GopherHolers Impressions??


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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If you've attended any of the open practices, I would like to know your thoughts and impressions of the kicking game (punters and kickers that have stood out) and the receiving corps, especially the freshmen receivers - Drew Wolitarsky and Eric Carter.

Thanks . . .

Go Gophers!!

Here's my impression of Wren.

Something something prexy, something something insane rant.

Here's my impression of Dr. Don.

Something something beer.

(Okay, yeah, I'll admit, I'm no Frank Caliendo).

Here's my impression of Wren.

Something something prexy, something something insane rant.

Here's my impression of Dr. Don.

Something something beer.

(Okay, yeah, I'll admit, I'm no Frank Caliendo).

Here is my impression of Doc.....

Something something clown boxing.

If you've attended any of the open practices, I would like to know your thoughts and impressions of the kicking game (punters and kickers that have stood out) and the receiving corps, especially the freshmen receivers - Drew Wolitarsky and Eric Carter.

Thanks . . .

Go Gophers!!


I went to the 2nd practice. It was interesting seeing DW and EC rotating in with the first team. Both guys look like they can play this year. I was most impressed with KJ Maye. Someone else didn't like him. I thought he looked very confident, strong and poised for a successful year. Harbison got chewed out by Limegrover ("get your head out of your ass") for not knowing where to line up on a play. I hope he regains the way he looked before he was injured. Overall, our receivers are not spectacular and our QBs have been inconsistent. I hope as camp goes on that improves. On the kicking game the only thing that stood out was Santoso for his size, looks like a tight end.

The only tidbits I've heard about the kicking game is that Santoso is big and has a big leg. I wouldn't be surprised if he's kicking off for us this year. I'd like to hear more about how the punters are looking and who's looking the best out of the many kickers we have competing for field goal duties. Is Hawthorne the leader because of his experience and decent past success or is one of the new guys challenging him? The kicking game is one of the biggest concerns for this team, IMO.

I have already posted but Carter and Wolitarsky look very good to me. I saw Limegrover chomp on Harbison butt that gophergv referred to. The QB was signaling for Harbison to go in motion and Harbison must have been thinking of his girlfriend or something because he didn't pick it up.

I thought the receivers looked good - good enough that I don't think either Steveler or Jones will get moved to receiver unless there is an injury or they show they are just unable to learn the position.

In the imaginary book, "Football, the way it SHOULD be played by DieFirma" I note that a great many coaches recruit speed first for the WR spot. The result is wide outs who can stretch the field but can't catch the damn ball. Many teams have WRs who can't catch. This makes me crazy. This group of coaches recruit WRs who can actually CATCH THE BALL!!! Limegrover is smart enough to get WRs running free every game so when Nelson or Leidner can get the ball in the same area code the receivers are able to make a play So... with that said I didn't think there were very many drops on Saturday especially considering how tight the receivers were being covered. A good secondary is making the QBs more accurate and the WRs fight for the ball.

Botton line - the receivers will be good. I worry about the QB getting smart and the Linebackers stopping the run. If both of those things happen we will be very, very good

DL, for all you do for us, you deserve better from this thread.

I was at all 3 practices and did not see one punt. They worked on punt blocking, but no punting. Perhaps they did this before or after practice. They did work on short field goals and all 3 kickers looked good there, especially Santosa. He looked pudgy in his picture but he has a very sleek, powerful look.

The receiver corps looks very good to me. Drew W. and Carter look good. I would give a nod to playing time to Drew. McDonald, Maye, Harbison, Engle and Fruchte have been impressive. The key will be the qbs getting them the ball. When you have a 2nd offensive line composed of the Olson brothers, Hayes, Bush and Bjorklund, I'd say we're in good shape in the most important position group.

For what it's worth, this team is very spirited and full of hustle. The coaches are demanding and that should pay off. The D line is developing some solid depth. Campbell, Lynn, Wilson and Rallis should make the LB corps stronger.

When you have a 2nd offensive line composed of the Olson brothers, Hayes, Bush and Bjorklund, I'd say we're in good shape in the most important position group.

HH makes an excellent point here - there have been many Gopher teams when these guys would have been stars with no one behind them to push them. Now they are second team. Chew on that for awhile and then tell me we can't go 8-4.

