GopherHole: 2011-12 Big Ten Basketball Preview Series

Just a year ago they were an extraordinarily inexperienced team who many doubted. Now, they look like a fairly deep team with a good mix of young and old. #3 Michigan.

Deep in mediocrity maybe. I'll be pretty shocked if they end up being #3. Then again, the BT just doesn't have much talent this year.

Just a year ago they were an extraordinarily inexperienced team who many doubted. Now, they look like a fairly deep team with a good mix of young and old. #3 Michigan.

Deep in mediocrity maybe. I'll be pretty shocked if they end up being #3. Then again, the BT just doesn't have much talent this year.

Yes - you might say the conference is deep in mediocrity. I wonder if you have a special place in your heart for Michigan? I recalled this comment from you last November re: my pre-season Big Ten standings projection:

underground629 said:
Thanks for the nice, detailed writeup. Hard to really disagree with anything. I'm a little surprised you have Michigan finishing ahead of Indiana (not that it really matters). I'll have to be honest though, I definitely didn't watch any of their games outside of playing the gophers.

If nothing else, for Gopher fans Michigan is an example of just how quickly a team can turn things around for the better.

Wisconsin is the one team in the Big Ten that has some expectations that I think will have a hard time of living up to the expectations. The defense was not very good at Wisconsin last year - they were very successful based on the strength of a highly efficient offense based on two stars, great FT shooting and an extremely low turnover rate. Now, they lost the backbone of their defense when Nankivil left - how do they replace him? I didn't see any good candidates last year - they were too slow, not nearly as athletic as Nankivil - I think their bigs will have problems with foul trouble, unless one of the new guys proves capable. Taylor is back, and while that will help the FT and TO numbers, he's not great defensively. And who else on that team is going to score? Gasser and Bruiser are good players, but you need more than 3 guys to have a great team. This is a year where I don't think Bo has the luxury of waiting on his freshmen to develop - he will have to throw some of them out there because the more experienced players, other than a few, don't have much talent.

I have no reason to have anything against Michigan. In fact, my dad went there and I'm even applying there for grad school in the next month. Anyway, two years ago I thought they were super overrated and I turned out to be right on that. They then lost their two best players and people predicted them to be awful last year -- I was in agreement with that. Nobody expected them to be as good as they were last year (although they partially just benefited from the rest of the BT not living up to expectations -- MSU, Purdue, Illinois, MN). I don't think anyone believed their guard play would be quite as good as it was.

I think every time I see you have a team finishing well, I think about the talent they have and they seem overrated because I'm used to the rest of the league being better; but the reality is, their isn't a ton of talent outside of OSU, but you have to pick them all to finish somewhere. What a horribly constructed sentence. I think it's time for bed...

Yes - you might say the conference is deep in mediocrity. I wonder if you have a special place in your heart for Michigan? I recalled this comment from you last November re: my pre-season Big Ten standings projection:

If nothing else, for Gopher fans Michigan is an example of just how quickly a team can turn things around for the better.

Wisconsin is the one team in the Big Ten that has some expectations that I think will have a hard time of living up to the expectations. The defense was not very good at Wisconsin last year - they were very successful based on the strength of a highly efficient offense based on two stars, great FT shooting and an extremely low turnover rate. Now, they lost the backbone of their defense when Nankivil left - how do they replace him? I didn't see any good candidates last year - they were too slow, not nearly as athletic as Nankivil - I think their bigs will have problems with foul trouble, unless one of the new guys proves capable. Taylor is back, and while that will help the FT and TO numbers, he's not great defensively. And who else on that team is going to score? Gasser and Bruiser are good players, but you need more than 3 guys to have a great team. This is a year where I don't think Bo has the luxury of waiting on his freshmen to develop - he will have to throw some of them out there because the more experienced players, other than a few, don't have much talent.

