For Season Ticket Holders - A Couple of Months In, Are You Happy With Your New Seats?

You know the difference between everyone standing and everyone sitting? About 18 inches. Volume is not increased by having everyone's mouths 18 inches higher.

And I went to most home games since the early 70's. People did not stand the majority of the game. Sorry. It did not happen.

I think standing AND volume create atmosphere. And i'm not saying people should stand the whole game (frankly, I didn't even like that when I was in the student section). I *am* saying that EVERYONE should be standing at key times in the game. As it is now, there are some (many?) sections where the only time people stand is when the band plays the rouser during a BREAK in the action. That is just lame.

That is also an exaggeration.

Bruce, how dare you challenge the fan Gestapo with accuracy? It's people like you who will be responsible if we lose at home this year. Hell, if you're not stopped, you might also be blamed for a road loss.

My Seats in 217 right next to press row were already selected, but I love my new location center court sec 116 . To avoid the $400 charge I selected last row so I have the stair wheel as my chair back. I can stand up anytime and the new flat screen aux scoreboards are wonderful. Closer to concessions etc. the barn compares very favorably to other big ten venues . Illinois and Indiana arenas are terrible

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