The difference is that some of us are looking forward and you are looking back. Nobody is right or wrong. I absolutely agree with you Tucker but we can't do anything about it.
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You are right that we can't do anything about it, well, at least an opportunity to do something other than b1tch about it, lol, hasn't come up yet, but I think it's not a one or the other, I don't think we have to stop looking backward in order to look ahead, I believe fans can choose to do both. Maybe the memories and feelings about how last year ended are too painful or just bad memories so why dwell on them, right? That makes sense for some people, other people use anger to fuel them, kind of like how some people listen to heavy metal when they work out, but not otherwise. To each their own, so on that point, nobody being right or wrong, you are both right and wrong, lol. Ok, now I'm just being silly, but my point is, each individual Gopher fan deals with stuff like that in their own way, some may dwell too much and maybe should move on, others are too quick to forget and move on.
Myself, I'll NEVER EVER let it go. 20 years from now when Minnesota beats Bama or some other SEC team in the Title game, for their 3rd title in a row(and 5th total), I'll be the one petty enough to bring it up and rub it in their faces, and trust the vast majority if not all other Gopher fans will show much more class and will show that they are better than that, lol, but SEC fans were in some cases horrible in how they behaved about all of that, so at least one person needs to give them what they deserve and I guess I'm volunteering to be that one lone jerk, lol. I'm one of those I talked about that uses, maybe even needs things like anger to inspire me to get up and do things, to take action, to work harder to improve my situation and my life, etc.. And outside of allowing myself to act less than perfectly when it comes to sports, I do pretty well for myself, not just financially, but overall. And its like allowing yourself to have a snack occasionally since you are doing so well on your diet otherwise, I allow myself to misbehave a little when it comes to sports because otherwise I behave so well.
But even though I will never stop looking back, and not just to how last year ended, but to the whole season and where this team was when Allister showed up and how far its come, its just incredible. I couldn't be more honored to have the privilege of being a fan of this program, but so even though I will never stop looking back, I will also always be looking forward as well. Sometimes things like the team getting snubbed like it did, end up leading to much better things later. I remember the feeling I had when the 1996 Gopher Men's bb team got snubbed and left out of the NCAA tourney, and how much sweeter 1997's incredible ride to the Final Four was because of that. So leaving out the whole cheating scandal that followed in 99, lets hope that this year something akin to those 96 & 97 mens bb seasons happens with this team. At least one organization feels we have the pieces required to be considered CWS level good. Wouldn't that make for a great story?!
Ok, I got that off my chest, I will give the floor back to all of you other fans who are much more knowledgeable about Softball than I.
Oh, and GO GOPHERS!!!