stands in the pocket and completes those basic routes that they have practiced hundreds of times. They put the ball out where their receivers have a chance to adjust and make the catch. A posed Qb in the 1st half would have had us up by more than 2 TDs because he would have made the throws that should be made. It's a good thing that he finally woke up and started playing better or that would have been a horrible loss.

I honestly don't remember a whole lot of this. If he was staring down receivers, you'd think there would have been more contested passes (like the interception). It seemed to me a majority of times the incompletions were because of bad throws, not bad decisions.

Wow. Where's the thread that Adam Weber will be a starting QB in the NFL! Where is that thread. I have a few comments to add.

I did add it to that thread. I dared anyone to bet me he'd never start a game in the NFL...

People are forgetting that the way the team played against UNLV isn't how they played last year. Last year was quick passes and easy reads. This year they trust him enough to let him throw downfield more often and have in general made the game plan more complicated. Gray has definitely improved and I say wait until he gets more settled in the new way the team is playing.

Also, for those wondering why Gray added weight it's so that he could take more hits. I wouldn't be surprised if after the season he chose to work on his speed and dropped down to 240 at least.

Wow. Where's the thread that Adam Weber will be a starting QB in the NFL! Where is that thread. I have a few comments to add.

I can only speak for myself, I was on the side that believed Adam would be drafted and that he would be an NFL QB. I never said he would start. As far as predictions go I was one out of two (yes he will on someone's team this year).

The truth is if Adam would have played at Wisconsin where he was badly wanted and needed he would have most diffinately been drafted. In stead of pulling for his for him not to be successful in he NFL you might consider cheering for him because he didn't take the easy/smart path to the league.

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