Give us a game

They put up 48 pts on you guys they put up 13 pts against us and we held Iowa to 12....enough said. Our offense was just garbage that day. If our offense remotely clicked and our defense had an average day we would kill you guys.

I'd say losing to NDSU defined a 1-11 season and not scoring an offensive touchdown against SDSU defines this season.

Gee the Griz could only score 9 Touchdowns against the Jackrabbits of South Dakota State! Come on lets be serious the Griz would school you! Yes the Rabbits scored 48 on us but 4 of thier TDS were off turnovers, 3 inside our 10 yard line (which we NEVER do)! Bring it ya bunch of square heads!

I think Montana is a suburb of Fargo or something. Maybe by Lisbon. Somewhere in north western Minnesota anyway.

Gee the Griz could only score 9 Touchdowns against the Jackrabbits of South Dakota State! Come on lets be serious the Griz would school you! Yes the Rabbits scored 48 on us but 4 of thier TDS were off turnovers, 3 inside our 10 yard line (which we NEVER do)! Bring it ya bunch of square heads!

Dick Head, you're an idiot. Get bent.

We already gave you a game and kicked your a$$ 62-17 in 1985. It would have been worse, but Lou Holtz showed pity on your pathetic team. Do you really think you're worthy of a rematch? How have you done lately against FBS (I-A) teams? How about a 41-7 loss to Iowa in 2006. Or your 47-14 defeat to Oregon in 2005. I noticed that Bobby "Chicken" Hauck didn't schedule ANY games against FBS teams this season. Tell us, what has been your biggest win against a FBS team? Have you EVER beaten a FBS school?

I hope you still have nightmares about Randy Moss!

When people like this show up, it make you understand why inbreeding is illegal.

Minnesota home of the square heads. Give us a game i know we will beat you!

Montana, home of the no brains. Actually, Minnesota is home of the "we don't care about Montana" heads. Just wanted to clarify that for you little guy. ;)

Gee the Griz could only score 9 Touchdowns against the Jackrabbits of South Dakota State! Come on lets be serious the Griz would school you! Yes the Rabbits scored 48 on us but 4 of thier TDS were off turnovers, 3 inside our 10 yard line (which we NEVER do)! Bring it ya bunch of square heads!

Actually, you do. The evidence? You did, therefore you do.


We already gave you a game and kicked your a$$ 62-17 in 1985. It would have been worse, but Lou Holtz showed pity on your pathetic team. Do you really think you're worthy of a rematch? How have you done lately against FBS (I-A) teams? How about a 41-7 loss to Iowa in 2006. Or your 47-14 defeat to Oregon in 2005. I noticed that Bobby "Chicken" Hauck didn't schedule ANY games against FBS teams this season. Tell us, what has been your biggest win against a FBS team? Have you EVER beaten a FBS school?

I hope you still have nightmares about Randy Moss!

Our program has been around since 1897, but it didnt start to be consistantly be great until 1993.
Gee 1985, why dont you guys step up to the big dogs now? We have won more games than any FCS team in the past 10 years. We have been in 6 National championship games in the past 14 years. We have won 2 rings, in those years. Face it you have beaten average FCS teams over the past few years. Now, why not give the BIG dogs a chance at ravaging your gopher hole.

Funny thing is Montana could beat the Gophers by 100 points every year for a ten straight years and they still wouldn't be relevant. Montana will always be a lesser school, from a lesser conference, from a lesser division. Montana doesn't matter and they never will.

Why should we? We don't owe you any favors. If your arrogance and classlessness are typical of Montana fans, why in the world would we want to invite you to come to our stadium? And if you're so great, why doesn't Montana move up to the MWC or the WAC?

Let's keep in mind that this is probably just a Hawkeye or Badger troll. Of all the people I have met from Montana I have never come across a dickhead like the OP. Those to the West of us just tend to be less dillusional than our neighbors from the South and East.

He just smells more like one of those Badger fans to me.

Good call Gold Member, it did seem to come out of left field. It seems like the work of an Iowa Troll more so than Wiscy. It has the feel of corn, pigs and a lack of imagination. Wiscy freaks tend to be more creative in their disturbing behaviors.

Our program has been around since 1897, but it didnt start to be consistantly be great until 1993.
Gee 1985, why dont you guys step up to the big dogs now? We have won more games than any FCS team in the past 10 years. We have been in 6 National championship games in the past 14 years. We have won 2 rings, in those years. Face it you have beaten average FCS teams over the past few years. Now, why not give the BIG dogs a chance at ravaging your gopher hole.

Here's a list of the football "powers" who have taken your Montana Gizzards out of the playoffs the past several years:

Cal Poly
James Madison
Western Illinois
McNeese State

Come back to this board Saturday afternoon and I'll add Stephen F. Austin to the list.

Our program has been around since 1897, but it didnt start to be consistantly be great until 1993.
Gee 1985, why dont you guys step up to the big dogs now? We have won more games than any FCS team in the past 10 years. We have been in 6 National championship games in the past 14 years. We have won 2 rings, in those years. Face it you have beaten average FCS teams over the past few years. Now, why not give the BIG dogs a chance at ravaging your gopher hole.

See, there's the problem. Compared to you guys, we ARE the big dogs. Why? Because we're a Big Ten school that has won six national championships while playing AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. You and your team have never played at the highest level. End of story. If you want to come join us and play in the Big Ten year after year, then we'll see how you do. Until then, you'll be an afterthought.

