GopherHole Survey Ending Soon!!!!


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
As in years past, I conduct the GopherHole Survey for 10 days; this year's questionnare will end Friday morning. So, if you haven't participated yet, please do so. We are lagging behind in respondents in comparison to the the last two years, however, there's time enough to match previous levels.

Some of this year's questions were proivided by the GopherHole Staff and some by fellow GopherHole members. I thank them for their input.

Let your voice be heard.


Go Gophers!!


Great job as always.

How do the numbers compare with the last two years.

Go4 suggested a GH get together before a game. Not a bad idea. A side room at the MAC maybe? I would think one could get a fairly accurate head count from a GH thread/poll.

Someone would have to bring those little sticky things that say 'Hello, my name is'.

station 19,

As I write this reply to your query, 105 have filled out the survey. We have a ways to go to match the last four year totals.

The following are the respondent totals since 2007:

2007 - 228
2008 - 179
2009 - 171
2010 - 174

Lurkers, you're invited to join the fellowship of GopherHole. The Survey is good way to start your participation as an active member. Veteran GopherHolers, please respond, if you haven't already.

I'll provide summaries and anaylsis of the Survey soon after it closes.

Go Gophers!!

station 19,

As I write this reply to your query, 105 have filled out the survey. We have a ways to go to match the last four year totals.

The following are the respondent totals since 2007:

2007 - 228
2008 - 179
2009 - 171
2010 - 174

Lurkers, you're invited to join the fellowship of GopherHole. The Survey is good way to start your participation as an active member. Veteran GopherHolers, please respond, if you haven't already.

I'll provide summaries and anaylsis of the Survey soon after it closes.

Go Gophers!!

This makes me sad, we've never had more members or more viewers. You go through so much work to do this, I REALLY hope people fill it out!

On the GH side, this is your chance to voice your concerns, or ways to make the site better...please participate!

Thanks for doing this again DL65. Always fun to find out more about my fellow g'holers.

Bump - please keep on filling this out! Thanks :)


The 6th Annual GopherHole Survey ends tomorrow morning. If you haven't filled out the questionnaire, please do so as soon as possible.

Thanks to all who've taken the time to fill out survey.

Go Gophers!!

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