Fan Relations Survey

When the survey asked for seat location they didn't have an option for the student section. Maybe they emailed me another student-only survey and I just missed it. If they didn't, I think it's telling of how much they value student input. The main thing I wanted to say was that they should improve the tailgating experience.

"Another: Six Points in the Bank/Golden Gopher 1st Down"

Although we'd like to celebrate the occurrence a little more, how about getting rid of the PA announcer cheerleading schtick? Don't see/notice it at too many other Big Ten games.

Left my two cents worth on survey and really have no problem with Gopher Game Day experience but we don't tailgate (yet); kids are the only ones eating concessions (can you screw up chicken tenders for seven year olds?); and parking has not been a problem getting in or out (we barely get there by game time and stop for something to eat on our way out).

I also, am no fan of Dave Lee on play by play (of any sport).

Go Gophers

Tailgating needs to be less expensive.
Loosen up the tailgating rules a tad.
Less embarrassing ads.
Less PA "cheerleading".
Never play "jump around".... unless you can coordinate all the fans to sit down with their backs facing the field when you play the song.
Sell alcohol at least in the suites.
Less flutes, more sound.
Take the money you are going to spend on fireworks for three years, and put it toward giving the cannon man a more impressive piece of weaponry. That thing should be ten times its size.
Have the student section shirts not be iowa colors.

Fun Fact:

Go to Spartan Stadium and sit in the upper deck, visitor side, you can't hear the band. Go to Illinois and sit in the opposite endzone, you can't hear the band. Same deal in Madison (although they are just a hair louder than Illinois). That is the nature of acoustics and stadiums. If you want to hear everything the Marching Band has to offer, go to the Indoor Concerts, and convince 50,805 people to stop talking during the game (not gonna happen). It has nothing to do with woodwinds.

At field level, however, you can't hear a thing. It is nearly impossible for our opponents to communicate when they have the ball. The football team loves that!

I am torn on the tailgating lot issue. I like that right now there is room to move in them. They must've sold more in our lot for the USC game because 30 min before the game one idiot after another tried to manuever their cars to the closest end of the lot, totally unaware of the thousands of people tailgating.

I complained about
1) Donation levels for my seats - recommended a one year discount (like a tax holiday) to keep people happy and in their seats in this tough economy
2) Dave Lee - I also recommended that they shoot for KSTP or KFAN when their contract comes up. My thinking is that if a sports station carries your games you will get a lot more of the informal pub. It would be great to hire someone to do play by play from one of these stations too = more free pub and buzz.
3) Football success - indicated that I don't believe the Gophers are disadvantaged when compared with Iowa or Wisconsin and that I expect them to achieve a similar level of success.

It is my opinion that the band doesn't get the crowd into the game AT TIMES as much as the music does and it is also my opinion that it looks cool when they play music (kernkraft or jump on it) and the entire student section is jumping up and down. I know the crowd gets into the band also, that doesn't mean we should get rid of all the regular non-band music. The commercialization has nothing to do with it. You cannot say I don't get it just because our opinions are different.

I would be upset if they replaced the rouser after Touchdowns or big plays, but at the same time I also enjoy the piped in music. That must mean I don't understand how to watch a football game according to you.

Nope. You just don't get the traditions that are older than my generation. Name me 2 traditions at the U, and I will believe you.

My only beef:

I just want replays to be more consistent. It seems like if there is ever a controversial play or an official review; they take the time to run an add instead of show the replay that the people at home get the benefit of seeing.

I ripped the PA guy in the survey but not the comments. Guess it's not that important to me.

Regarding tailgating, Ski-U-Mah is way full this year compared to last year. Unless that is the result of lot to lot migration, they have already seen an increase in lot permits. I agree however that lot pricing should continue to be adjusted until every spot is full.

I recall reading years ago that 'heavy users' at fast food restaurants represent 10-20% of sales but 50% of profit. By 'heavy users' they don't mean fat people, they mean people that eat there every day and eat the big new profitable items.

In college football a 'heavy user' is a tailgater. They should do whatever it takes to create a firm foundation of tailgaters, making sure every spot is filled every week. The investment in these people will pay big dividends down the line because the game will become to them more than just a game and they will be loyal and vocal. That's my $.02.

I ripped the PA guy in the survey but not the comments. Guess it's not that important to me.

Regarding tailgating, Ski-U-Mah is way full this year compared to last year. Unless that is the result of lot to lot migration, they have already seen an increase in lot permits. I agree however that lot pricing should continue to be adjusted until every spot is full.

I recall reading years ago that 'heavy users' at fast food restaurants represent 10-20% of sales but 50% of profit. By 'heavy users' they don't mean fat people, they mean people that eat there every day and eat the big new profitable items.

