GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 5/18/14


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Nov 20, 2008
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Today is a special day for Sid Hartman. The Minnesota Twins are honoring the Twin Cities sports writing and broadcasting icon at today’s baseball game at Target Field. As a result, a cast of “close personal friends” were guests on ‘CCOs Sports Huddle, including Coach Jerry Kill.

As you might have guessed, the questioning was rather light and jovial. Coach Kill’s comments are as follows:

1) Sid opened the weekly segment singing the praises of Jerry Kill: work ethic and philanthropic work. He said, if Kill doesn’t get it done at Minnesota no one will: Kill replied, “I appreciate that. I’ll give the money after the show.” Sid answered that he didn’t expect to see the money because he (Kill) is so cheap. Laughing, Kill retorted that nobody is as cheap as Sid.(More laughter.)

2) Dave Mona followed up by saying that Sid spends a lot of time at Kill’s office and the practices. Consequently, he’s around Kill’s wife, Rebecca, a lot. Dave wanted to know if Jerry is worried: Laughing, again, Jerry Kill said, “That’s why I didn’t bring her. He’s sneaky.”

3) Sid’s first football-related statement was about the optimism of the coaching staff regarding the team and the upcoming season: “We’re excited the way the kids have worked,” said Kill. “We’ll be better, but so is the schedule.” Kill acknowledged the conference schedule will be tougher. He also said that there is greater parity in the Big Ten.

On the plus side, the athleticism and depth is the best that Minnesota has had since their arrival to the Minneapolis campus, according to Kill.

4) Sid made the statement that the quarterback situation is now settled: Kill affirmed Sid’s assessment, “Mitch is ready to go . . . great leadership, tough . . . needs to work on his passing.” Kill said Mitch has been working out with Adam Weber “everyday.”

Kill emphasized the importance of voluntary practices: “Work this summer is crucial.” I took his last statement to be for the entire team and not just Mitch Leidner.

When Kill was finished with the last question, Dave Mona said Bobby Knight would be on as a guest (via phone) at 10:20. So they would take a break and come back with another question for Jerry Kill following a commercial break. It was shortly after 10:15 when they took the station break. Unfortunately, during the start of a commercial, the station’s streaming went off the air. So, I was not able to hear the last question(s). (This problem hasn’t occurred in a long, long time. I listened to the first half-hour of the Sports Huddle and the first segment of the Jerry Kill portion of the show without any problem. Go figure.)

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL. I would have thought you'd be in that cast of "close personal friends" ;-)

The problems have been traced to Monica Lewinski and Lois Feldman.

Thanks for the report, DL.

Funny Kill & Sid arguing about who's cheaper. Kill & his wife Valet park at a well known establishment in DT Mpls & I know a couple guys who Valet there. Apparently he's very nice, but he doesn't tip at all.

Thanks DL. I would have thought you'd be in that cast of "close personal friends" ;-)

It's an elite group. My late sister, however, gave me a "A Close Personal Friend" t-shirt that 'CCO gave out at the State Fair many years ago. I wore it out doing yard work.

That said, congratulations to Sid for his many, many years of reporting. His column has been a must read, for me, since my early youth. And, of course, I've enjoyed the Sports Huddle for many years, too. I can only imagine the sports memories that he has. He's had a long life and the respect of sports leaders and sports makers. He's had his share of critics, since time has taken its toll, "but then, again, too few to mention."

Go Gophers!!

I remember a few years ago when Sid said, "I wanna say this" and Mona said, "Say it Sid" and Sid said "Uh, uh, uh" and a commercial broke in. I. LMAO.

Sid "The Oracle" is a MN institution.

Kill said Mitch has been working out with Adam Weber “everyday.”

Anyone else worried about that comment? Both Leidner and Nelson had their AWeb-like passes last year. I'm hoping to see more.

Is Weber on the coaching staff or just helping out? Thought someone here mentioned he got picked up by an CFL team.

Crazy to think Sid essentially founded the Mpls Lakers, was GM for many years, including I believe (?) 5 NBA Championships. That alone would have been a hell of a career.

Anyone else worried about that comment? Both Leidner and Nelson had their AWeb-like passes last year. I'm hoping to see more.

Is Weber on the coaching staff or just helping out? Thought someone here mentioned he got picked up by an CFL team.
I'm not sure whether the AWeb passes comment was meant as a compliment or joke, but I am pretty sure CKill would start the sophomore AWeb over anybody he has had on the roster since he has been here.

Crazy to think Sid essentially founded the Mpls Lakers, was GM for many years, including I believe (?) 5 NBA Championships. That alone would have been a hell of a career.

And they played at the old Minneapolis Auditorium, in front of 800 fans.

And that was with the first NBA dominant big man, George Mikan, a DePaul graduate.

Because of Mikan, the lane expanded to its current.

And let's not forget Whitey Skoog, Jim Pollard, et al.

I'm not sure whether the AWeb passes comment was meant as a compliment or joke, but I am pretty sure CKill would start the sophomore AWeb over anybody he has had on the roster since he has been here.

Weber is tied for 2nd most accurate Gophers passer in Gophers history.

I remember a few years ago when Sid said, "I wanna say this" and Mona said, "Say it Sid" and Sid said "Uh, uh, uh" and a commercial broke in. I. LMAO.

