Give me your High End, successful, acceptable expectations for Kill and Co this year

i really hate being overly optomisitc.... with that said.... everytime i read an article or listen to player/coaches interviews i get more and more hyped up....

usc- thats right i said it... kill announces himself to the college world... first win at this level is at usc


miami oh






it wouldnt suprise me if we won 1 more.... i dont think 7 wins is outa the realm of possibilities... you saw what this team could do when they were actually coached.... 2-1

Dear Coach Kill,

Keep the pig and get the axe. Do that and I can forgive anything else that happens this season.

Trying to be realistic here - I could see this team finish with a low end of 4 wins, and a top end of 7.

Let's not forget, we're talking about a new coaching staff, new offensive system, new defensive system, new starter at QB, questionable depth at several positions (WR, DB), and questions about the kicking game.

Don't get me wrong - I'd love to see the Gophs become the surprise of the year in the B10, but I honestly expect to see a lot of ups and downs this year as the team gets acclimated to the new staff and new schemes. Plus, I'm not sure the overall talent level is as high as some people seem to think. I see a team with some good athletes, but a lot of question marks, too. And for all the Kill love, he and his staff are coaching in a bigger conference and a higher level for the 1st time. The coaches have a learning curve, just as much as the players.

My ultimate expectation - a more entertaining team to watch. If we get that, I'll be happy no matter what the final record turns out to be.

You are missing the whole point, the poster is not asking for rational expectations, he wants fan expectations, so in that fantasy world 8 wins is realistic. In the real world 5 wins would be and will be acceptable, because the most winnable games will all be early when we will play the worst ball. If we don't play well in one of the non-conference games that are winnable, the 6 wins idea is toast. 8 wins is a joke

Our expectations for this year should be on increasingly better execution through the season, fewer dumb plays, tougher football, consistent ST play. I would love to steal some games, and win 7 or 8, but to say winning 6 games is required to make the season successful is a joke, in my mind. Holtz did not do that in his first year and he was a very good coach. we are playing in the toughest divison in the conference and that is clear. The historically weakest program in our division beat us last year.
We have a talented and completely inexperienced quarterback, and oline (one senior proven starter), one (1, uno) proven Big Ten quality receiver, one very good tight end and several tight ends who should be good but are not yet reliable, and two solid rbs without breakaway speed. (Edwards is a great athlete, but he is not close to ready to start. He is not running under control through the line, and Kirkwood and Edwards can't block reliably and won't play much until they can.)
We have two good proven DTs, and no proven DEs, three or four good athletes at LB, but only Tinsley has survived a BigTen season whole while playing solid ball for the whole year. And a defensive backfield with one proven solid, healthy player, TStoudermire; KRoyston will be good if he is healthy. We have a punter who is not solid on his feet, so despite the great leg strength, he is still likely to shank one out of three, and a field goal kicker with the same issue. In fact the non-scholarship kickers may wind up doing most of the kicking.
ST play other than FGs will be better, I'll bet on that.
What part of that sounds like an 6-8 win expectation team? I forgot these are fan expectations.

High end - 13-0 of course. :)

I think a low bowl season has to be considered successful, with 4 or 5 wins probably acceptable. Anything below that would be disappointing considering we were able to muster 3 wins last year and that teams was as disjointed as could be. I just wanna win the games we should, but for us, that might only technically be the non-conference games, but I'd like to see at least 5 to get things going somewhat positively.

Win enough games early so TCF stadium isn't a parking lot for the the game against the Pigs and Skunks

After losing 4 of the top 6 offensive lineman and now very questionable depth on the o-line, depth issues at WR, talent questions at running back, a new quarterback who might have more career turnovers than completions and has only played one full season at QB since his junior year (with marginal numbers during that season), no returning fullback/H back, and a new system on offense... a defense that loses the top sack and TFL guy, no proven pass rushers, a very average at best (based on last year) linebacker group, and a thin secondary, and a defense that is questionable depth wise across the board... and with big questions in the kicking game.. a new defensive scheme...a coaching staff that has only one member that has ever coached or played at the BCS level............. I see only New Mexico State as a definite win. I am not sure how one could possibly assume a win over NDSU and Miami. If you remember, Jerry Kill had a much better team at N Ill than the minnesota last year and they lost to Miami. Also, his team beat North Dakota by 6 and NDSU has a better team.

