Goodbye Spread Offense


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Nov 23, 2008
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After reading the interview with Coach Fisch I see that we are getting rid of the spread and going to a pro style offense. How do you think this will be received by the players who were recruited to run the spread such as Marquis Gray.

Pro-style offense now is 1 running back with either 2 TE & 2 WR or 1 TE & 3 WR. That is the receiver set that the Gophers ran most of the time.

The only difference is that the Gophers will be under center on 1st down most of the time.

Who won the national title last year and what type of offense do they run??

Who won the national title last year and what type of offense do they run??

Florida ran the spread and out of the shotgun virtually all of the time like we did. Personally, I like the pro style offense better and having the QB under center but I wonder how Marquis will like it as it is different than being in the shotgun all of the time and tends to have less scrambling and running from the QB.

Two words GG, Terrelle Pryor! Marquis can look to the power house that is Ohio State. Just because Gray can run doesn't mean he has to be in the shotgun to do it. The Freshman of the year is very similar in style, if anything Gray is a better passer and Pryor is the better runner. Don't tell me you are trying to find another way to create a way to knock Brew. If it is, then its really getting old GG. You don't think running a pro-style offense actually has its benefits to potential recruits and players looking to make it to the NFL? Its been said over and over by both Brew and Fisch that we will still have forms of the spread in the offense. You said a key word, "tends" Pryor ran the ball 139 times for 853 a pro-style offense. I'm just saying....

I get the argument that could be made for Gray wanting to run the spread, though the point about Terrelle Pryor is a good one. Any other players who would be disappointed in a switch? I can't think of any. The playmakers will get their touches.

I can only hope going to a pro style offense somehow improves the offensive line. I can't take much more of the kind of play we saw last year.

Jedd Fisch-"We’re going to have a balanced attack, and we’re going to spread the football around into all of our playmaker’s hands. I’ve made the comment from the very beginning that we’re going to go for touchdowns"

Need I say more?! I don't think Marquis will have a problem when he's scoring TD'S :D :D

Two words GG, Terrelle Pryor! Marquis can look to the power house that is Ohio State. Just because Gray can run doesn't mean he has to be in the shotgun to do it. The Freshman of the year is very similar in style, if anything Gray is a better passer and Pryor is the better runner. Don't tell me you are trying to find another way to create a way to knock Brew. If it is, then its really getting old GG. You don't think running a pro-style offense actually has its benefits to potential recruits and players looking to make it to the NFL? Its been said over and over by both Brew and Fisch that we will still have forms of the spread in the offense. You said a key word, "tends" Pryor ran the ball 139 times for 853 a pro-style offense. I'm just saying....

I actually said that I personally prefer a pro style offense so I am not attacking Brewster at all on this. I do think it has potential benefits to the NFL as the NFL has been less than excited about drafting spread QB's because they believe they are system QB's(i.e. the predictions that Tim Tebow would not be a high pick and the fact that the last 3-4 Texas Tech QB's have put up huge numbers and none are or have done anything in the NFL). My question was simply will Marquis be happy with the change. Fisch did say it will be a balanced offense as every OC in the country does but definitely said we will not be running the spread.

Two words GG, Terrelle Pryor! Marquis can look to the power house that is Ohio State. Just because Gray can run doesn't mean he has to be in the shotgun to do it. The Freshman of the year is very similar in style, if anything Gray is a better passer and Pryor is the better runner. Don't tell me you are trying to find another way to create a way to knock Brew. If it is, then its really getting old GG. You don't think running a pro-style offense actually has its benefits to potential recruits and players looking to make it to the NFL? Its been said over and over by both Brew and Fisch that we will still have forms of the spread in the offense. You said a key word, "tends" Pryor ran the ball 139 times for 853 a pro-style offense. I'm just saying....

Yes, but OSU is converting back to a Troy Smith-style spread offense this season to better suit Pryor's abilities.

