'Fighting Sioux' nickname debate maybe not over??

these nd legislators are morons, they can pass whatever they want, but their atty general already settled with the NCAA, and the standing rock people will NEVER vote on this, so good luck with either.

the beauty of this, even if they fight and keep their name, the NCAA wont allow them to host playoff games, which is hilarious. F'ing idiots up there.


read through those. then read this http://www.undnews.com/prairie.htm

how any legislature or fan wants to be a part of their historic racist past needs to have their head examined.

I know a few UND alum and the story has been the same for decades; current students and recent graduates, who by nature are prone to protesting about anything, have always been outspoken against the nickname.

Within a few years after graduation, the alumni are the most adamant about keeping the nickname.

Calling this racist or a race issue is about the most idiotic thing I've ever heard of in my life. There REALLY aren't more important things to concern ourselves with right now?

Its the politically whatever crowd that drove this. There was no local outrage, with the exception of some faculty who fomented the long standing name and logo. They were offeneded, so you should be also. They found like minded people at the NCAA and the issue was resovled to no ones satisfaction.

Now the legislature has taken a stand. Put down a marker. They represent the State of North Dakota. A while everyone has a voice and opinion, they were elected to do what they think is best for the state, or do what those who elected them expressed they wanted.

If you read the legislatulation they are very serious about this, including the right to sue the NCAA.

The state is merely putting backbone behind its funding to the University. Since the University fell to politically whatever crowd, it is refreshing that the legislature is saying no so fast.


Its the politically whatever crowd that drove this. There was no local outrage, with the exception of some faculty who fomented the long standing name and logo. They were offeneded, so you should be also. They found like minded people at the NCAA and the issue was resovled to no ones satisfaction.

Now the legislature has taken a stand. Put down a marker. They represent the State of North Dakota. A while everyone has a voice and opinion, they were elected to do what they think is best for the state, or do what those who elected them expressed they wanted.

If you read the legislatulation they are very serious about this, including the right to sue the NCAA.

The state is merely putting backbone behind its funding to the University. Since the University fell to politically whatever crowd, it is refreshing that the legislature is saying no so fast.

I sense that if the NCAA had told them they had to keep the Fighting Sioux nickname they'd have demanded it be changed. This seems like more of an 'F you' to the 'powers that be' than anything. IIRC, North Dakota was the first state to completely opt out of federal education funding because they refused to comply with No Child Left Behind. It seems that, a bit like your average 5-year-old, they just don't like non-North Dakotans telling them what to do. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but a bit silly in this case.

as most people know on these boards it does not matter if the house passes a bill on the situation. They can pass dozens of bills saying "Congress is ok with the nickname." "The university is ok with the nickname." "fans are ok with the nickname." "White people and other non-native American minorities are fine with the bill in general."

But that does not negate the fact that the natives who are against the bill, still hold the cards in determining what is ethical and what is unethical. Just because congress passes a bill, that does not mean the minds of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in south central North Dakota have changed their minds.

The State board of higher education made their ruling close to a year ago, saying that the school should begin the process of retiring the nickname and the University listened.

Fighting this nickname battle is setting their athletics back YEARS! Before the State board of higher education said get rid of the logo and nickname, UND couldn't get into a conference, couldn't schedule BCS opponents and couldn't keep donations consistent.

I hate to see it go too, but give it up already. This is a battle your not going to win because now the Standing Rock Tribe is just trying to save face. Even if a new, progressive, crew were placed in charge of the tribe as Chief, saying they were ok with the nickname after all they put the University through would be a slap in the face to the school and the state.

I have a solution just change the name to the "fighting sue" for real that way they can keep all their chants and just change one word.

what about the logo?

I have a solution just change the name to the "fighting sue" for real that way they can keep all their chants and just change one word.

I say change the logo to a tin of Copenhagen and call them the "fighting chew"

Time to sue the Vikings over their name

My wife is a Norwegian citizen and is tired of being stereotyped as a sea roving marauder. According to her, all they were trying to do was establish trade routes. When I suggested to her that what they seem to be trading was your life for all your goods, she replied that was from the bad press from people who did not want free trade.

What is one to believe?

Funny......those who are pro racist nickname don't bother to mention the stadium the hockey team plays in is named afterva racist? I think It's obvious the school, State legislature and citizens of North Dakota aren't the most progressive bunch.

Funny......those who are pro racist nickname don't bother to mention the stadium the hockey team plays in is named afterva racist? I think It's obvious the school, State legislature and citizens of North Dakota aren't the most progressive bunch.

Ok, I'm confused I thought the racist comments were directed towards the "Fighting Sioux" name, but is it about the guy who donated all the money to their hockey program?

It is with great regret and shame that I admit today that I was born in North Dakota on the Air Force base.

That being said, I was the last good thing to come out of the state. Nobody in Minnesota should really care about whole name debate, and should instead laugh with glee at the misery and bickering by the schmucks in that state.