Haven't some of you sampled the Kool-Aid before? The other schools on the schedule also have spring football, go to the weight room, work hard. This is going to take time. And as hard as it might be for some to believe, it is going to take Jerry Kill time to adjust. He is not a miracle man. A huge step up coaching wise from Timmy Brew. But, this is a whole new ballgame for him, too.

He's got to show signs that the program is improving and will get better.
That starts with a few things IMO, none are record related:
-Beat your FCS opponent. Nothing else is acceptable. Period. Win 1
-Play tough on the road.
-Upset someone. Win 2
-Win a trophy game. Win 3
-Have young players step up and contribute late in the season.
-Play tough defense and special teams.

If the 2011 squad does these things, I think 6-6 is possible with some luck.
3-9 under those circumstances is also ok, ex: win NDSU, NMSU, and Iowee.

I don't think Northern Illinois was a much better tham than Minnesota. NIU was a better coached team. The team that won the last two games of the season wasn't the same team that was in the ditch for the first part of the season. The talent was the same, it was just used better. We aren't expecting miracles, just expecting better.

If we shouldn't be drinking the Kool-Aid, we shouldn't drink the vinegar either.

If you remember, Jerry Kill had a much better team at N Ill than the minnesota last year and they lost to Miami.

So what? The 2011 Gophers are playing the 2011 Miami (OH) team, not the 2010 Miami (OH) team. They lost a ton of seniors and will be playing their first year under a new head coach as well. But I'm sure you already knew that.

Also, his team beat North Dakota by 6 and NDSU has a better team.

If linear comparisons worked in football (or any team sport, for that matter), you might have a point.

And as hard as it might be for some to believe, it is going to take Jerry Kill time to adjust. He is not a miracle man. A huge step up coaching wise from Timmy Brew. But, this is a whole new ballgame for him, too.

Again, it is quite hilarious that you discount the Gophers on the basis of a first-year HC, and assume that Miami will defeat them, even though Miami has a first-year HC as well. To further the hilarity, Miami's new HC has never coached a game in his life, at any level, as the true HC, while Jerry Kill has 20 years of experience, and well over 200 games, as a HC at every level from HS to Division I-A. Try harder. Your bias is showing.

3399 alias Pantherhawk?

So what? The 2011 Gophers are playing the 2011 Miami (OH) team, not the 2010 Miami (OH) team. They lost a ton of seniors and will be playing their first year under a new head coach as well. But I'm sure you already knew that.

If linear comparisons worked in football (or any team sport, for that matter), you might have a point.

Again, it is quite hilarious that you discount the Gophers on the basis of a first-year HC, and assume that Miami will defeat them, even though Miami has a first-year HC as well. To further the hilarity, Miami's new HC has never coached a game in his life, at any level, as the true HC, while Jerry Kill has 20 years of experience, and well over 200 games, as a HC at every level from HS to Division I-A. Try harder. Your bias is showing.

LOL - This guy could be the worst troll ever to comment here. He has to be an embarrassment to trolls everywhere. Talk about being illogical. You have to wonder if he is totally clueless as to why what he says makes absolutely no sense.:banghead:

There's 3 NC games they should win. The B1G schedule doesn't set up well with 3 of the 4 most 'winnable' games on the road. But they should still be able to find a way to win 2. I'd say:

7-5 or better: A
6-6: B
5-7: C-I'd still be fine with this.
4-8: D
3-9 or worse: F.

