Full Banana vs Nevada

Each week this thread reminds me that if we were a good football program, we wouldn't have to be subjected to this...

Oregon is a good football program, and they're the kings of wild uniform combos.
True. But we aren't tied to Nike to the point we sold out to be their test subjects.

The axiom generally holds true.

I think they will go all Maroon next week for the Maroon out.

I honestly wish they had gone full banana for the Gold out game, but oh well.

I hope they go all black next week, just to annoy the Washburn McCreavy waiting room crowd.
I hope we win next week.

I watch the Gophers because I love college football and I love cheering for my alma mater, not for a fashion show.

And I've got news for you, we're all in the Washburn McCreavy waiting room crowd. The only thing everyone on this board has in common.

IMHO, regardless of uniform color, the white tshirts hanging out below the jerseys ruin the look.

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