Funny......those who are pro racist nickname don't bother to mention the stadium the hockey team plays in is named afterva racist? I think It's obvious the school, State legislature and citizens of North Dakota aren't the most progressive bunch.

Considering that UND has a special medical program for Native American medical professionals (doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc.) and currently provides about 20% of this countries Native American physicians makes them a little more progressive than you may want to give them credit for. I think that this and other Native American programs at UND make some, obviously not all, Native Americans proud to be affiliated with the University and honored by the Fighting Sioux nickname. In fact when UND went from the old emblem (Chicago Blackhawk look a like) to the one you see today, it was a Native American who was commissioned to do the job and IMO did a great job. My guess is that Florida State/Central Michigan/.... probably don't do as much for the Native American population in this country as this small university on the prairie.

Regardless of your feelings for UND and this naming issue most people by now have forgotten that this all started because of the Illini (or so everything I read about when the NCAA made the ruling in the first place showed me). While UND might be doing everything right by the Native Americans, this whole problem goes back to the issue of "one ruins it for all".

Mind you, I am not at all defending UND here. I love watching them suffer. But the situation still is one that needs to be put into perspective when discussed.

Ok, I'm confused I thought the racist comments were directed towards the "Fighting Sioux" name, but is it about the guy who donated all the money to their hockey program?

Both, on one hand they go on about how the name actually honors the Sioux. On the other hand the school allows the hockey team to play in a stadium named after a guy who threw birthday parties honoring Adoph Hitler. Dude would acutally dress in full Third Reich gear?:cool02:

Considering that UND has a special medical program for Native American medical professionals (doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc.) and currently provides about 20% of this countries Native American physicians makes them a little more progressive than you may want to give them credit for. I think that this and other Native American programs at UND make some, obviously not all, Native Americans proud to be affiliated with the University and honored by the Fighting Sioux nickname. In fact when UND went from the old emblem (Chicago Blackhawk look a like) to the one you see today, it was a Native American who was commissioned to do the job and IMO did a great job. My guess is that Florida State/Central Michigan/.... probably don't do as much for the Native American population in this country as this small university on the prairie.

You're smarter than this. And if you're not...I know I am.

I notice you didn't address the Hockey arena named after the racist? I understand, you're still trying to figure out how to spin that one? And since we're on the topic, how are the programs for the Jewish people? What catogories/programs do they lead in for them? I know it can get kind of expensive buying folks off to appear.....concerned.

Regardless of your feelings for UND and this naming issue most people by now have forgotten that this all started because of the Illini (or so everything I read about when the NCAA made the ruling in the first place showed me). While UND might be doing everything right by the Native Americans, this whole problem goes back to the issue of "one ruins it for all".

Mind you, I am not at all defending UND here. I love watching them suffer. But the situation still is one that needs to be put into perspective when discussed.

I'm not sure what YOU mean by perspective but for me it means this.

A school who has the name of a RACIST, yes say it with me RACIST not ISSUE, RACIST. Let's not minimize or use a nicer name. The racist had no problem throwing his nazi parties under the bright lights of Las Vegas. He was a proud racist let's not be shy, let's give good old Ralph his do.

The same school also decided to give itself a monicker that references native americans in an unflattering light. Put those two things in PERSPECTIVE and I think you start understanding where the school is coming from.

Funny......those who are pro racist nickname don't bother to mention the stadium the hockey team plays in is named afterva racist? I think It's obvious the school, State legislature and citizens of North Dakota aren't the most progressive bunch.

I'm out of this one...

It is with great regret and shame that I admit today that I was born in North Dakota on the Air Force base.

That being said, I was the last good thing to come out of the state. Nobody in Minnesota should really care about whole name debate, and should instead laugh with glee at the misery and bickering by the schmucks in that state.

My exact sentiments. I don't laugh with glee, but I do shake my head over anyone who would argue over a team name.

I'm an Atlanta Braves fan, but if they changed the team name to the Atlanta Moonshiners or Atlanta Librarians, I wouldn't care at all. It is sort of funny, when speaking of Atlanta sports team names, is that the minor league baseball team in Atlanta before the Braves got there was the "Crackers."

This is what happens when a state has a budget surplus, which North Dakota has due to the oil revenue. When there isn't real work that needs to be done, legislatures seem to invest a ton of time in the inconsequential.

My exact sentiments. I don't laugh with glee, but I do shake my head over anyone who would argue over a team name.

I'm an Atlanta Braves fan, but if they changed the team name to the Atlanta Moonshiners or Atlanta Librarians, I wouldn't care at all. It is sort of funny, when speaking of Atlanta sports team names, is that the minor league baseball team in Atlanta before the Braves got there was the "Crackers."

This is what happens when a state has a budget surplus, which North Dakota has due to the oil revenue. When there isn't real work that needs to be done, legislatures seem to invest a ton of time in the inconsequential.

According a book on the team by Tim Darnell, The Crackers: Early Days of Atlanta Baseball, "Crackers" was short for Firecrackers or Cracker Jack.

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