So what? The 2011 Gophers are playing the 2011 Miami (OH) team, not the 2010 Miami (OH) team. They lost a ton of seniors and will be playing their first year under a new head coach as well. But I'm sure you already knew that.

Again, it is quite hilarious that you discount the Gophers on the basis of a first-year HC, and assume that Miami will defeat them, even though Miami has a first-year HC as well. To further the hilarity, Miami's new HC has never coached a game in his life, at any level, as the true HC, while Jerry Kill has 20 years of experience, and well over 200 games, as a HC at every level from HS to Division I-A. Try harder. Your bias is showing.

I'm surprised at how many people are glossing over this point. Forget about losing their coach. Miami (OH) lost an ENORMOUS amount of players to graduation. I remember checking a few months back and it was absurd, including virtually the entire starting defense. I don't expect the Gophers to have a lot of difficulty coming away with a win in this one, especially after a warm-up game against NMSU.

I'd be happy if we can keep something in the trophy case.

6-6 would be absolutely amazing imo. Anything more would be icing on the cake. Realistically, I just can't see 7 or 8 wins happening, but Brew had us 7-0 in his second season...

This is a gopher board, so I understand you gotta have big expectations every year.

The NDSU game is gonna come down to the wire. If anybody thinks otherwise, they have been drinking way too much maroon and gold kool aid.

I don't think Kill has the talent he needs to be successful (successful - bowl elgible). I see the USD game last year as an example. Talent alone wins that game, regardless of the coach. The loss to the Coyotes is probably the worst loss in gopher program history. USD wasn't even a good FCS team. When USD came to Fargo last year, I was expecting a good close game. However, USD was not physical at all and had no team speed (exception QB Dante Warren).

At least the games against NDSU in 06 and 07, NDSU had 4 guys from those teams currently playing in the NFL (Humber, Schommer, Dahl, Mays). So even though we are FCS, it can sometimes be misleading. Look at Humber and Dahl, both MN kids and we get the kids the gophers pass on (goes to show how accurate recruiting agencies can be).

I think Kill is an outstanding hire for the gophers. I think in 2 to 3 years he should be able to have the gophers in the top half of the conference. Its gonna take a year or 2 to fix Brew's mess. I am a diehard Bison fan, but I love college football and live in the twin cities and have had gopher season tickets for 3 or 4 years now. It would be awesome to have a game in late Oct with a Big 10 title on the line. It would be insane.

High end - 13-0 of course. :)

I think a low bowl season has to be considered successful, with 4 or 5 wins probably acceptable. Anything below that would be disappointing considering we were able to muster 3 wins last year and that teams was as disjointed as could be. I just wanna win the games we should, but for us, that might only technically be the non-conference games, but I'd like to see at least 5 to get things going somewhat positively.

14-0, you mean. You have to include the Big Ten Championship game along with a Bowl game.

Dear Coach Kill,

Keep the pig and get the axe. Do that and I can forgive anything else that happens this season.

Amen brother! Win those games (and maybe bring the ever so elusive Jug home, too) and my view of the season is a success.

This is a gopher board, so I understand you gotta have big expectations every year.

The NDSU game is gonna come down to the wire. If anybody thinks otherwise, they have been drinking way too much maroon and gold kool aid.

I don't think Kill has the talent he needs to be successful (successful - bowl elgible). I see the USD game last year as an example. Talent alone wins that game, regardless of the coach. The loss to the Coyotes is probably the worst loss in gopher program history. USD wasn't even a good FCS team. When USD came to Fargo last year, I was expecting a good close game. However, USD was not physical at all and had no team speed (exception QB Dante Warren).

With that line of logic, Iowa should have NEVER lost to that SAME MN team that lost to USD. I mean, regardless of coaching, Iowa had for more talent than MN.

