GH:Adam Kelly Responds to Criticism, Kill Hiring and Reaching out to Temple and Leach

I think one of the sports scribes in town said this best as well, Matrui does NOT like suggestions, period, which is a HUGE mistake. I've sent many many ideas to him over the years and not once did he ever come back to me and say "that's a great idea, i think we'll give it a try". He always just sent me an email explaing why it couldn't be done. The man has no vision or ability to think out of the box whatsoever.

I have to say that this seems to have proven more true over time. And while nothing excuses the stupidity of what SGF and Kelly pulled during this search, if former players are getting the straight brush off then that is a mistake. That's not to say they should have a say (I don't see why they should) but they should never be flat out ignored.

One major reason I think we need a new AD is not just because of coaching hires. It's because the dept as it is currently run seems fail when trying to balance central control and revenue generation with appreciation of stakeholders (former players, season ticket holders, etc). I can't quite flesh out this thought fully right now, but it is something that has bugged me for a while.

Great interview that made Adam Kelly look like the complete fool he is. Hands down the best Q&A was the Leach stuff. He's a friend of mine. How long have you known him? We have talked on the phone for 3 or 4 weeks.

The statement allow complete discredits this guy.

It just amazes me the arrogance that Adam Kelly and the other players on the savegopherfootball group have. Just because you played football at the U does not give you ANY right to be a part of the process just because you used to play there. They are really no different than a former employee of a company. They went to school there and for a price, they got a diploma...that is it...end of story. Do you ask former employees of a company who that company should employ? That is outrageous to think they deserve a say.

And what if these coaches don't want their current employer to know they are looking at other jobs. How many times have all of you told your former employer that you were actively out pursuing other jobs while you were employed there? Who in their right mind would do that? And employers are not beholden to have to notify the current employer that their employee is seeking work with your company. If they have a contract, then all parties (employee, current employer and future employer) should understand the rules of breaking that contract and the cost of doing so.

Just because it is sport doesn't make it any different that other professions. Someone else said it here, Adam Kelly is a scorned lover and just cannot get over the fact that he is NO LONGER relevant to Gopher football and the fans. The sooner we don't hear about him again won't happen to soon!

Great interview Rob! Glad to see you challenge him and see him basically cry like a wuss that he is!!

Being a punter has no bearing on this discussion. He's an M Man, and this group COULD have been involved had Matrui and Bruininks reached out to them, which they did not. It is what it is, and it isn't or wasn't going to go away simply by ignoring it or trying to sweep it under the rug. The fact that these former players felt ignored is what, in my opinion, triggered this whole issue. It's ok to disagree, but to ignore them and just send them "form" emails in reply to their requests for a meeting is not acceptable. It needed to be addressed from the beginning of the process. I think one of the sports scribes in town said this best as well, Matrui does NOT like suggestions, period, which is a HUGE mistake. I've sent many many ideas to him over the years and not once did he ever come back to me and say "that's a great idea, i think we'll give it a try". He always just sent me an email explaing why it couldn't be done. The man has no vision or ability to think out of the box whatsoever.

Thanks for your reply Adam Kelly. You are just as delusional as Adam Kelly on this. Who gives a F what you and Adam think? if you are not employed by the U, then who gives a frogs ass what you think and want.

What I would like to know and I have asked the question of this group, is where have they been. Maybe I'm mistaken, but did they just pop up now? The football program decline did not happen overnight, why haven't they spoken up before this?

Doesn't the M Club represent former players? The problem with small groups of former players forming ad hoc groups is that if you decide that one of them gets a meeting, then everyone's going to start their own little group. There are a lot of former players out there, should they all get meetings?

They can't even give "real" support to Kill even now...

Check out the update:

They fixate on the last three seasons, an upset loss, the contract buy-out and health issues.

Followed up with "We look forward to the opportunity to meet with him at his earliest convenience."

As a group, or the faceless cowards that you are? Boo.

What I would like to know and I have asked the question of this group, is where have they been. Maybe I'm mistaken, but did they just pop up now? The football program decline did not happen overnight, why haven't they spoken up before this?


Holy crap is that guy a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag

I hate to say hurtful things I can't take back, but Adam Kelly is a punter.

Just saying

I would be a little embarrassed if I assumed the spokesperson role for the "M"s club and shanked:eek:

Great interview!

Check out the update:

They fixate on the last three seasons, an upset loss, the contract buy-out and health issues.

Followed up with "We look forward to the opportunity to meet with him at his earliest convenience."

As a group, or the faceless cowards that you are? Boo.

Does anyone know by name who are the former players that are in this group? Why are they so cowardly as to not tell us who they are on their website?

Myth #1 former football players know more about the game and coaching than anyone.

Myth #2 they are entitled to have a say in their former school's hiring of a coach

Simply put, Kelly is full of sh@%. Its funny and embarrassing all at the same time. A true dink.

Thanks for your reply Adam Kelly. You are just as delusional as Adam Kelly on this. Who gives a F what you and Adam think? if you are not employed by the U, then who gives a frogs ass what you think and want.

Ugh. Dude, I'm pretty sure Go4rob is the guy that did the interview, not Kelly.

Anyway, stop using the "he was only a frikkin punter" argument against Kelly.

It is childish, has no bearing, and makes us sound as stupid as they do. The fact is that he was a member of the team, and a Gopher letter winner. If his name were Chip Lohmiller, would we come back with "he was only a kicker?" Remember, even if he was "only a punter," he is only one member of the group. Instead, please focus on all all of the dumb decisions he made and the feud the group caused. There is way too much ammunition in our gun of hatred for the group to also use the "he's only a punter" line.

