Gophers Jerry Kill: "We have to beat our border teams, and our rival teams"


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per the Hibbing Daily Tribune:

“We’re certainly making strides,” Kill said. “The four Big Ten wins in a row when it hadn’t been done in a long time, and beating Nebraska and Penn State were critical.

“I think the kids did a great job. They’re learning how to win. They’re learning how to win games we haven’t won in a long time. Hopefully, we’ve built some confidence going into next season.”

Trying to improve upon that mark won’t be easy.

“We have a very tough schedule, and a big challenge ahead of us,” Kill said.

Kill knows he has to beat the likes of Michigan and Ohio State, but he said there’s even more important games his team has to win.

“We have to beat our border teams, and our rival teams (Wisconsin and Iowa),” Kill said. “We need to be able to compete with those people and win. Certainly next season, those are going to be critical games because they’re right there in our backyard.

“They will certainly make a difference in the conference race.”

Go Gophers!!

If we win, it's all about winning, and, we practice to win. Winning is good. We like to win. If we play games, we want to win. Win! Win! Its a win-win if we win!

If we play a rival, that is a critical game. If we play non-rivals, they are critical games. All games are critical. Playing the game to win is critical. If we win critical games, that is a win-win. We play to win.

If we compete against those people, and win, that to is a win-win.

At Minnesota, we don't just go for the victory, we go for the win-win.

We are winners.

Winning makes a difference in conference.

If we make a mark, it will be in winning. That is the mark of a winning team.

Improving on that win is why, at Minnesota, we came up with the idea of the win-win. Every season, off-season, we review the tapes on our wins to see just how they became win-wins.

Next season, games will be played right here. Those are critical games and we have every reason that each win will count double for Minnesota as they are win-win games. If we beat Iowa that is a win-win. That puts us at 2-0 right there. Add Wisconsin, and we match last years 4 win critical conference mark. That's a win-win, so it could mean we win the division at 8-0 with those two games.

I have thought about that a lot and it all adds up. We need a win-win effort in our rival games. If we win this year, it could mean as many as 4096 victories for us, which may be good enough for Minnesota to go to the Poinsettia Bowl.

If we win, it's all about winning, and, we practice to win. Winning is good. We like to win. If we play games, we want to win. Win! Win! Its a win-win if we win!

If we play a rival, that is a critical game. If we play non-rivals, they are critical games. All games are critical. Playing the game to win is critical. If we win critical games, that is a win-win. We play to win.

If we compete against those people, and win, that to is a win-win.

At Minnesota, we don't just go for the victory, we go for the win-win.

We are winners.

Winning makes a difference in conference.

If we make a mark, it will be in winning. That is the mark of a winning team.

Improving on that win is why, at Minnesota, we came up with the idea of the win-win. Every season, off-season, we review the tapes on our wins to see just how they became win-wins.

Next season, games will be played right here. Those are critical games and we have every reason that each win will count double for Minnesota as they are win-win games. If we beat Iowa that is a win-win. That puts us at 2-0 right there. Add Wisconsin, and we match last years 4 win critical conference mark. That's a win-win, so it could mean we win the division at 8-0 with those two games.

I have thought about that a lot and it all adds up. We need a win-win effort in our rival games. If we win this year, it could mean as many as 4096 victories for us, which may be good enough for Minnesota to go to the Poinsettia Bowl.

Now I know what wren would say if he was sarcastic. Thanks Dean.

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Now I know what wren would say if he was sarcastic. Thanks Dean.

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What a fool you are dilemina. It's the damn losses that kills the career of a killer coach. And losing too often to the stinking badgers will kill the career of that killer coach, especially if he loses to the stinking hawgseyez too often too. Blowing border battle games borders on the insane and is also a killer of the career of a potentially killer coach.

What a fool you are dilemina. It's the damn losses that kills the career of a killer coach. And losing too often to the stinking badgers will kill the career of that killer coach, especially if he loses to the stinking hawgseyez too often too. Blowing border battle games borders on the insane and is also a killer of the career of a potentially killer coach.
Wren your absolutely right! Short and to the point much more readable than usual.

What a fool I am dilemina. It's these damn babbling posts of mine that kills the my career as a rational poster. And saying the same thing too often will also kill the career of a babbling poster, especially if he loses his way too often too. Always blowing smoke up people a$$es borders on the insane and it is also a killer of the career posters like myself.


May I suggest that any concise Wren post be met with only the strongest of encouragements?

It is all about conference wins. We will know at the end of the season. My Gophers. :)

Wren your absolutely right! Short and to the point much more readable than usual.

What the hey is wrong with you msmike? MORE is much better! Besides that I would NEVER want to be like a LOT the posters on this board. You do it your way and I will always post the way I wish to post. If you don't like it: just don't read it nsmike. One line little posts or "postettes" aren't worth reading.

