Gophers vs Wofford

Keep me posted on the score. I can't get it on tv or radio right now (at a place where I can't put the radio on).

Gophers lead at the half, 31-21.

Sampson 11, Nolen 6, Mbakwe 5, Iverson 4, Armelin 3, Williams 2

Sampson with 6 rebounds, Iverson and Mbakwe with 5 each.

Audio feed on ESPN radio WSPG Spartanburg. You can also find the radio link on the Wofford web site. Decent play-by-play. Halftime.

Neither team is shooting well, Gophers too big and athletic for Wofford. Blake is blanketed - foced first shot and then missed a little jumper in the lane - good shot just did not go.

Al looks much better, Trevor had some good flashes too - he has been out for a while.

Ralph wide open for 3 - refused to shoot.
Rodney fouled driving to basket.

Currently: Sampson 15, Armelin 7, Mbakwe 7, Nolan 6, Iverson 6, Williams 4

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