GH App


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
So, what is the Cell App we can use for GH? Tapatalk doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm sure I missed it and sorry for reposting if I did.

There is no app, the webiste should work just fine using your phone's web browser

I didn't mind tapatalk....but everything looks nice and scales well on my phone.

My one gripe is that ads commonly overlap the quick reply box....causing me to scroll up and down to find the reply box again.

There is no app, the webiste should work just fine using your phone's web browser
Try using:
That is the mobile address.

Yes, you can navigate okay with gopherhole being mobile friendly, but Tapatalk was much more efficient.

Agreed. Browser navigation is good, but Tapatalk is by far preferable on my iPad & phone

Try using:
That is the mobile address.

Yes, you can navigate okay with gopherhole being mobile friendly, but Tapatalk was much more efficient.
Tried but browser won't open it. ?‍♂️

While it works ok in safari, I do really miss it being on Tapatalk. I find myself checking Gopherhole less often because it was easier and quicker to use the app. The ads were also MUCH less intrusive on the app. Such is life...they say this is supposed to be better but I’m not buying it

We continue to make enhancements to the site and are aggregating all feedback. The big thing with Tapatalk was their customer service is atrocious. We would put a ticket in and it would take weeks for it to be answered and most of the time it wasn't fixed at all. The speed of the new platform is significantly faster and that was important to us as well.

We continue to make enhancements to the site and are aggregating all feedback. The big thing with Tapatalk was their customer service is atrocious. We would put a ticket in and it would take weeks for it to be answered and most of the time it wasn't fixed at all. The speed of the new platform is significantly faster and that was important to us as well.
I don’t blame you for leaving if they weren’t easy to work with. Can’t say I ever noticed a problem with speed on the app, but maybe I’m an outlier. I’d willingly give up some “speed” for easier and quicker navigation, however.

We continue to make enhancements to the site and are aggregating all feedback. The big thing with Tapatalk was their customer service is atrocious. We would put a ticket in and it would take weeks for it to be answered and most of the time it wasn't fixed at all. The speed of the new platform is significantly faster and that was important to us as well.

Not necessarily an app issue, but can we add thumbs down to post reactions? I love that we can like a post now, but it seems to me like we should have the ability to do the opposite. I feel like many threads become pissing contests and maybe if posters saw that their take was unanimously downvoted, they might take a step back and thing before they post again. In short, I feel like it keeps people more accountable and I have seen it work well on 247.

We continue to make enhancements to the site and are aggregating all feedback. The big thing with Tapatalk was their customer service is atrocious. We would put a ticket in and it would take weeks for it to be answered and most of the time it wasn't fixed at all. The speed of the new platform is significantly faster and that was important to us as well.
I can respect this. Customer support is crucial. I've had some 3rd party vendors I couldn't wait to drop because their support was so horrific.

Not necessarily an app issue, but can we add thumbs down to post reactions? I love that we can like a post now, but it seems to me like we should have the ability to do the opposite. I feel like many threads become pissing contests and maybe if posters saw that their take was unanimously downvoted, they might take a step back and thing before they post again. In short, I feel like it keeps people more accountable and I have seen it work well on 247.

We will look into this. Thanks for the idea.

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