I don't know if you played the sport or not.. But the phrase, 'Hard work always beats talent when talent doesn't work hard' is absolutely true. The MN guys pretty much expected a roll over game against USD, meanwhile USD was in the biggest game of the schools history, so they came out swinging until the cows came home. And the same could be said about the last game of this past season, only replace MN with Iowa and USD with MN.

This is a gopher board, so I understand you gotta have big expectations every year.

The NDSU game is gonna come down to the wire. If anybody thinks otherwise, they have been drinking way too much maroon and gold kool aid.

I don't think Kill has the talent he needs to be successful (successful - bowl elgible). I see the USD game last year as an example. Talent alone wins that game, regardless of the coach. The loss to the Coyotes is probably the worst loss in gopher program history. USD wasn't even a good FCS team. When USD came to Fargo last year, I was expecting a good close game. However, USD was not physical at all and had no team speed (exception QB Dante Warren).

At least the games against NDSU in 06 and 07, NDSU had 4 guys from those teams currently playing in the NFL (Humber, Schommer, Dahl, Mays). So even though we are FCS, it can sometimes be misleading. Look at Humber and Dahl, both MN kids and we get the kids the gophers pass on (goes to show how accurate recruiting agencies can be).

I think Kill is an outstanding hire for the gophers. I think in 2 to 3 years he should be able to have the gophers in the top half of the conference. Its gonna take a year or 2 to fix Brew's mess. I am a diehard Bison fan, but I love college football and live in the twin cities and have had gopher season tickets for 3 or 4 years now. It would be awesome to have a game in late Oct with a Big 10 title on the line. It would be insane.

We will destroy the Fighting Sioux by at least three touchdowns.
I'm looking for us to be bowl eligible for sure.

MemorialStadiumFan - Being Realistic

High End = 7-5

Successful = 6-6

Acceptable = 4-8

A major positive now and in the future is/will be the coaching staff continuity/stability with everyone in the program on the same page. Will this mean more wins in the first couple of years with this new leadership? Not necessarily. I think we all expect to see and will get better preparation, less mental mistakes, better in-game decision-making, week-by-week improvement, etc.

We need to be realistic with wins. We can have a great coaching staff and have the players prepared each Saturday this fall. Bottom line, it is the players themselves that need to perform and do their job. The coaches will try to place the players in the best place where they can be successful. This staff will have the team prepared each week....without a doubt. Do they now have the talent on the field to be more than competitive? Probably not now.....but give this coaching staff a few years and I think we will all be pleasantly surprised.

6-6 would be absolutely amazing imo. Anything more would be icing on the cake. Realistically, I just can't see 7 or 8 wins happening, but Brew had us 7-0 in his second season...

He had us 7-1 in his second season. Couldn't beat the boys from Columbus.

Also, when it comes to this season, I'm in the camp that isn't going to assign a win total to determine the success of the season (now Kill's 3rd season and beyond is a different story). To me the more important thing is how we are winning/losing games. Like are we keeping it close, are we fundamentally sound, are we committing lots of penalties, ect. I think that if the intangibles are there this coming season, we'll have a lot to look forward to in the coming years. Depth and learning issues may hold us back this year, but once the players have been in the system for a few years and the numbers are shored up, I think we'll be pretty good.

You don't get do-overs, but if the Gophers team that beat Illinois and Iowa could play USD again, the Gophers would have a solid win. If anyone is expecting the awful team that lost to USD to be on the field this fall, they will be surprised. Those two wins to end the season gave reason to be hopeful that there was more talent on this team than people realized.

14-0 or bust.

But seriously I think the team goes 7-6 (3-5) with a bowl win.

