Floor for sale


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Floor for sale - updated with info

Buy a piece of history - updated

Your chance to pay for a piece of basketball flooring that I played on! Well, intramural ball in the mid-eighties . . .


Does anyone have more information on this? I was planning a fathers day present, and it is creeping up on me.


Does anyone have more information on this? I was planning a fathers day present, and it is creeping up on me.


What is the total dollar amount that they are hoping to raise?

Hopefully it's enough to make up for the

Football alcohol snafu.

The original release stated they would have further informatin within 2 weeks. It has been over two weeks now. Anybody see anything or are they fumbling around with this one too. I also wanted to buy for fathers day. I know I wouldn't have the piece in hand but thought I could have a copy of the purchase document. Looks like I should have assumed they would be late. Why say "within two weeks" and then don't deliver?

I actually e-mailed them to ask them what is up

The original release stated they would have further informatin within 2 weeks. It has been over two weeks now. Anybody see anything or are they fumbling around with this one too. I also wanted to buy for fathers day. I know I wouldn't have the piece in hand but thought I could have a copy of the purchase document. Looks like I should have assumed they would be late. Why say "within two weeks" and then don't deliver?

I too was expecting to give this for Father's Day. The response I got is that the ordering information would be up by last Friday. I e-mailed again this weekend.

If this isn't going to be up by Father's Day I'm going to be mad. I was counting on this as my gift.

If you hear anything please post. I don't understand why they would have gone out of their way to state "within two weeks" and then not deliver. They didn't need to give a precise time but once they did they should have followed through.

Add me to the list -- aren't we all so clever? I guess it shows who we can "blame" for our love of Gopher basketball!

I too was expecting to give this for Father's Day. The response I got is that the ordering information would be up by last Friday. I e-mailed again this weekend.

If this isn't going to be up by Father's Day I'm going to be mad. I was counting on this as my gift.

I also emailed a few contacts, trying to get an answer...and have not heard anything back yet. This is the perfect gift for any man, woman, or child that loves the Barn like we all do!

They did do a good job. Cooler than I expected. Glad they seperated mens and womens.

Just placed my order, they are not shipping for 6-8 weeks but will take the orders now.

GO Gophers

Just placed my order, they are not shipping for 6-8 weeks but will take the orders now.

Me, too!

6-8 weeks? Are they still marketing this as a Father's Day gift?

Give your dad a printed copy of the image. If your dad is a big enough Gopher fan to enjoy this gift then he'll appreciate the image in a card (with the knowledge that the real deal is on the way) just as much as if he got it this Sunday.

Once I receive my plaque, I think I will raise it above my floor to hang it - in commemoration of Williams Arena's raised floor

Got mine

With them being this late - my Dad scored because I got him an extra gift so he would have something to open on Father's Day besides a card.

It will sure be a conversation piece in his office that's for sure

Which one are people buying? I got the $99 mens piece. The only minor complaint is that the Gophers are wearing white jerseys (not gold) in the photo.

Give your dad a printed copy of the image. If your dad is a big enough Gopher fan to enjoy this gift then he'll appreciate the image in a card (with the knowledge that the real deal is on the way) just as much as if he got it this Sunday.

Did the exact thing for my dad today. It was his birthday and gave him a color photo of his gift. He was very happy!

The person I spoke with at Josten's today said their phones have been ringing like crazy the last two days with orders. They were very surprised with how many people have made purchases already, which was good to hear.

Go Gophers!!

Once I receive my plaque, I think I will raise it above my floor to hang it - in commemoration of Williams Arena's raised floor

Lol! People from all across the country will bust a gut when they see that!

Once I receive my plaque, I think I will raise it above my floor to hang it - in commemoration of Williams Arena's raised floor

Oh, please save yourself the embarrassment. You will be considered a laughingstock by college basketball fans from coast-to-coast. People in sports bars in Oregon, Florida, and California are just waiting to bust a gut about that. You'll be looked at as a joke because everyone knows that having an elevated plaque will serve no purpose and is silly.

Question: Does anyone have a blown up version of the picture on the $99 dollar version available? Just wondering what game it was (who we are playing) and if the student section is visible at all.

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