What the hey is wrong with you msmike? MORE is much better! Besides that I would NEVER want to be like a LOT the posters on this board. You do it your way and I will always post the way I wish to post. If you don't like it: just don't read it nsmike. One line little posts or "postettes" aren't worth reading.

“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

“The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible.”
― George Burns

“Personally, I am always more impressed by simplicity, clarity; it is the mark of a writer who knows his subject well and is secure enough not to 'lay it on' in the telling. Aim for complexity of thought, not expression.”
― Noah Lukeman, The First Five Pages: A Writer's Guide To Staying Out of the Rejection Pile

“My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is, Why day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day and time.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.”
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

If we win, it's all about winning, and, we practice to win. Winning is good. We like to win. If we play games, we want to win. Win! Win! Its a win-win if we win!

If we play a rival, that is a critical game. If we play non-rivals, they are critical games. All games are critical. Playing the game to win is critical. If we win critical games, that is a win-win. We play to win.

If we compete against those people, and win, that to is a win-win.

At Minnesota, we don't just go for the victory, we go for the win-win.

We are winners.

Winning makes a difference in conference.

If we make a mark, it will be in winning. That is the mark of a winning team.

Improving on that win is why, at Minnesota, we came up with the idea of the win-win. Every season, off-season, we review the tapes on our wins to see just how they became win-wins.

Next season, games will be played right here. Those are critical games and we have every reason that each win will count double for Minnesota as they are win-win games. If we beat Iowa that is a win-win. That puts us at 2-0 right there. Add Wisconsin, and we match last years 4 win critical conference mark. That's a win-win, so it could mean we win the division at 8-0 with those two games.

I have thought about that a lot and it all adds up. We need a win-win effort in our rival games. If we win this year, it could mean as many as 4096 victories for us, which may be good enough for Minnesota to go to the Poinsettia Bowl.

And if we don't win, we whine in Gopherhole tradition... It's amazing if you look back at the change in tone on GH from over a year ago.

WAR AND PEACE, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, almost any novel worth reading sure as hell is more appealing to me than reading some philosophy book.

And what does classic literature, philosophy, poetry or ANY play have to do with what is written on GOPHER HOLE? Man, unregisteredlittlepictureguy, those little pictures and crap-stained pieces of trash you post here represent unending, repetitious, end of Western Civilization kinds of examples of all that is bad, unholy and unscholarly in the year 2014 and WAY beyond.

What is posted on this site represents an experiment in communicating about Golden Gopher Football/hoops and a few other subjects. The "off topic" board is pretty much pure political point of view bull, bias, dogma and doctrine.

Give me a break. YOU have posted some of the sickest trash on this board. And, you claim to be someone's father? Is some of the stuff you have posted trash that you would like your children to read?

No, I will write the way I write and you people can either read it, if you choose or not read it if that is what you would wish to do. You fools spend so much time trying to tell me what to to write...I am always amazed.

You know, it makes me wonder how any post I make could be more effective. I have a whole little of army of "pot-shot-posters" falling all over themselves to try to attach themselves to some of my posts to attempt to do their dirt...make their mischief...and be gross, funny or cute. During slow times on this site: I bring out the best from all of you who fight to become the lowest of the low, worst of the worst, the meanest of the mean and the most inappropriate of the inappropriate.

I am what I am. You each are what you each are. No more. No less. Each and every one of you who attempt to dis me...dis yourselves in the process. None of us are literary genius types of posters. We each have our own styles. NO ONE should ever be forced into some little stereotypical role, style or format. I am who I am and I will be who I am. I would hope the same for each of you. But, no imperfect, strange, mean or ill-spirited little mob of attack-dogs will ever force me or entice me to give up being me. So: let the words flow. Let the barbs fly.

There is one thing for certain: there are NO Shakespeare Nietzsche, Fitzgerald or any other literary genius types just hanging around this joint. Hemmingway just ain't posting here. So have fun. Let the crap fly if that is what you do. And, everybody ought to just be him/her self. But, don't even think any of you will change anything about me. I'll do it my way for as lone as I can keep doing it!

For as long as some of us have hung out here, gone away and come back here in some cases and continue to be here: ALL of us love it just the way it is and do our damn best to keep it just the way it is.

And: that's the way it is in this 24th day of May in the year 2014. Now, if you will excuse me, F. Scott, Zelda, Pappa Hemmingway and a few of the others are just waiting down the street a ways for me. Have fun boys and girls!

And if we don't win, we whine in Gopherhole tradition... It's amazing if you look back at the change in tone on GH from over a year ago.

We won't be happy for long if we don't beat Wisconsin soon. I am so sick of losing to them that I am getting close to a point where I will not consider a season a success if we still have the losing streak going.

WAR AND PEACE, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, almost any novel worth reading sure as hell is more appealing to me than reading some philosophy book.

And what does classic literature, philosophy, poetry or ANY play have to do with what is written on GOPHER HOLE? Man, unregisteredlittlepictureguy, those little pictures and crap-stained pieces of trash you post here represent unending, repetitious, end of Western Civilization kinds of examples of all that is bad, unholy and unscholarly in the year 2014 and WAY beyond.