After losing 4 of the top 6 offensive lineman and now very questionable depth on the o-line, depth issues at WR, talent questions at running back, a new quarterback who might have more career turnovers than completions and has only played one full season at QB since his junior year (with marginal numbers during that season), no returning fullback/H back, and a new system on offense... a defense that loses the top sack and TFL guy, no proven pass rushers, a very average at best (based on last year) linebacker group, and a thin secondary, and a defense that is questionable depth wise across the board... and with big questions in the kicking game.. a new defensive scheme...a coaching staff that has only one member that has ever coached or played at the BCS level............. I see only New Mexico State as a definite win. I am not sure how one could possibly assume a win over NDSU and Miami. If you remember, Jerry Kill had a much better team at N Ill than the minnesota last year and they lost to Miami. Also, his team beat North Dakota by 6 and NDSU has a better team.

Haven't some of you sampled the Kool-Aid before? The other schools on the schedule also have spring football, go to the weight room, work hard. This is going to take time. And as hard as it might be for some to believe, it is going to take Jerry Kill time to adjust. He is not a miracle man. A huge step up coaching wise from Timmy Brew. But, this is a whole new ballgame for him, too.

I see your back d0uche. I suppose next year you'll come around again as 5577 or 6666 or maybe even 8844?


LOL - This guy could be the worst troll ever to comment here. He has to be an embarrassment to trolls everywhere. Talk about being illogical. You have to wonder if he is totally clueless as to why what he says makes absolutely no sense.:banghead:

I see you're back d0uche...

You guys are giving his WAY too much credit. Keep your expectations low.

I can't understand how people gave Brewster a pass after taking a 6-7 team to 1-11, but now are saying Kill has to have at least 6 wins with a 3-9 team. There's a saying that you are as good as your record. Sure they should have beaten USD but they just as easily could have lost to IL. I really don't think this was an 8 win team masquerading as a 3 win team. I think it was a 3 - 5 win team. Do I expect more this year? Yes. I think some of the positions will be a little better, execution will be better, and they should win a game or two more.

But there are so many questions - Gray hasn't exactly looked outstanding at QB when he was in there under Brew or during Spring Ball and you can't expect him to go from mediocre trick play QB to Joe Montana in one spring and fall. I love him to death and want him to win but it's unfair to him to hold him to an unrealistic standard. Then you look at how many positions that the starter is good but the backup is questionable at best - one injury could really set this team back.

I say 5 wins plus or minus 2. I'll be disappointed with 3 but I won't be jumping off the bandwagon. If he pulls out more than 8 wins they should offer him a lifetime contract on the spot.

Sat, Sep 03 Southern California at Los Angeles, Calif. = L
Sat, Sep 10 New Mexico State TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Sep 17 Miami (Ohio) TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Sep 24 North Dakota State TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Oct 01 Michigan * at Ann Arbor, Mich. = L (At Michigan, to tough for the first year)
Sat, Oct 08 Purdue * at West Lafayette, Ind. = W
Sat, Oct 22 Nebraska * TCF Bank Stadium = L
Sat, Oct 29 Iowa * TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Nov 05 Michigan State * at East Lansing, Mich. = L
Sat, Nov 12 Wisconsin * TCF Bank Stadium = W (REVENGE)
Sat, Nov 19 Northwestern * at Evanston, Ill. = W
Sat, Nov 26 Illinois * TCF Bank Stadium = W

8 - 4 BABY!!!!

Sat, Sep 03 Southern California at Los Angeles, Calif. = L
Sat, Sep 10 New Mexico State TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Sep 17 Miami (Ohio) TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Sep 24 North Dakota State TCF Bank Stadium = W
Sat, Oct 01 Michigan * at Ann Arbor, Mich. = L
Sat, Oct 08 Purdue * at West Lafayette, Ind. = W
Sat, Oct 22 Nebraska * TCF Bank Stadium = L
Sat, Oct 29 Iowa * TCF Bank Stadium = L
Sat, Nov 05 Michigan State * at East Lansing, Mich. = L
Sat, Nov 12 Wisconsin * TCF Bank Stadium = L
Sat, Nov 19 Northwestern * at Evanston, Ill. = L
Sat, Nov 26 Illinois * TCF Bank Stadium = L

4 wins, from an "outsiders" view, for what it's worth

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