Gold Vision

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Has anyone seen this blog? I couldn't find any discussion on it. The content is horseshi*.

I was going to post this, the guy writes something like 5 posts per day...quite the effort must be unemployed.


Let's <ahem> just go with him and assume he IS a HUMONGOUS Gopher fan, and HATES the Jerry Kill hire: to spend that much time of your life on it? Doesn't this guy have a garage to clean or something?

Scary. I honestly hope they frisk this guy a little extra before he enters the Stadium each Saturday.

It seems like the new rule, that every coach gets a blog dedicated to his firing. There would have been a Fire Knute Rockne site if the internet had existed back then. It doesn't require any special skills to create a blog that looks good, these days anyone can have a good-looking blog up in minutes.

Half of the blog entries use quotes from GopherHole. I wonder if they post here.

I am angry with you Gold Vision for posting this link and at myself for clicking on it. This guy doesn't deserve my click or my time.

I also clicked on it and perused around. He hates Shortell more than anything (uses a lot of derogatory terms). The fact that he takes the time to kick a coach when he's hospitalized and focus on the weight of the assistant coaches is sickening.

I felt like I had to take a shower after reading that garbage.

There are enough tells on the webpage to figure out which Gopherholer is writing the blog.

I feel like Quincy

I know exactly who writes this and it should be fairly obvious for those who don't.

Content is pathetic, but it's a better assembled site than Play4Brew was.

He claims that the defense has made no second half adjustments. The Gophers defense gave up 74 points in the first half, but only 23 points in the second half. He didn't notice that 13 of those points against NDSU weren't given up by the defense.

Content is pathetic, but it's a better assembled site than Play4Brew was.

Other than these stats:

M. Gray 39 77 50.6% 521 3 2
M. Shortell 13 29 44.8% 196 2 2

M. Gray 71 351 4.9 37 0
M. Shortell 7 30 4.2 22 0

it is absolute garbage. personal attacks followed by lame jokes. and on the well put together front, it is just a wordpress theme... that is not hard to do, at all.

Actually, I think it's pretty hilarious. Better than anything the fat tub from the strib writes.

I had to ban pantherhawk because he keeps leaving insane comments I don't approve. So there's a cloud to every silver lining.

By the way pantherhawk's email has blue.balls in it so make of that what you will.

Some of the jokes are pretty funny - 'chairs with arms'. hehehe bad timing sure, but the thing ooozes effort so I am figuring he/she loves U FB and dislikes the Kill hire.

I had to ban pantherhawk because he keeps leaving insane comments I don't approve. So there's a cloud to every silver lining.

Do you have any idea how your new website makes you appear? Your first and obvious answer I'm sure is "I don't care" but I think you should rethink that position.

Didn't click on the thread, but without it being posted here who would have ever heard about it? :banghead:

Some of the jokes are pretty funny - 'chairs with arms'. hehehe bad timing sure, but the thing ooozes effort so I am figuring he/she loves U FB and dislikes the Kill hire.
he/she posted 2 ^ from you.

RodentRampage has a good point and I will address it at some point, but I don't think this will ever be a site you dudes enjoy and that's cool. It's why I post it there instead of here.

Although advertising it here was a curious decision by Gold Vision.

The Tracy Claeys poster is kind of funny.

But yeah, I can't endorse the content or message of firing Kill and staff.

Demolishing what limited credibility you have is a bit more than a good point.

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