Well like I said, if Marquis wants to win/play in the NFL I'm sure he will love it. Sitting out an entire year at home watching the only dual-threat QB rated higher than him in his class run all over people from under center has him plenty excited. There are such plays called designed runs from under center, and its not like you won't see the shotgun. I know what you said, but you are trying to hint at yet another negative which isn't suprising. If you can ever start a post that has a positive spin on something please...please let me know ahead of time so I can brace myself.

Yes, but OSU is converting back to a Troy Smith-style spread offense this season to better suit Pryor's abilities.

Yes Fisch said we won't be running the spread, we will be running the Gopher offense which will include a little bit of everything that will "score touchdowns"

My question was simply will Marquis be happy with the change. Fisch did say it will be a balanced offense as every OC in the country does but definitely said we will not be running the spread.

As I said before, are there any other players who would be disappointed in a switch other than Gray? I mean, no offense to him, but we've got a QB who was one of the two or three best in the Big Ten as a true sophomore last year, and could only benefit by taking less of a pounding in a pro style offense. What Gray thinks of a switch probably doesn't make much difference when it comes to 2009 and 2010. Plus, he's never taken a snap at the U - if he's as good as advertised, we can tailor the offense to suit his strengths when it's his turn.

Jedd Fisch-"We’re going to have a balanced attack, and we’re going to spread the football around into all of our playmaker’s hands. I’ve made the comment from the very beginning that we’re going to go for touchdowns"

Need I say more?! I don't think Marquis will have a problem when he's scoring TD'S :D :D

I am not negative about the spread or pro style offense at all, I am concerned that Coach Fisch wasn't even a part of the initial group of candidates. I am curious how many candidates turned Brewster down before we went to Fisch. I like the guy however and I will give him his shot. My concern is that he appears to be a guy that may not be here long just based on what he said when questioned about his long term goals and the fact that he hasn't been in the college game for a long time, and with the recent departures on the coaching staff I want us to have some stability so that the players are not learning a new scheme and/or terminology every year or two. Stability in your coaching staff is one of the most important factors in the success or failure of a program, in fact at the AFCA conference this year both Joe Paterno and Tom Osborne tstated the same thing.

As I said before, are there any other players who would be disappointed in a switch other than Gray? I mean, no offense to him, but we've got a QB who was one of the two or three best in the Big Ten as a true sophomore last year, and could only benefit by taking less of a pounding in a pro style offense. What Gray thinks of a switch probably doesn't make much difference when it comes to 2009 and 2010. Plus, he's never taken a snap at the U - if he's as good as advertised, we can tailor the offense to suit his strengths when it's his turn.

Very intelligent post!

Yes Fisch said we won't be running the spread, we will be running the Gopher offense which will include a little bit of everything that will "score touchdowns"

Well, the objective of any offense is to score touchdowns.

I am not negative about the spread or pro style offense at all, I am concerned that Coach Fisch wasn't even a part of the initial group of candidates. I am curious how many candidates turned Brewster down before we went to Fisch. I like the guy however and I will give him his shot. My concern is that he appears to be a guy that may not be here long just based on what he said when questioned about his long term goals and the fact that he hasn't been in the college game for a long time, and with the recent departures on the coaching staff I want us to have some stability so that the players are not learning a new scheme and/or terminology every year or two. Stability in your coaching staff is one of the most important factors in the success or failure of a program, in fact at the AFCA conference this year both Joe Paterno and Tom Osborne tstated the same thing.

Kid's just want to win and have fun doing it and I believe this offense will do a much better job at doing both of those compared to Dunbar's.

Good points, sorry every coach can't be as good as your god D'Antonio ;)

Well, the objective of any offense is to score touchdowns.

True...but how many did we score against Iowa? He clearly wants big plays and maybe it was just me that got sick of seeing 2-5 yard passes in the spread last year.

I think you guys are getting too hung up in teminology. If you read between the lines of what Fisch is saying, he is saying that we are not going to adhere to any one philosophy. Instead, we are going to run an offense that adjust to the personnel on the field. This is very different than what Dunbar did by trying to fit a square peg in to a circular hole at times. With this recruiting class we added Carpenter and Allen which are ideal WR's to play in space so I have a hard time believing that we won't find a way to use those skills--that means our formations will spread a defense out (3-4 WR w/ 0-1 TE). The only difference is that we won't use those formations exclusively. Gray is a good runner so if he is the QB on the field I think Fisch will find a way for him to use his feet at times.