How are the Buckeye$ going to replace Diebler and Lighty? Does Thad have a couple of more one and done$ in the pipeline? I don't have the in depth knowledge of the Buckeye'$ roster that you seem to have of the Badgers roster, so thanks for the insight.

I don't care what people say about the Badgers. If I did, I wouldn't read this board.


"No officer, I was at the crack house because I DON'T want crack."
- Good ol' VGBadge

What a doosh.

How are the Buckeye$ going to replace Diebler and Lighty? Does Thad have a couple of more one and done$ in the pipeline? I don't have the in depth knowledge of the Buckeye'$ roster that you seem to have of the Badgers roster, so thanks for the insight.

You're slipping. It took you over 8 hours to respond to that Badger criticism.

Also, I think something is wrong with your keyboard. You might want to check the shift key, it seems to be going on the fritz every now and then.

How are the Buckeye$ going to replace Diebler and Lighty? Does Thad have a couple of more one and done$ in the pipeline? I don't have the in depth knowledge of the Buckeye'$ roster that you seem to have of the Badgers roster, so thanks for the insight.
I get it. The $ is supposed to make light of OSU's transgressions. I have to ask, though: what symbol would be most appropriate when hinting at Wisconsin's lawbreaking past? After all, only two college sports programs have had more major violations than the Badgers, with OSU not being one of them.

Good write-up, GW. As this is GopherHole and not actually an unbiased, reputable news source (if reputable, unbiased journalism does in fact exist), I enjoyed the pot-shots as well. "Becky" is a bit tired, but I chuckled at the others.

With Taylor at the helm and a fairly weak B1G I see 4th place and 11-7 as the the absolute floor for this team. 13-5 and 2nd place is more likely, IMO, with an outside chance for the title if OSU has some unforeseen injuries or chemistry issues.

The next two years after this one should be interesting in Badgerland. UW has always relied extremely heavily on leadership by it's upperclassmen, both for production and intangibles. Gasser and Bruesewitz are both good players, but I'm not sure if they have what it takes to do the heavy lifting on the court. In order to maintain past standards of excellence, Uthoff or Dekker may have to step up and become leaders a bit early. This isn't out of the question, as Bo had high praise for Uthoff in his season opening presser yesterday, saying that he is ready to contribute right away. Dekker has shot up the rankings in the past year as well, and I dare say he will make UW fans forget about the name JP Tokoto pretty quickly. All-in-all, it will be very surprising if UW falls to the point of missing the tournament anytime in the next 6 years or so.

#2 Michigan State looks to bounce back toward the top of the conference.

PS - thanks for the comments in this thread and also to those who have emailed. It's nice that this site has a good number of knowledgeable & reasonable followers of programs other than Minnesota who contribute here.

#2 Michigan State looks to bounce back toward the top of the conference.

PS - thanks for the comments in this thread and also to those who have emailed. It's nice that this site has a good number of knowledgeable & reasonable followers of programs other than Minnesota who contribute here.

This one surprises me. MSU finished 9-9 in conference, a 4-way tie for 4th. They lose 3 of their 4 top players. It's also worth noting that 4 of their B1G wins came in games with Korie Lucious, who's also now gone.

I think Gopher fans have learned the lesson that counting on players who've never played a minute of Big Ten basketball to significantly improve your team is dicey. And that's what MSU is going to have to do with Dawson and Wood. Losing Lucas and replacing him with a guy who had a 0.8 assist / turnover ratio (Appling) seems like a pretty big downgrade to me.

With Izzo's track record, I'd venture the odds of MSU repeating or having a similar year to last season are very slim. They'll start 0-2, most likely (UNC & Duke), but they'll be better. In terms of talent on their roster, they still surpass most everyone in the B1G, save for Ohio State and maybe Illinois.

Losing Delvon Roe is a significant blow, however.

With Izzo's track record, I'd venture the odds of MSU repeating or having a similar year to last season are very slim. They'll start 0-2, most likely (UNC & Duke), but they'll be better. In terms of talent on their roster, they still surpass most everyone in the B1G, save for Ohio State and maybe Illinois.