My all time favorites are--

"Today's Sports Hero, Martina Navartatolla. Damn it. Today's Sports Hero, Martina Navra-artola. Damn it, I know how to say it. Today's Sports Hero, Martina Navertatola. Goddamn it!"


Mike Max: "Sid, what do you think of the whole (Olympic Skating Gold Medalist) Tara Lipinski situation?"
Sid: "I'm SO sick of hearing about her and Bill Clinton!"

And they played at the old Minneapolis Auditorium, in front of 800 fans.

And that was with the first NBA dominant big man, George Mikan, a DePaul graduate.

Because of Mikan, the lane expanded to its current.

And let's not forget Whitey Skoog, Jim Pollard, et al.

But you forgot Slater Martin and Vern Mikkelsen. I used to go to Lakers games as a kid. The price of admission was 25 cents and a Wheaties box top.

Sid has been the butt of many jokes in regard to his age and such, but MN sports is sure going to miss him when he is gone. Much respect for Sid.

Here we go again with false memories. Weber was a below average QB. You have to remember more than just the MSU game to be fair. Below average. Maybe better than what we had last year, possibly better than what we have this year, but below average none the less.

Here we go again with false memories. Weber was a below average QB. You have to remember more than just the MSU game to be fair. Below average. Maybe better than what we had last year, possibly better than what we have this year, but below average none the less.

Well, if you admit he is better than what we've had the past two years, what is wrong with him bringing our current QBs to that level and THEN asking Tom Brady to stop by for some tips?

Here we go again with false memories. Weber was a below average QB. You have to remember more than just the MSU game to be fair. Below average. Maybe better than what we had last year, possibly better than what we have this year, but below average none the less.

Here we go again... Below average QBs do not throw for 3rd most yards all time in the Big Ten.

Here we go again... Below average QBs do not throw for 3rd most yards all time in the Big Ten.

Amen. I learned long ago to not try use facts to argue with self appointed experts.

Here we go again... Below average QBs do not throw for 3rd most yards all time in the Big Ten.

Don't throw hand picked stats out of context to make your point. He also was a 4-year starter - that may have helped accumulate some yards. Being behind in virtually every game may have helped too. Just sayin.

I would choose wins per start as a hand picked stat to throw at you if I wanted to play that game, but I am not looking at stats. I saw every home Gopher game of AW's career in person. I saw a handful of road games live as well. I watched every other road game on TV. I watched likely 75% of his games over on tape a second time. I'm telling you FreakyDeke... Adam Weber was a below average QB.

Thread hijack alert:

QB 1: 3762-1886 50.1% 27663 Yards 173 TD 220 INT 65.5 QB Rating; won less than half the games he played in.
QB 2: 1594-909 57.0% 10917 Yards 72 TD 51 INT 123.1 QB Rating; won a third of the games he played in.

Anybody guess who they are?

Well, if you admit he is better than what we've had the past two years, what is wrong with him bringing our current QBs to that level and THEN asking Tom Brady to stop by for some tips?

For all I know Adam Weber may be a fantastic teacher and may be able to greatly improve ML. My point wasn't that they shouldn't let ML work out with Weber - my point was that I can't go through another GH romancing of past players as if they were FAR better than reality. I remember what it was like when Weber played and 90% of fans wanted him out and Gray in. For good reason. It isn't quite in the DCT/Shortell realm, but the Weber romanticizing is almost as bad.

Spoofin, I usually enjoy your comments on GH, but this time please STFU.

For all I know Adam Weber may be a fantastic teacher and may be able to greatly improve ML. My point wasn't that they shouldn't let ML work out with Weber - my point was that I can't go through another GH romancing of past players as if they were FAR better than reality. I remember what it was like when Weber played and 90% of fans wanted him out and Gray in. For good reason. It isn't quite in the DCT/Shortell realm, but the Weber romanticizing is almost as bad.

It's not like too many people are saying Weber was a great QB. I think he was a solid QB on many bad or average teams. I don't think the difference in opinion means people are "romancing" the guy.

Here we go again with false memories. Weber was a below average QB. You have to remember more than just the MSU game to be fair. Below average. Maybe better than what we had last year, possibly better than what we have this year, but below average none the less.
I don't think a below average college QB is a backup NFL QB for five minutes.
He was running for his life most of the time he was here. He would have loved to have the o-line we'll have this year even though I don't expect it to be more than pretty good.
If you ask Coaches Kill and Claeys, I think they would both say they were fortunate we did not throw more against them in the game we lost because we moved the ball very well through the air. Weber and Decker kept Brewster employed for 3.5 seasons. Without them he would have been gone after three at the latest, maybe even two given the chaos in the program.

Spoofin, I usually enjoy your comments on GH, but this time please STFU.

Do you really believe folks with an opinion likely shared by 50%+ of GH posters should "shut the f*ck up"?

Regarding Weber as a quarterback teacher (so I'm on-topic) -- I'm ok with him helping ML out. Weber played a lot of games and has seen a lot of things in 4 years as a college player and a few years in the pros and maybe he can pass on some tips about the position. He can't be as bad as some people think if he has hung around in the pros up to this point. Pro teams aren't going to waste their time like that.

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