Goodbye Spread Offense

It will be Grays turn by the end of this season. Brewster can't afford to not play our best QB just to be loyal to Weber, He needs to worry about Wins. I think ditching the shotgun on every snap is a bad idea. Let the attacks on my post begin, you people are nothing if not predictable.

Again, we had one of the two or three best QB's in the conference last year as a RS (Nemo: knew it last night, but editing on a mobile is a bitch) sophomore. Gray has never taken a snap. You're right that Brewster has to worry about wins - that's why putting Weber, and our o-line, in the best position to succeed is a good thing.

Biggest problem I see with abandoning the spread

is that this will be the third offensive system that the redhirt Jr and Sr on the team have had to learn in the past four years. Learning curves are steep and it slows players down when they have to think about what they are supposed to do and where they are supposed to be rather than react. I think this could hurt, hope I am wrong.

Just one page or series please

Two backs, Weber or Gray under center. Establish Hoese on inside traps. Once established, fake to Hoese and run the option preferably to the wide side of the field. The second back or tailback must have speed, and Weber is a threat to run. The option is deadly, no one runs it anymore, or runs it well. And the wrinkles from a well established option are miriad. A slipped block by a slot reciever and a skinny post is open. As is a reverse, both inside and deep. Somewhere in that playbook, Coach, tell me we will challenge the defense all over the field.

They will utilize the talents of the players they have to attack.
The spread the way Dunbar had it is old and needed a facelift! There was little imagination in the offense last year, even if it was the spread! Opposing Defenses who were decent knew how to defend it, along with exploit the Gophers OL.

I think a restructuring of the offense with a mixture of spread and pro set/power running will not only help the offense, but get guys like Weber better prepared if they chose to try and go pro!

Personally, though I am a little nervous about the new OC's lack of experience, I am extremely excited about the possibilities of the offense next year. It has the potential to make some things happen.

Well said Grunkie!! Who cares (except GG) that Fisch wasn't part of the original group???? He's here and our OC, give the guy a chance to show his wares, he is probably more qualified than a few of the original candidates. GO COACH FRISCH!!!

I find it interesting that a guy that will have not played in nearly two years and was injured in HS is now our best QB. Let's just let it play out. Maybe Alipate or Nance is the answer if Weber faulters.

I wouldn't consider this an accurate post. His injury kept him out of the early games in his senior season but he came back during the second half of the season and playoffs. He also continued practicing football by playing in the Army AA game on the first Saturday in 2008. He practiced with the Gophers this past fall, then practiced with his HS team when he got screwed by the NCAA, and will have spring practice this year before starting training camp next fall. Yes, you're accurate that he missed some games during his senior year (but not all of them like you imply) and he didn't play in any games this season.

That being said, I won't disagree with your conclusion that it has to play out. Of course, this is a message board where people like to speculate on the next season so I don't have a problem with it even though I personally expect Weber to be our starter next season.

I've never been a big fan of the spread and now that so many teams are running it I figure that spread-type talent is diluted among all the teams. Now is probably a good time to get good value recruiting non-spread talent.

As for Marquis Gray, I would suggest he should focus on developing his traditional QB skills and let his athleticism be a bonus. Where are all the spread QBs in the NFL? Alex Smith, anyone? Will Tim Tebow be any better? Doubt it. Seems to me the most successful QBs in the NFL are pretty much the pocket passers with all the traditional skills. The Daunte Culpepper types that were heralded as the wave of the future when he was drafted are already the wave of the never happened.


While that may all be very true, only a genius could have predicted that two years ago when Coach Dunbar was hired. :rolleyes: I mean really, who could have predicted that the elite programs would recruit to stop any lame efforts of using the spread all the time?:rolleyes:;)

Gopherholefan how do you not know who won the national championship.

The pro-style offense is a better recruiting tool than the spread IMO. We can preach that it will help players more ready for the NFL. Everyone coming out of Florida is great, but they face questions on whether or not they can adjust to a more traditional offense. It should be exciting where we go with the offense. I am thinking under center mostly, but with the ability to go to shotgun and spread it out when the occasion calls for it.

Who said Gray even has a problem with the changes that will be made? Since they will make every effort to utilize the skills of the players, I would think Gray would be even more excited.

I think there is a lot of jumping the gun on opinions concerning what the new offense will look like. Personally, I believe they will have an opportunity to do something pretty outstanding with the offense.

