Gophers Jerry Kill: "We have to beat our border teams, and our rival teams"

getting back to the original post:
A college football coach is speaking to a booster group. What the bleep do you expect him to say? "We're gonna get our butts kicked this year!" If Kill did that, people would be calling for his head.
Coaches speak in "coach-speak." some are more obvious about it than others, but almost no coach is going to get up in front of the the media, or a booster group, and actually be totally honest about his (or her) team. I don't give a rat's butt what Kill says to some booster group. I care about the team he puts on the field, and how they play.
SON, I like reading your posts and generally agree with your viewpoints. Yes, coaches "coach speak" and do it all the time. However, it is my observation that Kill is very hesitant to make comments that he can't back up. I realize that he doesn't perfectly know the future, but I think that he is anticipating that we will beat at least one of our border rivals this year. I hope that I'm right.

wren has a long and sorted career of making blogs unreadable. For a while he was posting manifestos that put A.J. Barker to shame. He partnered with Panther$$$$ to close down any conversation on the Strib blog that he didn't like. I don't know if you noticed it but wren doesn't like it when I posts things from The Daily Gopher here. That is because they won't put up him there. Matt at The Daily Gopher wouldn't either when he ran the FBT site. I can go and on and on but this guy can is poison to a site.

Did you mean "sordid?" I used to read wren's posts in entirety, but came to realize I'll never get those minutes back and rarely gain anything. His earlier concise post caught me off guard, but, alas he immediately followed up with one I had to skip. Sigh. I support his right to write, however, and also defend my right not to read. lol

Did you mean "sordid?" I used to read wren's posts in entirety, but came to realize I'll never get those minutes back and rarely gain anything. His earlier concise post caught me off guard, but, alas he immediately followed up with one I had to skip. Sigh. I support his right to write, however, and also defend my right not to read. lol

I will let you decide. One of the definitions of sorted as a noun is "an example of something that is undistinguished or barely adequate while one definition of sordid as a noun is "morally ignoble or base; vile."

I will let you decide. One of the definitions of sorted as a noun is "an example of something that is undistinguished or barely adequate while one definition of sordid as a noun is "morally ignoble or base; vile."

LOL. In that case, you didn't clear anything up.

"Killme...", is that a cry for help or are you just a victim waiting to happen? It is ironic that killme and killjoy have now joined forces to try to become a tag team to attempt to rip on another poster. Are they going to become the "killtoys?" I fear it will be suicide for "killme" if he succumbs to the temptation of trying to rip on others as poorly as that killjoy character r.i.p.s. What a "deadbeat" couple of stiffs the killtoys will present. I have to warn you "killme", you are making a grave error. Your whole act you two have undertaken will be d. o. a.

You need help, "killme..." Perhaps you and killjoy should take a cruise and just be buried six feet under. Better yet, you can both take a long hike off a short pier any and EVERY time you try to rip on or kill the joy of another poster...

Your writing style is almost clever, wren, but in missing the mark it becomes weird and makes me feel icky. Your opinions are valid, it's just your style that some are turned off by. By that measure, I believe my opinions are valid, too. My intention was not to rip on you, merely to express my observation about your opinions and style. You seem to crave attention, so it's not surprising that you've over-magnified the drama. Thus, I apologize for my comments that offended you and I will try to be sure not to mention you here again.

Your writing style is almost clever, wren, but in missing the mark it becomes weird and makes me feel icky. Your opinions are valid, it's just your style that some are turned off by. By that measure, I believe my opinions are valid, too. My intention was not to rip on you, merely to express my observation about your opinions and style. You seem to crave attention, so it's not surprising that you've over-magnified the drama. Thus, I apologize for my comments that offended you and I will try to be sure not to mention you here again.

You can think and do what ever you want. It would be far better if you just don't read what you don't want to read. You certainly have my permission and my blessing to do that. Talk about weird: are you a grown person. Do you still feel "icky?" Sorry, but that seems mighty weird to me. But, it doesn't make me feel "icky" That seems like something very young children may describe. Hope you manage to work through that some day.

You see, killme, I don't make you feel anything. You do that to yourself. Are you really the type of person who tries to get by with blaming your feelings on someone else? That is not healthy and that is not a mature, adult reaction.

Grow up a little, killme. And good luck to you. But, please: take responsibility for your own feelings and your own self confidence and happiness. And, please make your 538th post a bit more adult in nature than your less than "big boy" 537th attempt...


See killme?

wren is just an @hole.

See killme?

wren is just an @hole.

You can do that if you want, I guess unregistered@hole. But your $.it is blowing right back in your face. You must really love all that blowback splattering upside your cheek and gums...

Sorry unregistered@hole: it's going to take a hell of a lot more than that kind of crap from you to bother me. Come on, you can top that. You have been posting that for well over a year now. Do more. Do it more often. Be cruder. Be more obnoxious. Gross more people out. You must be invincible. The moderators around here will let you get by with anything...everything... Come on unregistered@hole. Take it to a new level. You, and you alone can do what ever you damn well please.

It's all good though.

in the mean while, have a really nice day.

So, what's for supper unregistered@hole?

Winning is everything. At Minnesota, we want it all. We want everything. That is why at Minnesota, we recruit kleptomaniacs.

Winning is everything. At Minnesota, we want it all. We want everything. That is why at Minnesota, we recruit kleptomaniacs.

I keep imagining J.K. Simmons doing these "winning" speeches. That, or a company like Veridian Dynamics.

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