What is posted on this site represents an experiment in communicating about Golden Gopher Football/hoops and a few other subjects. The "off topic" board is pretty much pure political point of view bull, bias, dogma and doctrine.

No, I will write the way I write and you people can either read it, if you choose or not read it if that is what you would wish to do. You fools spend so much time trying to tell me what to to write...I am always amazed.

There is a reason why MV(Matt) banned wren from his site (FBT) and the The Daily Gopher doesn't put up with wren's crap. Monitors you really need to do something about him. From above it is patently obvious that his primary objective is to stop any real conversation here other that his personal agenda of feeding his ego. Enough is enough! Do your job!

Wren, I don't think Unregistered User's response of quotes required a tirade.

Killjoy, what was so offensive that requires a ban?

Wren, I don't think Unregistered User's response of quotes required a tirade.

Killjoy, what was so offensive that requires a ban?

wren has a long and sorted career of making blogs unreadable. For a while he was posting manifestos that put A.J. Barker to shame. He partnered with Panther$$$$ to close down any conversation on the Strib blog that he didn't like. I don't know if you noticed it but wren doesn't like it when I posts things from The Daily Gopher here. That is because they won't put up him there. Matt at The Daily Gopher wouldn't either when he ran the FBT site. I can go and on and on but this guy can is poison to a site.

MN>Iowee, MN>Wisky every year=Eternal Happiness :)

Did I ever tell you how proud we are of Minnesota winners! They are champions. And, as everybody knows, champions are winners. They just don't hand out those championships like they used to years ago. That makes us really big winners. Nothing small every came out of Minnesota. Yep, when I was talking to my wife about all with win-win games we should be victorious this year, she said, "Honey, you're a real winner!" I feel so lucky to have my wife tell me I'm a winner! Ya ain't a winner until your wife reminds you of winning and go out and be a winner. Minnesota, we recruit like we are family and bring the wives of winners around to keep up our conversation of winning. At Minnesota, there is no doubt you'll be known as a real winner!

At Minnesota, we teach kids how to be winners. At Carlson school, you talk about winners. In CLA -- winner talk! Upon graduation at Minnesota, winner talk produces more winners. That's why I want all of you in Bemidji to support our team with winner talk. Its critical we talk winner talk at Minnesota.

wren has a long and sorted career of making blogs unreadable. For a while he was posting manifestos that put A.J. Barker to shame. He partnered with Panther$$$$ to close down any conversation on the Strib blog that he didn't like. I don't know if you noticed it but wren doesn't like it when I posts things from The Daily Gopher here. That is because they won't put up him there. Matt at The Daily Gopher wouldn't either when he ran the FBT site. I can go and on and on but this guy can is poison to a site.
I'd disagree. I enjoy a lot of Wren's posts. Many make a lot of sense, some I don't like. 'Merica. Killjoy, I've noticed you make a reactionary post to most of Wren's posts. What's up with that? If it bothers you so much, put Wren on ignore. Speak for yourself because you somehow think you have the temperature of the board. No need to get your undies in a bundle.

Did I ever tell you how proud we are of Minnesota winners! They are champions. And, as everybody knows, champions are winners. They just don't hand out those championships like they used to years ago. That makes us really big winners. Nothing small every came out of Minnesota. Yep, when I was talking to my wife about all with win-win games we should be victorious this year, she said, "Honey, you're a real winner!" I feel so lucky to have my wife tell me I'm a winner! Ya ain't a winner until your wife reminds you of winning and go out and be a winner. Minnesota, we recruit like we are family and bring the wives of winners around to keep up our conversation of winning. At Minnesota, there is no doubt you'll be known as a real winner!

At Minnesota, we teach kids how to be winners. At Carlson school, you talk about winners. In CLA -- winner talk! Upon graduation at Minnesota, winner talk produces more winners. That's why I want all of you in Bemidji to support our team with winner talk. Its critical we talk winner talk at Minnesota. used that schtick earlier in this post. Time to put it to bed.

Beat Wisconsin and shut their a - hole fans up. They've two programs they pound theirs chests on. Take that away
from them and they're a remake of " The Grapes of Wrath " Look at the Border Battle results.

getting back to the original post:

A college football coach is speaking to a booster group. What the bleep do you expect him to say?

"We're gonna get our butts kicked this year!"

If Kill did that, people would be calling for his head.

Coaches speak in "coach-speak." some are more obvious about it than others, but almost no coach is going to get up in front of the the media, or a booster group, and actually be totally honest about his (or her) team.

I don't give a rat's butt what Kill says to some booster group. I care about the team he puts on the field, and how they play.

Until we beat the Badgers, no football season can be considered truly successful.

Until we beat the Badgers, no football season can be considered truly successful.

So, a hypothetical season where we go 14-1 and win the national title wouldn't be considered "truly successful" to you?

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