Gopher arrested in Arizona?

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2009
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I have it from a excellent source that one player was arrested on Thursday night (or early Fri AM) for hitting a bouncer at a club in Arizona and was not on the plane home. I dont want to name a name in case this is not true - anyone confirm this?

That link is from Nov. 2nd and is not related to the bowl game or Arizona...

Yes, it is true, but I think these things can and should be dealt with in-house without having them broadcast all over the Internet.

Left him in AZ? How would that work? Hitch it back? Where is he staying? Is the County putting him up for the weekend?

There is some smoke to this fire. No idea yet if the player will be charged.

There is some smoke to this fire. No idea yet if the player will be charged.

That is what I thought - I wont name him - but I would bet his name might be in the paper tomorrow...

wtf kinf of screen name is gopherbadgerman. chose one and live with it.

how about some hints?

What do you think was said about NYE in Arizona? I highly doubt Brew lets the guys just roam the city freely. There had to of been a curfew time set....I was really worried something like this was going to happen!

Don't think it'll be in tomorrow's paper ... deadline is soon, but I am guessing that it'll be out at some point.

and the only Gophers "fan" to predict the Gophers LOSE to Iowa in basketball tomorrow.

yes I did. It does not make me a non-fan to predict a loss though. I hope they win by 20

how about some hints?

What do you think was said about NYE in Arizona? I highly doubt Brew lets the guys just roam the city freely. There had to of been a curfew time set....I was really worried something like this was going to happen!

It is an "impact" player who has been in some minor trouble before, I believe. That is all I can say.

stop being a d1ck. either post a name or go away.

I can't sorry. I dont mean to be a "d1ck" as you put it, but I do not want to put someones name out there and have to pull it back. No need to insult me in your post, if I have offended you in some way, I apologize.

I can't sorry. I dont mean to be a "d1ck" as you put it, but I do not want to put someones name out there and have to pull it back. No need to insult me in your post, if I have offended you in some way, I apologize.

Typical. Wisconsin grad living in Minnesota with a martyr complex:rolleyes:

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