Fleck Postgame: "Unacceptable, falls on me." (video)

Sorry PJ. I really liked you as a coach. You've done some good things. But the schtick is wearing thin, and I think your time has come.

I hope the next thing that falls on him is one of Wile E. Coyote's anvils.
He, Flecks become complacent and accepts these collapses but doesnt change to prevent them. The players need to be pushed more, there is plenty of How, want to succeed, and some decent players. O-coordinator needs to start watching some other people's stuff and use it. Nothing wrong with watching other teams and taking concepts, besides self scout. O-line coach needs to step up and bring more out of this group. I think he knows they can do better. As the Old coach Jer used to say tackle like your hairs on fire, and stroke the post. Ol Jer is compulsive butthead, but he can coach football. No I am not asking to bring Jerry back, dude's been through some stuff. Success isn't easy, and I'm not ready to give up on Fleck.
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I don't think Fleck even believes his own BS anymore. He's just going to ride this thing out as long as he can with his comtract.
I think this is an astute observation. Part of it is probably the results haven't matched his pledges for a long time, so we're all looking at him more suspiciously.

Go Gophers!!
Agree with Coach on this. The Bank was rockin' and as another thread title said this was a BFG.

Usually sit on The Tribal Nations Plaza before games and enjoy some food and libations. Did the same today.

You could see it in both the I-O-W-A fans and Gophers alike. This was a big game.

Too bad it went the other way. This bacon would have been delicious.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. ..... It now rings hollow to me, one of the biggest homers....

Get the young guys better in Secondary, let's see some more rotation at D tackle to keep them fresh.

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