GopherHole Predict the Score Contest: Minnesota at Purdue

In spite of all the loafer ID-ing and attempts to adjust attitudes, the Gophers lack what it takes. I expect Coach Kill to have short rope for anyone suspect of taking a play off and that will mean we could see a lot of hustle-guys out there.

MN 20

28-14, Purdue.

I only this on the superstitious and false belief that my guess, whatever it is, will be wrong.

Purdue 41 Gophers 24

In a rare change of mind, I think Kill & Co. will plead, cajole, kick some anger into the Gophers and they will play as they did against Miami rather than against New Mexico State. Gray would make a difference, but even without him, Gophers may eke out a close win - say, 24-21.

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