This move is not unfair to any player. What is unfair to players is to recruit them and then be inflexible in your offense which prevents the team from capitalizing upon their talents.

True...but how many did we score against Iowa? He clearly wants big plays and maybe it was just me that got sick of seeing 2-5 yard passes in the spread last year.

Big plays are hard to come by when you don't have big play personnel. What did you want Dunbar to do, throw it down the field? How do you do that when your receivers are slow and your offensive line can't give the quarterback time to sit in the pocket?

After reading the interview with Coach Fisch I see that we are getting rid of the spread and going to a pro style offense. How do you think this will be received by the players who were recruited to run the spread such as Marquis Gray.

Again, please see my seperate thread addressing your depressing attitude on life, God you are fun sponge. Does everyone hate you in real life also???

I think this style will allow for Decker, Green, and Carpenter to have a lot of 1 on 1 coverage. The threat to run has to be there on every down.

So the spread goes the way of most of the rest of the big talk of the first six months under Brewster/Withers/Dunbar/Maturi.

Good. The more the football program is changed from the way it was in 2007, the better.

It will be Grays turn by the end of this season. Brewster can't afford to not play our best QB just to be loyal to Weber, He needs to worry about Wins. I think ditching the shotgun on every snap is a bad idea. Let the attacks on my post begin, you people are nothing if not predictable.

I find it interesting that a guy that will have not played in nearly two years and was injured in HS is now our best QB. Let's just let it play out. Maybe Alipate or Nance is the answer if Weber faulters.

I've never been a big fan of the spread and now that so many teams are running it I figure that spread-type talent is diluted among all the teams. Now is probably a good time to get good value recruiting non-spread talent.

As for Marquis Gray, I would suggest he should focus on developing his traditional QB skills and let his athleticism be a bonus. Where are all the spread QBs in the NFL? Alex Smith, anyone? Will Tim Tebow be any better? Doubt it. Seems to me the most successful QBs in the NFL are pretty much the pocket passers with all the traditional skills. The Daunte Culpepper types that were heralded as the wave of the future when he was drafted are already the wave of the never happened.


It will be Grays turn by the end of this season. Brewster can't afford to not play our best QB just to be loyal to Weber, He needs to worry about Wins. I think ditching the shotgun on every snap is a bad idea. Let the attacks on my post begin, you people are nothing if not predictable.

Weber is white, Gray is black, ergo Gray is better. Right?

Where does Alipate fall?

It will be Grays turn by the end of this season. Brewster can't afford to not play our best QB just to be loyal to Weber, He needs to worry about Wins. I think ditching the shotgun on every snap is a bad idea. Let the attacks on my post begin, you people are nothing if not predictable.

I guess I think this line of thinking assumes a LOT. 1st, we haven't seen Gray take a snap. He definitely has the physical tools to be a great QB but so did Tavaris Jackson. I don't mean that as a knock on the kid...I'm just saying that physical tools aren't the only requirement for the most important position on the field. I'd like to see him play a little before I assume he'll steal the the starting spot from a 2 year starter. Also, b/c of how he was screwed over by the Clearinghouse he did not get a true RS season to learn behind Weber. Plus, anything he has picked up by now is from the system of an OC who got s-canned, er, resigned. He'll benefit from being around for Spring practice, but we're still talking about a brand new college QB learning a new system.

I am VERY high on Gray and I think he's going to be a very good QB. But it might make sense to at least wait until the Spring Game before we start writing off Weber, no? :)

It will be Grays turn by the end of this season. Brewster can't afford to not play our best QB just to be loyal to Weber, He needs to worry about Wins. I think ditching the shotgun on every snap is a bad idea. Let the attacks on my post begin, you people are nothing if not predictable.

Epic fail.

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