GopherHole's Weekly Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 9/4/13


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill appeared on the Sports Huddle earlier than usual. Instead of the 10:05 a.m. time slot, he was interviewed by Sid and Dave during the show's first segment at 9:30 a.m. Dave said Kill was on the practice field with a cell phone and was getting ready for the day's fall drills to start.

1) Sid asked what his impressions are of the team after the first three practices: What has leaped out for coach Kill has been the team's athleticism on both sides of the ball. He also said he's noticed changes in body types in some of the players. In short, he sounded pleased with the condition of the team at the start of the fall drills.

2) Sid, again, asked how the Texas Tech game in last year's bowl game has helped the team: Kill acknowledged the December game was helpful; however, he stressed that this is a new team and a new season. Kill alluded, however, that the Texas Tech game probably helped in their recruiting efforts. He sounded excited about the freshmen and Juco players that are experiencing their first practices at Minnesota: "Recruiting is a must . . . good players make good coaches."

3) Sid said having Jamel Harbison and McDonald back at wide receivers had to be a plus: Kill replied, "I think being back helps." However, he quickly talked about the great competition that is being played out at the wide out position: "There's extreme competition."

Players mentioned: Freshmen receivers Eric Carter and Drew Wolitarsky. He sounded quite excited with their athleticism and performances thus far. He also said Isaac Fruechte and Derrick Engel reported in at "great shape." Kill sounded pleased and excited with the competition that is at wide receiver and the pass catching abilities displayed thus far.

4) Sid asked about the team's physical condition (it appeared to him as though this year's group looks in better condition than in years past): Kill replied that credit for the team's physical shape goes to the strength and conditioning coaches and that the players have been with the coaching group for a couple years; however, he was quick to add, "We're not there yet . . . We're starting to look like a Big 10 team, but (again) we're not there yet."

5) Mona asked if the quarterback position (Nelson and Leidner) looks like that of Chandler Harnish and Jordan Lynch at NIU: Kill said in some ways it does look similar. He said Harnish started as a freshman (as did Nelson last year at mid-season), but Harnish was injured and then they had to use several QBs. As a sophomore Harnish had some hard lessons he had to learn from. Speaking generally, Kill said the quarterbacks need to "make great reads and don't turn the ball over."

6) Sid asked if any injured players that sat out spring ball have caught his eyes during the early drills: Kill mentioned Jonah Pirsig is practicing and receiving individual help/coaching (still recovering from his injury of last year). He then said center Jon Christenson has looked good in practice after being injured last spring and has recovered from his surgery. He followed up, after mentioning Christenson's name, "We definitely need to stay healthy."

7) Sid asked, if you had to play a game tomorrow, how would the secondary look?: Kill sounded enthusiastic and positive about the secondary. He says the defensive backs are the "strength of the team." He also used the familiar cautionary note: "We have to stay healthy." There was no doubt, however, that he's pleased with the size and athleticism of the corners and safeties.

8) Mona then asked about Berkley Edwards and the apparent excitement about the running back: Kill tempered his remarks by talking about the importance of pass blocking by the running backs: "You need to teach them (pass blocking) when they come in . . . it takes awhile, picking up blitzes and check downs (reads) . . . (Kill acknowledged he favors large running backs for blocking purposes) need bigger backs . . . need to be smart on the field."

9) Brock Vereen reportedly told Sid he's learned a lot from his older brother: Kill quickly responded, "He's been a good football player since he's been here . . . a player under the radar." Kill continued to speak highly of Vereen, saying, "Best secondary player . . . can play at the next level . . . chance to be All Big 10."

After Kill completed his comments about Brock Vereen, it was time for a commercial break and Mona asked if Kill could stay over for a couple more questions. Kill said he could however, it would have to be quick because the morning drills were about to start.

Unfortunately, I then lost my connection to the show - I waited for the next series of questions but the radio airwaves remained blank. So, if anyone heard the final questions of coach Kill, please post his remarks. Thanks in advance.

Go Gophers!!

DL...Sunday afternoon now complete. Thanks.

Good stuff. But i knew you were not perfect. The September reference in title is just the OP's need for the season to get here.

Good stuff. But i knew you were not perfect. The September reference in title is just the OP's need for the season to get here.

DL65 is excused for this miscue, because he has been busy with some of us on the Picture Countdown Thread drinking the bottles of beer on the wall.

Thank you once again, DL. I am really excited about the direction of this team. We will surprise some this year.

Lets not make it September just yet, DL. I'm still enjoying my time off!

Typing miscue in thread title . . . "Act in haste, repent in leisure."

Go Gophers!!

Well, DL, when you are in the limelight, all the world's a critic, watching for any minor mistake to make the National Enquirer.

Well, DL, when you are in the limelight, all the world's a critic, watching for any minor mistake to make the National Enquirer.

When you are making the big bucks like DL from his postings you are going to be subject to public scrutiny.

Addendum to today's Sports Huddle via Killjoy's podcast thread.

As mentioned earlier, I missed the last questions after the commercial break due to mechanical malfunction(s).

10) Sid made a comment about Paul Brown drafting Bob Johnson of Tennessee on the first round of an NFL draft (many years ago) and Sid told the legendary coach that that draft pick was a big mistake. Brown, reportedly, told Sid he'd have the player for a long time. After his comment Sid referenced the center woes of last year due to injuries: Kill responded saying there was no question about the importance of the center position and that they had the injury bug last year - had to use three centers and 3 quarterbacks last season.

Kill then mentioned the loss of centers Zak Mottla and Brian Bobek this year. Kill spoke favorably of Jon Christenson's play at center and that they have moved Ernie Heifort to center and Tommy Olson is also practicing at the center position . . . "need more depth." Kill said both Olson and Heifort have been doing a good job at the center position. He also mentioned Zac Epping's name when he was talking about needing depth at center; however, by his tone, it sounded as though he hopes he doesn't have to move Epping to center.

11) Mona then brought up the topic of the team's punting game: "I like what I see in the group . . . until (they're) under pressure, you don't know . . . have to prove it on game day." Kill also said, "Working with punting team as we speak." Again, Kill sounded somewhat positive about this year's punters, but at the same time it's a wait and see situation.

12) Sid finished the questioning by speaking highly of Kill and how fortunate Minnesota is to have him as their head coach - "He's a big leaguer:" Kill thanked Sid for the compliment, saying, "We've been fortunate at other places . . . must prove ourselves (here), working hard to do that."

Kill ended the segment saying they're working on the punting game and would be switching to other drills, shortly.

Go Gophers!!

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