Gopher fans should give Wisky some credit

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
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I think at least for the time being, the Gophers fans should stop needling the Badger fans that frequent this board. Wisconsin has had a more successful team than the Gophers in recent years, there's just not doubt about it. Gopher fans don't have much of a place to be criticizing anybody as of late.

I have to admit, I DO love some of these Badger fans though. Apparently, they've forgotten that Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, and Iowa are also in the same conference as them.

Let's give them the credit they deserve. They're a solid second tier Big Ten team that has been able to somewhat consistently beat the likes of Indiana, Michigan State, Northwestern, and Minnesota.

Big Ten Powerhouse? Since the Xmas gift Barry handed BB in his first season, the Badgers are 3-8 against Iowa, Michigan, OSU, and Penn State, including 1-6 in the last two seasons.

Gopher fans should at least recognize that Bucky has had some success in the BT and keep their mouths shut for at least a little while. In recent years, where Bucky is hovering around the 3rd to 5th best team in the conference, the Gophers have been around 6th or 7th. In my opinion, that doesn't give us as Gopher fans much of a right to poke fun at Bucky (even if it is tempting).

Excellent methodology for twisting the knife. Kudos!

I think you have lost the fact that you're on a GOPHER board...this thread is ridiculous.

Ogee...If we did NOT give Becky crap, we wouldn't talk about them at all.

The fact that Wisconsin has to reference us to talk smack, says a lot. They are a middle tier team that is on the way down talent-wise in both basketball and football. It's a fun school, but it says a lot that graduates almost always move away for work...the more important note is that the 'state' of Wisconsin sucks, not just the school.



opps, wrong board.:clap:

I think at least for the time being, the Gophers fans should stop needling the Badger fans that frequent this board. Wisconsin has had a more successful team than the Gophers in recent years, there's just not doubt about it. Gopher fans don't have much of a place to be criticizing anybody as of late.

I have to admit, I DO love some of these Badger fans though. Apparently, they've forgotten that Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, and Iowa are also in the same conference as them.

Let's give them the credit they deserve. They're a solid second tier Big Ten team that has been able to somewhat consistently beat the likes of Indiana, Michigan State, Northwestern, and Minnesota.

Big Ten Powerhouse? Since the Xmas gift Barry handed BB in his first season, the Badgers are 3-8 against Iowa, Michigan, OSU, and Penn State, including 1-6 in the last two seasons.

Gopher fans should at least recognize that Bucky has had some success in the BT and keep their mouths shut for at least a little while. In recent years, where Bucky is hovering around the 3rd to 5th best team in the conference, the Gophers have been around 6th or 7th. In my opinion, that doesn't give us as Gopher fans much of a right to poke fun at Bucky (even if it is tempting).

That will be enough of that. I don't give the Pig Red Machine credit because you should give NO CREDIT to rivals. I'm sick of it. We've been "giving credit" for way too long. That's the old Minnesota way. Screw that.

"Wormer, he's a dead man!
Marmalard, dead!

Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these b@stards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons; that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."

We're just the guys to do it.

Wisconsin has been a good rival for us and we have had a lot of good, close games with them even if they haven't gone our way as much as we would all like.

The thing I still can't get over is they do not even have a baseball team. There should be some sort of Big Ten rule that you need to have a baseball team or you are too minor league to be in the conference.

Wisconsin has been a good rival for us and we have had a lot of good, close games with them even if they haven't gone our way as much as we would all like.

The thing I still can't get over is they do not even have a baseball team. There should be some sort of Big Ten rule that you need to have a baseball team or you are too minor league to be in the conference.

or at least ONE national championship in football after 120+ years. ;)

suck it becky trolls! credit schmedit........screw weeeeskonsin!

This is not a general college football board, I don't think this board should do anything. If people want to give the Badgers props, that's fine, but i'd rather just talk Gopher football.

I'll give the Badgers credit for sucking. Wisconsin sucks. Suck suck suck suck suck suck suck.

I'll give the Badgers credit for sucking. Wisconsin sucks. Suck suck suck suck suck suck suck.

Is that any way to talk about our red neighbors??

They can't help it if they suck.

As much as they do.

They really do.

Really, really.


A lot.



For those of you that need a program to follow along....

Apparently my original tone was just a tad too subtle for some to pick up on. The intent of the post was 99% for our visiting Bucky friends who seem to think they have an elite program. I was hoping I wouldn't have to actually clarify that but I guess I did.

Never have I once said that the badgers have an elite program. What we have done since Barry took over is extremely impressive, and I think we have positioned ourselves to be a top 4 or 5 B10 team year in and year out with a chance to compete for a B10 title every few years when the program is on an up swing.

The only time I ever stick up for UW is when gopher fans on the hole make statements about the program that are complete untruths. Of course gopher fans think UW sucks, especially schnoodler who has a weird hate-fetish on UW, but blatant disregard of the fact that its been pretty lopsided the last 15+ years is just annoying.

Again, I like reading the board because its an active board and I like to know the vibe of the gopher fan base. I don't think I stir too much $#%^ up around here and try to be polite in regards to brew and co, but will step in when I think preposterous statements are being slung a little too cavalierly.

They are in denial. They will hear none of it. It's sad really. Poor skunks.

It will be sad when we can no longer pick on them.

Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight
and I'm going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
but I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
a little of the glory of, well time slips away
and leaves you with nothing mister but
boring stories of glory days

Coach BB is 4-0 with Minny.

next year UW will make it 20 out of 22 wins.

Its great to suck like this .

Have a great New Year's

Good points

Never have I once said that the badgers have an elite program. What we have done since Barry took over is extremely impressive, and I think we have positioned ourselves to be a top 4 or 5 B10 team year in and year out with a chance to compete for a B10 title every few years when the program is on an up swing.

The only time I ever stick up for UW is when gopher fans on the hole make statements about the program that are complete untruths. Of course gopher fans think UW sucks, especially schnoodler who has a weird hate-fetish on UW, but blatant disregard of the fact that its been pretty lopsided the last 15+ years is just annoying.

Again, I like reading the board because its an active board and I like to know the vibe of the gopher fan base. I don't think I stir too much $#%^ up around here and try to be polite in regards to brew and co, but will step in when I think preposterous statements are being slung a little too cavalierly.

MNBadger, I'm impressed, this is one of the more objective posts I've seen from you so I'm going to respond respectfully. I think your first and last paragraphs are very accurate and hard to argue with.

It's the middle paragraph that I struggle with, however. My response to the comments of yours in bold:

Why do you care?

Don't get me wrong, and please don't mistake this for picking a fight but I just don't get why you care? Why would an ardent Badger fan care what a bunch of pissant, naive, ignorant Gopher fans think of their school and their program? I just don't get it. I can guarantee you that I couldn't care one iota of what any Badger fan thinks of the Gophers and their athletics programs.

Like I said, I'm not trying to slap you in the face or pick a fight. I just don't know why you care what any Gopher fan thinks. Trying to provide arguments to refute some of the more ignorant comments of Gopher fans kind of makes the Badger fans appear to have an inferiority complex and sound defensive. I respect your opinions about your own program and I'll just leave it at that.

I give Wisconsin credit for irritating me enough over the last 15+ years that I decided to jump the border and go to school at the 'U'.

They are in their halcyon days. We've had ours (I wasn't born yet). Let them enjoy it. It won't last that much longer. This stuff is cyclical.

Y'all have a happy and healthy new year. Maturi gave us our Christmas present. Play 4 Brew indeed!!!

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