Saturday AM practice...............

HH makes an excellent point here - there have been many Gopher teams when these guys would have been stars with no one behind them to push them. Now they are second team. Chew on that for awhile and then tell me we can't go 8-4.

I was pretty impressed with the Saturday A.M. practice. Great to see how the coaches moved it along at a fast pace. Hageman is huge, man! OL guys huge too. Should be a fun season! Go Gophers!:clap:

DL, for all you do for us, you deserve better from this thread.

I was at all 3 practices and did not see one punt. They worked on punt blocking, but no punting. Perhaps they did this before or after practice. They did work on short field goals and all 3 kickers looked good there, especially Santosa. He looked pudgy in his picture but he has a very sleek, powerful look.

The receiver corps looks very good to me. Drew W. and Carter look good. I would give a nod to playing time to Drew. McDonald, Maye, Harbison, Engle and Fruchte have been impressive. The key will be the qbs getting them the ball. When you have a 2nd offensive line composed of the Olson brothers, Hayes, Bush and Bjorklund, I'd say we're in good shape in the most important position group.

For what it's worth, this team is very spirited and full of hustle. The coaches are demanding and that should pay off. The D line is developing some solid depth. Campbell, Lynn, Wilson and Rallis should make the LB corps stronger.

DL - Halsey Hall report pretty much told the story. The only thing I would add is that Nate Wozniak
is a huge target at tight end and should be able to out jump the anybody in the end zone on pases thrown to him. I was impressed with his hands and that they were also throwing long passes to him.

As far as kickers, I wouldn't be surprised if Kill uses Santosa for kickoffs and then uses the most accurate kicker for the short to medium range field goals. I read somewhere that when Santosa kicked off in high school, at least his senior year, only two didn't end up in the endzone as non-returnable balls. This should improve are defense on kickoffs tremendously.

It sounds like they are going to give Santoso every chance to win the punting job too.

On Friday punters were punting in the indoor building. I watched for about ten minutes and couldn't believe how the ball came off Santoso's foot. Effortless compared to the others. Based on the quick observation, his job to lose if it isn't too much for a freshman.

Also couldn't help envisioning EC as a return man?

On Friday punters were punting in the indoor building. I watched for about ten minutes and couldn't believe how the ball came off Santoso's foot. Effortless compared to the others. Based on the quick observation, his job to lose if it isn't too much for a freshman.

Also couldn't help envisioning EC as a return man?

This is great news. Having a strong punter means so much to a team. Ryan looked very confident in field goal tries.

Eric Carter might be effective but I wonder if Berkley might be a return man.

This is great news. Having a strong punter means so much to a team. Ryan looked very confident in field goal tries.

Eric Carter might be effective but I wonder if Berkley might be a return man.

You need 4-5 return men. All will be in the mix.

This is great news. Having a strong punter means so much to a team. Ryan looked very confident in field goal tries.

Eric Carter might be effective but I wonder if Berkley might be a return man.

Totally agree. I have always thought this of Berkley based on what I have heard and read. I didn't feel like I knew as much about EC. Looking forward to seeing their progression.

Totally agree. I have always thought this of Berkley based on what I have heard and read. I didn't feel like I knew as much about EC. Looking forward to seeing their progression.

I attended Friday and Sunday. I think that Derek Engel may be punt returner as well as starting receiver with Isaac Freuchte and slot Harbison.

I was pleasantly encouraged by Wolitarsky and walk-on Aaron Marmer,6'3 213 receiver making catch after catch.Keep an eye on him.

Carter is the same size as Harbison and Maye so maybe a slot.

LB - Keep an eye on Cedrick Dicke. I see playing time for him as he was switched from safety.

RB - I really want to see Cole Banham get a legitimate chance. He really can be a play maker to provide a contrast to Kirkwood / Williams.

P/K - I did not see them because I was outside. Santoso is big and looks like he is in good shape.

OL - Definitely more depth. Possibly 2 walk-on starters in Bak and Christenson. This unit needs to open holes and protect QBs.

...Aaron Marmer,6'3 213 receiver making catch after catch.Keep an eye on him.

My son was saying how Marmer was making razor sharp cuts (he's 11 but already knows more than me). So I watched him a couple of times and he runs really solid routes.

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