Losing Delvon Roe is a significant blow, however.

You say that, but if you look at the history, Michigan State finishes below their preseason rank basically every year. Last year, for instance, they started at #2 and finished at unranked. In 2009 they started at #2 and finished at #13. 2008, from #6 to #8. 2007 from #8 to #18. 2006 UR to UR. 2005, #4 to UR.

Doesn't bode well since they start unranked this year.

With Izzo at the helm, MSU will always be a high peak, low valley team that lacks consistency throughout the year. He's a very passionate, emotional coach and that carries over to the team. That is very difficult to maintain over the course of 2 semesters and 40 games. Combined with their ever difficult schedule and their regular season record will rarely if ever be among the best in the nation. He has certainly been able to get them to peak at the right time, though. Although even March isn't altogether immune to MSU's inconsistencies. Izzo's record in the 1st round the last 10 years is 6-4 (yes, I know that they have gone on to perform very well quite often when they DO win the first round game).

This one surprises me. MSU finished 9-9 in conference, a 4-way tie for 4th. They lose 3 of their 4 top players. It's also worth noting that 4 of their B1G wins came in games with Korie Lucious, who's also now gone.

I think Gopher fans have learned the lesson that counting on players who've never played a minute of Big Ten basketball to significantly improve your team is dicey. And that's what MSU is going to have to do with Dawson and Wood. Losing Lucas and replacing him with a guy who had a 0.8 assist / turnover ratio (Appling) seems like a pretty big downgrade to me.

First, I understand where you're coming from. Your comments are reasonable and the majority would agree with you. On Michigan State, I'm higher on them on most, and not as high on Wisconsin. (The rankings don't show it, but I also think Indiana could wind up anywhere in a wide range of the standings, Nebraska could surprise and the Gophers could really struggle this season.)

Some of my views on Michigan State that probably differ from yours:
- I'm VERY high on Keith Appling. You're not including him as one of their top 4 players from a year ago, but he's big time. Lucas was great - that's a big loss to the team, but Appling will have a lower turnover rate this year - I don't think the trade is going to be a big downgrade because of the sophomore coming through.

- Brandon Wood is legit. People are overlooking how good he is. Wood is far better than anyone the Gophers have brought in.. not comparable.

- Similarly, BJ Dawson is on another level. And the most impressive area of his game at this point, rebounding, should translate into the college game a lot better than than other areas generally do for freshman. Sure, he will be a freshman, but I have little doubt about him being a big time player in the making and believe he'll help on the beards this year.

- Lucious was brutal. Sure, they won 4 conference games with him playing, but they also lost 3. In their last victory with him, he was 0/8 from the field and turned it over 3 times. That was his third to last game. His final two games were road losses, and he went 3/15 in those. They'll survive without him.

- The team shot poorly - the worst Izzo has seen in recent memory. Combine Lucious with Durrell Summers and you've got 230+ two-point shot attempts at less than 41%.

- Nix and Payne will be greatly improved.

Overall, I'm projecting a lot of progression from their players (Appling, Nix and Payne), a good contribution from a freshman (Dawson), and an impact transfer (Wood) -- so I get why others may not share my view. However, I don't think any of the projections are a stretch and the conference lacks multiple great teams.

With Izzo's track record, I'd venture the odds of MSU repeating or having a similar year to last season are very slim. They'll start 0-2, most likely (UNC & Duke), but they'll be better. In terms of talent on their roster, they still surpass most everyone in the B1G, save for Ohio State and maybe Illinois.

Losing Delvon Roe is a significant blow, however.

Boy, I don't think so. I used to think MSU was going to rebound this year, but without Delvon Roe to anchor them defensively, I think it will be more of the same - an 8 or 9 seed type team at best.

