Gophers hosting Junior Day on Feb. 2nd

A close friend in the program told me the reason Wilkie is generating so much interest is because the gophers eventually want a pro-style with a pocket passing QB.

Mn really has some top notch QB's. I'm curious to see if Kill changes philosophy on offense at all. I see them going in the direction of what Wisonsin tries to do on offense and run the QB's less.

A close friend in the program told me the reason Wilkie is generating so much interest is because the gophers eventually want a pro-style with a pocket passing QB.

I still think the Minnesota QB's in this class are ranked:
1. Travis - De La Salle
2. Wilkie - Andover
3. Parra - Roseville

The problem is that Reid Travis will most likely play college basketball and eventually play in the NBA (whether that means leaving college early or not). But I would love to see him in maroon and gold as a QB or a TE.

As "60's Guy" said, I too wouldn't mind the Gophers early offering these top 10 guys and show some favor to the BCS bound Minnesota players.

I think you might be right! Running QB's typically are more difficult to keep healthy and it is tough to win when your starter is in street clothes. I know everyone loves the RG3's of the world, but having someone that can make good reads and strong throws, is just as valuable. Personally, I think the only reason that the Gophs have been running the offense they have the past 2 seasons, is because they don't have the WR's or QB to run a pro style offense, yet.
I do also agree that the talent coming out of the 2014 class is strong and I hope the Gophs can keep as many of these kids as possible. Maybe Jeffery Jones is just the start of signing top MN kids and bringing in a few highly rated recruits from across the country.

It's incredibly terrible movie about a psychotic killer. A real non-classic.
I'm getting old, when I think 'Son of Sam' I think real life serial killer, not horrible movie.

I think you might be right! Running QB's typically are more difficult to keep healthy and it is tough to win when your starter is in street clothes. I know everyone loves the RG3's of the world, but having someone that can make good reads and strong throws, is just as valuable. Personally, I think the only reason that the Gophs have been running the offense they have the past 2 seasons, is because they don't have the WR's or QB to run a pro style offense, yet.
I do also agree that the talent coming out of the 2014 class is strong and I hope the Gophs can keep as many of these kids as possible. Maybe Jeffery Jones is just the start of signing top MN kids and bringing in a few highly rated recruits from across the country.

It's also the offense that this staff runs. I wouldn't expect to see any changes in the kind of offense we run, it might open up a bit if we get more weapons, but I'd be shocked if we didn't see a lot of zone-read and PA off of that play.

These guys all sort of fit that mold too.

A pro style would be a change in the Jerry Kill philosophy. The right players it would be fun it Minnesota became a team that ran 90 plays a game.

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