Gophers fans, you have an 8 hour flight, you get to pick your seat, where are you sitting?

I’m an aisle seat guy and I don’t think Herb was an exceptionally large man so give me 2.
He's also someone that probably doesn't like to chat much so that would be perfect for me. I like Fleck but would hate to be sitting next to someone like him on a long flight.

Give me Seat #4. I’m wearing knee high socks the entire flight, even if it cuts off circulation in my legs.


Go Gophers!!

I am sitting in seat #4 if I have the chance. If I am sitting in seat #9, I am going to be tempted to do the old professional wrestling double noggin knocker.

At first glance, I thought the #3 jersey in row 10 was Miles Tarver. However, upon further investigation, I was disappointed. 🙁

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