Weber is white, Gray is black, ergo Gray is better. Right?

Where does Alipate fall?

You should not judge players by color but rather by their Rivals rankings and by quality offers. Alipate and Nance will never see the field as QB's, they were recruited for good PR.

Alipate will never see the field? Rivals ranks him as the #16 QB, Scout #31 (used to be around #13), and ESPN ranks him as the #11 QB and THE BEST RECRUIT WE HAVE THIS YEAR.

If Brew keeps bringing in top-notch QB recruits, he will be challenged to win a job, no doubt. But it's irresponsible to suggest he was brought in for just PR.

Even if Alipate doesn't see the field (don't think so), I think having someone like him will help tremendously for the scout team when trying to simulate some of the other Big Ten QBs. I think last year, John Nance was simulating Terrell Pryor and he's like 40 pounds lighter than Pryor.

You should not judge players by color but rather by their Rivals rankings and by quality offers. Alipate and Nance will never see the field as QB's, they were recruited for good PR.

Didn't Alipate have more quality offers than Gray?

I am going to wait until I see the offense in an actual game before passing judgement. That said, I don't like that Brewster has said "We're still a spread football team" and Fisch is now on record saying we are not a spread football team. I believe you have to be a passing team to win big in college football right now. As long as the Gophers get points in the passing game, I'll be happy. We can look more like USC's pro style or Florida's spread....just be prepared to put 35 or more on the board on a weekly basis.

A conservative offense that doesn't feature plenty of 3 wide and 4 wide sets will get chewed up and spit out in most big games.

Dunbar wasn't problem 1, 2, or 3 last year. 1. We didn't have an Oline capable or run blocking or pass blocking 2. We didn't have a receiver with the speed and quickness to do anything with the ball after catching one of the many short and screen passes we threw. 3. We didn't have anyone who was a threat at RB

"I believe you have to be a passing team to win big in college football right now."

A lot of Georgia Tech & Navy fans sure hope you're wrong.

Georgia Tech and Navy can hope all they want... I will stick to what I said.

You know everything cylces. Right now teams are using the spread and other inventions to get great mismatches agains slower LB's and DE's. So to counter teams are recruiting smaller more agile guys. At some point someone's going to step back and think, hey they're kinda small and weak up the middle why don't we throw a little power running at them. We'll kill them four yards at a time. And we'll have a new rage. That's personally why I think Michigan was nuts to change their O. We're only about 3-4 years away from that shift. Watch and see.

I never said Alipate will never see the field. I said he will not see the field as a QB, I think after Weber, Gray will take the reins, if Alipate redshirts he could possibly be QB for a year but only if we can't recruit a better QB by then.

Alipate 3* (16th ranked) with offers from Minnesota, Washington State, Colorado

Gray 4* coming off of a broken arm (3rd ranked) with offers from Minnesota, Oregon, Purdue, Cincinnati, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan State.

so no, Alipate did not have more or better offers than Gray

I never said Alipate will never see the field. I said he will not see the field as a QB, I think after Weber, Gray will take the reins, if Alipate redshirts he could possibly be QB for a year but only if we can't recruit a better QB by then.

Alipate 3* (16th ranked) with offers from Minnesota, Washington State, Colorado

Gray 4* coming off of a broken arm (3rd ranked) with offers from Minnesota, Oregon, Purdue, Cincinnati, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan State.

so no, Alipate did not have more or better offers than Gray

Offers normally do give a good guage of talent, but I'm not sure that's the case in regard to these two QB prospects.

Two things:

1) Alipate's offer list is smaller simply because he committed so early, many schools who would have eventually offered, did not.

2) Gray's offer list was also somewhat limited because of the injury his senior year of high school, as well as questions on whether he'd qualify for school.

You know everything cylces. Right now teams are using the spread and other inventions to get great mismatches agains slower LB's and DE's. So to counter teams are recruiting smaller more agile guys. At some point someone's going to step back and think, hey they're kinda small and weak up the middle why don't we throw a little power running at them. We'll kill them four yards at a time. And we'll have a new rage. That's personally why I think Michigan was nuts to change their O. We're only about 3-4 years away from that shift. Watch and see.

There was a guy who said the same thing about us when Dunbar was hired. Maybe he was right?:confused:

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