Fleck Postgame: "Unacceptable, falls on me." (video)

And not one damn thing will change. He'll still run the same, antiquated, conservative, RUTM offense and play not to lose rather than to win. Done with him after 8 seasons.
The Gophers attempted 37 passes and 21 runs against Iowa

The Gophers didn't lose because of conservative coaching. They lost because they physically lost the line of scrimmage and Iowa's RB was visibly quicker than anyone the Gophers have had in that role since at least the Barber/Maroney days. He took advantage of the holes he got and damn near beat the Gophers by himself.

I don't think PJ Fleck loses games in September, I think he loses them in the offseason by getting out-recruited. Iowa consistently produces more NFL-level players, especially on the OL and DL, compared to Minnesota.

it won't happen again? it literally happens multiple times every single year.

unacceptable but ill still continue to cash your paychecks and be your coach. sure pj
I can't wait to hear what he has to say after next weeks road kill game.

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