Your approach is one that lacks confidence and is more of a wait and see approach. You have noticed that PJ doesn’t set number of wins goal. What have you accomplished if you win 7 games with a 6 game goal? Has that really moved the team closer to the ultimate goal? A series of meaningless milestones that may not be met are counter productive. What if you have won 7 games with 2 games left in a 7 win goal season. Are you still moving towards your ultimate goal if you lose those last two games? What is the incentive to win, we already met expectations?
PJ’s goals are more like always improve your best, always do better than the day before. Schedules can change the level of difficulty from year to year, and placing arbitrary number of wins goals set you up for failures that can diminish the teams attitude.
Do the Navy Seals set short term goals? No, they set a series of objectives or tasks that will improve their ability to reach the mission objective. They don’t stop and sing Kumbaya after they cross the first fence.
Navy Seals? IALTO.