It seems that after OSU, Wiscy and Michigan are the next best on paper. But I think there is a chance that many other teams in the league could catch/pass UW and UM, including the Gophers, Iowa, Indiana, possibly Nebraska. I'm not high on PSU, Illinois, MSU or Purdue this year. It's a year where upward mobility is possible for teams like Nebraska, Iowa and Indiana that have typically struggled in recent years.

B1G writers poll is out.. vs my picks, looks like Wisconsin & Mich St are flipped, as are Iowa & Nebraska.

Team, total points (range of predictions)

1. Ohio State, 288 (1)
2. Wisconsin, 248 (2-5)
3. Michigan, 233 (2-6)
4. Michigan State, 219 (2-6)
5. Purdue, 194 (2-9)
6. Illinois, 150 (4-9)
7. Minnesota, 142 (3-10)
8. Northwestern, 115 (6-11)
9. Indiana, 111 (5-12)
10. Iowa, 86 (6-12)
11. Nebraska, 60 (8-11)
12. Penn State, 26 (11-12)

I think a lot of people are underestimating MSU this year. I'll be shocked if they don't finish higher than Michigan.

Gopher Warrior said:
B1G writers poll is out.. vs my picks, looks like Wisconsin & Mich St are flipped, as are Iowa & Nebraska.

Team, total points (range of predictions)

1. Ohio State, 288 (1)
2. Wisconsin, 248 (2-5)
3. Michigan, 233 (2-6)
4. Michigan State, 219 (2-6)
5. Purdue, 194 (2-9)
6. Illinois, 150 (4-9)
7. Minnesota, 142 (3-10)
8. Northwestern, 115 (6-11)
9. Indiana, 111 (5-12)
10. Iowa, 86 (6-12)
11. Nebraska, 60 (8-11)
12. Penn State, 26 (11-12)

Indiana, pursue and Minnesota appear to be the three wild cards this year. All with a range of 7.

Boy, I don't think so. I used to think MSU was going to rebound this year, but without Delvon Roe to anchor them defensively, I think it will be more of the same - an 8 or 9 seed type team at best.

Let me guess. ... you're super high on Ohio State, though. Shocking.

This had to take a lot of time. Thanks for the effort, and well done. The B1G really needs someone in addition to OSU to step it up this season, especially in March.

I like your finish, the the dig at Greg Paulus as OSU video coordinator. One thing for sure, we know the Buckeyes will be well schooled on how to flop on defense while getting breathed on. If OSU had Wojo on staff, they'd really have quite the flopping duo.

Let me guess. ... you're super high on Ohio State, though. Shocking.

Who woulda thunk it? :) I didn't think much of MSU last year either, remember? I fully expect that Michigan will finish higher than MSU this year - Beilein has really done a good job and Izzo's team has lost their typical quality depth. Wisconsin is probably an NCAA team along with Michigan. But after OSU, UM and UW, there is a host of teams that it's hard to guess who exactly will be an NCAA tourney team - surely not everyone out of the group of the Gophers, MSU, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, Purdue and Illinois will make it, but there will be probably 3-4 of them that will. I think Northwestern and PSU are most likely to be in the NIT - just can't expect NW to make the NCAA tourney after losing Juice Thompson, who was a pretty tough customer for a guy his size, although they may belong in the group of seven I mentioned above on paper, they will probably not make it in the end because they are like the anti-Wisconsin (i.e., they always find a way to not make the tourney).

I did mention there were some areas of concern for OSU in another post on this board, and Deshaun Thomas is the focus. For OSU to really compete for a national title, they will need Thomas to be playing the 3 really well (not the 4, because he's not quite big enough to match up with the bigger frontcourts like UNC, UConn and UK - one thing I've noticed is Matta's teams with smallish 4s has really struggled against comparable quality teams with bigger PFs) and I'm not sure Thomas will be good enough to play the 3 at the level he needs to be at for them to win an NC. Thomas generally struggled on both ends against quality competition last year - they will need him to play a lot better if they're going to live up to the hype.

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