See, there's the problem. Compared to you guys, we ARE the big dogs. Why? Because we're a Big Ten school that has won six national championships while playing AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. You and your team have never played at the highest level. End of story. If you want to come join us and play in the Big Ten year after year, then we'll see how you do. Until then, you'll be an afterthought.

We win our NC's on the field, not by some pencil necked sports writer who never even played High School Football. I would never want to be in the FBS. Look at our past conference brothers Boise State, undefeated and all they do is beat who ever is put in front of them and never voted #1. Boise beat Oregon twice when they were in the top 10. Boise also beat a Adrian Peterson led Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl and never got the NC, like they should have. So why would Montana want to move to the FBS, if the true NC doesnt win it on the field of play?

Let's keep in mind that this is probably just a Hawkeye or Badger troll. Of all the people I have met from Montana I have never come across a dickhead like the OP. Those to the West of us just tend to be less dillusional than our neighbors from the South and East.

He just smells more like one of those Badger fans to me.

richard cranium has his nose up the hawkeye fans butt:

We win our NC's on the field, not by some pencil necked sports writer who never even played High School Football. I would never want to be in the FBS. Look at our past conference brothers Boise State, undefeated and all they do is beat who ever is put in front of them and never voted #1. Boise beat Oregon twice when they were in the top 10. Boise also beat a Adrian Peterson led Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl and never got the NC, like they should have. So why would Montana want to move to the FBS, if the true NC doesnt win it on the field of play?

Oh, I see. You don't want to compete at the highest level of college football (FBS), yet want to talk smack about how great your program is. Like I said, there's a reason Montana is an afterthought and you proved it really nicely. Well done. :clap:

Oh, I see. You don't want to compete at the highest level of college football (FBS), yet want to talk smack about how great your program is. Like I said, there's a reason Montana is an afterthought and you proved it really nicely. Well done. :clap:

Well, while you guys play in the toilet bowl some where that means nothing! Montana is playing for THE National Championship! Enjoy your toilet bowl, and just a little advice, dont eat the blue mint! LOL!

Well, while you guys play in the toilet bowl some where that means nothing! Montana is playing for THE National Championship! Enjoy your toilet bowl, and just a little advice, dont eat the blue mint! LOL!

So in other words, I was correct. Like I said, Montana and their 1AA, FCS, ABC, XYZ or whatever national championships are an afterthought.

What other sport in all of the NCAA rewards a NC to a team that isnt played on a competive surface??? Gee, maybe hockey should be voted on too! If sports writers would vote on a National Champion Minnesota would have NEVER won a NC in Hockey. All the East coast teams would have the NC's. Ok, ya bunch of square headed morons, argue that truth. Maybe hockey should be on a bowl system too, so a REAL NC could be awarded every year!!! MORONS!!!!! The Griz would beat you, any year in the past 10, in football!

How about we play you after the next time you play Minnesota-Duluth?

Well, while you guys play in the toilet bowl some where that means nothing! Montana is playing for THE National Championship! Enjoy your toilet bowl, and just a little advice, dont eat the blue mint! LOL!
The Gophers may be playing in the toilet bowl, but it sure beats the outhouse. You don't matter, you're never going to matter. Run back to the ranch, hayseed. Bessie and Bossie are waiting for you.

What other sport in all of the NCAA rewards a NC to a team that isnt played on a competive surface??? Gee, maybe hockey should be voted on too! If sports writers would vote on a National Champion Minnesota would have NEVER won a NC in Hockey. All the East coast teams would have the NC's. Ok, ya bunch of square headed morons, argue that truth. Maybe hockey should be on a bowl system too, so a REAL NC could be awarded every year!!! MORONS!!!!! The Griz would beat you, any year in the past 10, in football!

Then take your argument straight to some BCS board. And if you actually knew anything, you would actually realize the Gophers would have won WAY MORE than five national championships in hockey had they relied on a vote, not less. In other words, do some research, or reading, and come back when you can make an argument without using complete nonsense as evidence. But what should we all expect? After all, you're Montana, home of the brain deads. In other words, you don't matter. Never have and until you move up to actually compete with the rest of us at the top levels of college athletics, you never will. Class dismissed.

The beauty of this is that this problem is going to work itself out eventually. Sooner or later, this dullard is going to be sitting in his home, staring blankly at the wall and scratching his shaved head when he's going to come up with a great zinger that he just needs to get out to this message board. He's going rush to his Commodore 64 that sits on top of a stack of Olympia returnables, sit his scaly skin on the folding chair he stole from the American Legion and really get the best of Gopherhole. Problem is he left that batch of meth he's cooking unattended. Now the state of Montana is left to look after a burning trailer home and 7 lonely sheep.

By all means, lets compare Boise State to Montana. If Montana wins the FCS title, barely anyone will know about it. By contrast, everyone knows Boise State. The Motor City Bowl gets more attention than the FCS championship. You're just engaging in sour grapes.

If you want proof of which program has higher status, take a look at who is begging and pleading for a game.

I am a SDSU fan who went to both games. The Montana D was very soft in the first half (also hurt by turnovers). However they played well in the 2nd half. We should have easily won this game. We choked and our D played terrible in the 2nd. That being said their offense is ten times more explosive than the Gophers. They also have a crowd that's twice as loud as yours, and the gameday atmosphere is way better than Minnesota's. Just saying, just because they are FCS doesn't mean they don't have a good program.

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