Yes I share frustrations with many Gopher fans about the handling of this hire. However reading the Kelly interview exposes him to be a self serving whore. I will be glad in the next few hours when I forget that he ever existed.

Being a punter has no bearing on this discussion. He's an M Man, and this group COULD have been involved had Matrui and Bruininks reached out to them, which they did not. It is what it is, and it isn't or wasn't going to go away simply by ignoring it or trying to sweep it under the rug. The fact that these former players felt ignored is what, in my opinion, triggered this whole issue. It's ok to disagree, but to ignore them and just send them "form" emails in reply to their requests for a meeting is not acceptable. It needed to be addressed from the beginning of the process. I think one of the sports scribes in town said this best as well, Matrui does NOT like suggestions, period, which is a HUGE mistake. I've sent many many ideas to him over the years and not once did he ever come back to me and say "that's a great idea, i think we'll give it a try". He always just sent me an email explaing why it couldn't be done. The man has no vision or ability to think out of the box whatsoever.

Maybe they weren't good ideas or maybe they could not be done. Just because he didn't act on your ideas does not mean he does not listen. And no I am not a Maturi backer.

Universities need the support and backing of its Alumni, especially in the form of donations. Alumni are encouraged to participate. A university needs to walk the fine line between what is best for the school while keeping interest and support in those groups. Fight for what you think is right and try to force change, but do not try to harm the institution. It is better to just walk away when you get to that point.

(1) Nice article. Good and fair questions.

(2) I'm too lazy to check today, but was Kelly on the team when Holtz left and the team told Bobby Ross that they wanted to play for Gutey instead of him (Hall of Fame moment for the "inmates running the asylum" movement)?

(3) Free country and all. Kelly can do and say what he wants. I just thought the Temple thing was a little over the top.

(4) Whether or not it dissuaded coaches in this particular search (or will in the future) is hard to tell, but it does give us a real " vindictive rube" image nationally. Our boosters don't throw their weight around. They are simply petty.

Maybe they weren't good ideas or maybe they could not be done. Just because he didn't act on your ideas does not mean he does not listen. And no I am not a Maturi backer.

Exactly my thoughts, but I am a Maturi backer.

Forgot this one:

(5) I don't know how Adam Kelly did in junior high, but he certainly got an "A" in self-esteem class.

I don't like Maturi. But Kelly comes off as a hypocritical ass in this interview. Someone should remind him that he wasn't a football player either...he was a punter.

(1) Nice article. Good and fair questions.

(2) I'm too lazy to check today, but was Kelly on the team when Holtz left and the team told Bobby Ross that they wanted to play for Gutey instead of him (Hall of Fame moment for the "inmates running the asylum" movement)?
(3) Free country and all. Kelly can do and say what he wants. I just thought the Temple thing was a little over the top.

(4) Whether or not it dissuaded coaches in this particular search (or will in the future) is hard to tell, but it does give us a real " vindictive rube" image nationally. Our boosters don't throw their weight around. They are simply petty.

Holtz coached Gophers in 84 & 85.
Kelly was class of 86, so 85 season would have been his sr. yr.

Are ethics absolutely dead at the U. If you believe the SDSU AD, Maturi did not request permission to "talk" with Hoke. He should have. You're exactly right, most of the behind the scenes work is done through intermediaries and agents, with no notice to the school. But in this case Maturi violated an unwritten rule by flying in for a face-to-face meeting, without notifying SDSU. Shameful to have done it, and wrong for Pres. B. to back it up.

Kelly didn't make the right move either, but to say that ruined the search is really baseless. Given all of the circumstances in play with the President/AD and forty years of subpar performance, the U likely got the best they could have hoped for.

I don't like Maturi. But Kelly comes off as a hypocritical ass in this interview. Someone should remind him that he wasn't a football player either...he was a punter.
I would have killed for a good punter this season.

Let's not lose perspective: violating an unwritten rule does not equal ethics being dead.

It sounds like they both violated unwritten rules. Joel did it to try to get a better football coach, Kelly did it because of his excess self importance. I dislike Joel Maturi as much as anyone, but this guy is comical.

-"Mike Leach is a friend of mine"....."ergh...I mean, I talk to him on the phone a few times in the past three weeks"
-"It's a free country". Yep bud, it is. You are entitled to call whomever you'd like, but so is Joel Maturi. He didn't violate the law, he violated an unwritten rule. So your "it's a free country" line would work for Joel too.

Part of me wants to offer this guy money for his season tickets and I will just donate them to the Boys and Girls Club, just in case we are in the process of hiring a coach again and this guy doesn't get a say.

(1) Nice article. Good and fair questions.

(2) I'm too lazy to check today, but was Kelly on the team when Holtz left and the team told Bobby Ross that they wanted to play for Gutey instead of him (Hall of Fame moment for the "inmates running the asylum" movement)?

(3) Free country and all. Kelly can do and say what he wants. I just thought the Temple thing was a little over the top.

(4) Whether or not it dissuaded coaches in this particular search (or will in the future) is hard to tell, but it does give us a real " vindictive rube" image nationally. Our boosters don't throw their weight around. They are simply petty.

Point 3 I nominate as a GH hall of fame quote!

Joel M is a hypocrite for the SDSU interview vs the way he treated Mabwke and Royce White supposedly taking the High Road. Adam Kelly may have been misguided but Joel M is reaping what he sows.........

My favorite question to Kelley was, and I paraphrase, "Are you friends with Leach?" Kelley - "Yes", "How long have you known him?", Kelley - "We've talked on the phone for about 3-4 weeks."

Hahahahaha. I can't believe this guy. He's friends with Leach after talking to him on the phone for 3-4 weaks? Gimmeabreak Adam!

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