GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 12/02/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill was on today's Sports Huddle, even though he was busy with recruits at TCF Bank Stadium. When 'CCO made connections with Kill the recruits were having breakfast.

1) Sid opened the show asking Kill if he had read the positive story in the Star-Tribune on coach Kill: Kill responded: "No sir. i've been very busy with recruiting and my job . . . haven't been home much the past few days."

2) Sid then said that he had recently visited with the team's orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Pat Smith, who has been with the team for 28 years. Smith told Sid that he has never seen a team with so many injuries. Sid wanted to know if some of the injured would be back in time for the bowl game: Kill said the following would not play: Roland Johnson will be having knee surgery; Marcus Jones will not play; nor will Brendan Beal. Kill hopes the Olson brothers will be available as well as Marek Lenkiewicz and Jon Christenson. Question mark on Drew Goodger.

Kill then went on to compliment his coaching staff for being able to get six wins and a bowl game inspite all of the injuries.

He finished the question saying "Recruiting's going very well." (More recruiting questions later on.)

3) Sid asked about Wisconsin's ease in handling Nebraska in last night's title game: "Unbelievable . . . Nebraska got off to a bad start and Wisconsin got on a roll." He didn't expect it, especially after the way Nebraska thwarted Minnesota a couple weeks ago. He was amazed with Wisconsin's running game (nearly 600 yards). Kill said he watched the game at TCF Bank Stadium with his coaching staff and visiting recruits.

4) Recruiting: "We have a whole room full of recruits at TCF Bank Stadium . . . feel good about recruiting, including junior (2014) recruiting . . . things going well at this point and time."

5) Sid then asked about Kill's health and the recent episode of having a seizure: Kill expounded on his health-related issues at length. He briefly mentioned Bo Pelini missing half a game, but nothing was made of it (he alluded Nebraska covered up or didn't make much of the incident). He then said he feels bad about having seizures,"but it's an issue I have to live with." It's a health issue that he's had for nine years . . . "I've been honest since the day I walked in the door." He also said he's working on the issue: "I'm very fortunate that I'm working with one of the best in the world . . . monitored on a daily basis." He expects some good news and results by having worked with the "best in the world . . . I have confidence in the person I'm working with." He didn't elaborate and didn't want to say anything else about the treatments that he's presently receiving.

As to being absent because of health-related issues: "I've missed only two days of work (since his arrival at Minnesota) . . . I wouldn't do anything to hurt the University of Minnesota . . . most people outside of Minnesota don't ask about it (recruits and their parents). He did say a parent appreciated his honesty when the question was raised. (Honesty about his condition can be an asset in recruiting (that's when he related the comment by a recruits parent.))

He closed by saying there are a lot of powerful people (business leaders) that have seizures and are highly effective.

When they returned from commercial break, Dave said he received a text message in which the listener wanted to thank coach Kill for his leadership on the topic (the caller's daughter has suffered with bouts of seizues for nine years and has been in denial; however, she now acknowledges and accepts her condition).

6) Dave asked about redshirt QB Mitch Leidner: "Mitch is tough, physical, and athletic that has improved since high school . . . I'd take 100 like that (Leidner). He said, without elaborating, he'd find a place for Mitch, if it's not at quarterback.

Kill then likened the current Gopher team with his first year group at NIU: "We have a lot of good young players that will benefit from the fifteen days of practice in bowl game preparations." (His first season at NIU included a bowl game.)

7) Sid asked about the practice schedule for the bowl game: "We'll stay busy recruiting this week . . . practice Friday and Saturday and then get ready for finals." He's looking forward to seeing where they'll be playing their bowl game, which will dictate the practice schedule.

8) Dave mentioned the fact that the team has two sets of brothers on the team (Olson's & McAvoy's); does he have history of having brothers on the team and is it a good practice: Laughing, Kill responded: "If they're good players it is." Because of NCAA rules and regulations, he didn't mention the recent commitment of Scott Ekpe's brother, Hendrick.

Go Gophers!!

I really appreciate you posting this for us, DL.

DL! You the man!

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Thanks for the wrap, DL. Your Sports Huddle Summaries are always appreciated.

I just listened to the Kill interview and once again you captured the key points very well. Excellent job!

Thanks, Guys. I'm glad you enjoy the summaries.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks, Guys. I'm glad you enjoy the summaries.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks to you. I heard a little over half the show myself. That was a complete and eloquent public explanation from Kill about his health. Wish he wouldn't have waited so long to address it in such a manner.

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