In college football a 'heavy user' is a tailgater. They should do whatever it takes to create a firm foundation of tailgaters, making sure every spot is filled every week. The investment in these people will pay big dividends down the line because the game will become to them more than just a game and they will be loyal and vocal. That's my $.02.

I agree. People with this level of investment and loyalty do not give up tickets over a losing season. These people are actully an avenue of marketing the Gopher Football product.

I once read that a tailgating lot is the last great american neighborhood. I do not pay to be in a tailgating lot, but tailgating it is one of my favorite parts of gameday. A previous post talked about the pay lots keeping the "rif-raf" out. If thats what you are want then you are missing out. Just a few blocks from the stadium you can pay $10-25 a game and have a great time tailgating. Each lot has its regulars but you also get the fans who don't have season tickets and visitor fans. I have never seen a problem in these lots and visiting fans can make it even more enjoyable. I have only good things to say about Ohio State fans. In my opinion the prices for the University lots are ridiculous. I have a hard time coming up with the money for the tickets and a parking pass would make gopher football unaffordable.

Another thing to consider re: tailgating, perhaps the U thinks these lots will fill up at current prices when the team starts winning?

Nope. You just don't get the traditions that are older than my generation. Name me 2 traditions at the U, and I will believe you.

Playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic with the swinging gate formation and the rotating block M and marching that towards the student section.

There you have two traditions(I even picked band traditions to make you happy), thanks for believing me now.

Parking near the stadium should be a bit more compact since Northstar lot will be no more. Construction on the new biomedical research building begins March 2011.

I once read that a tailgating lot is the last great american neighborhood. I do not pay to be in a tailgating lot, but tailgating it is one of my favorite parts of gameday. A previous post talked about the pay lots keeping the "rif-raf" out. If thats what you are want then you are missing out. Just a few blocks from the stadium you can pay $10-25 a game and have a great time tailgating. Each lot has its regulars but you also get the fans who don't have season tickets and visitor fans. I have never seen a problem in these lots and visiting fans can make it even more enjoyable. I have only good things to say about Ohio State fans. In my opinion the prices for the University lots are ridiculous. I have a hard time coming up with the money for the tickets and a parking pass would make gopher football unaffordable.

"the last great American neighborhood" I Like that. It is a great description of the tailgating experience. I'm happy to pay $30 a game for three parking passes on the West Bank. We've established our place in the lot and nobody parks there. We've become good friends with our lot neighbors - just received a Christmas card from them the other day and I know I won't see them until the spring game. In fact, the only place I'll see them is in our tailgate lot.

If given the opportunity to move to a lot near the stadium at a more attractive price, I'd have to give it some thought. I'm pretty comfortable where I am and I think the trek to the river to catch something to grill for tailgating would be more difficult from the Ski-U-Mah lot, or others on the East Bank.


I'm pretty comfortable where I am and I think the trek to the river to catch something to grill for tailgating would be more difficult from the Ski-U-Mah lot, or others on the East Bank.

Well said. There is nothing quite like 'touchdown carp fritters' on game day!

I wonder if the U actually likes having the tailgating prices so high to keep the numbers down? In the eyes of many at the U, more people equals more garbage, more noise, more problems. I'm telling you, we're dealing with the "no fun" police here.

You are closer to reality here than you may know. I am not a football side insider, but I do have several people I know who work in the premium seating, gameday management and PTS staff. To a person they all have said that having a good gameday atmosphere is WAY down on the list of priorities. One of the challenges at the "U" is that in their efforts to manage by consensus or committee you end up with paralysis. The parking folks hate having to staff the lots and the mess, the security team is scared to death that some kid will puke or get in w/o a ticket, the faculty liason doesn't drink and thinks it would send a bad message to let the band drummers play at Sally's or in a tailgate lot where people are drinking (ala what they do at Wisconsin). To get anything done, everyone tips over on their peers pet peeves. In the end, what you get is a resounding "no" to everything. The bureaucrats don't care about the fans, they only care about making their life easier and not getting hassled. The change in getting the pat downs changed this year was a herculean task. The decision reached all the way to the President's office. That is patently ridiculous. We need a stong AD to come in and take control. While you can't get rid of this consensus style quickly, it is something that needs to be done, a strong leader can do it. It will just take some time (and a high pain threshold for that person)

Playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic with the swinging gate formation and the rotating block M and marching that towards the student section.

There you have two traditions(I even picked band traditions to make you happy), thanks for believing me now.

What is this, Miracle on 17th Street! Halleluia. I believe. I believe.

Still think canned music that is played in every stadium in America hardly is attractive. Go to a club the night before. Throw your own "disco" party and get it out of your system. Then go to the game with your game face on and know when to get rowdy. If your the guy that sits on his hands waiting for the canned music to pump you up for the big play, well there is no hope for you.

But, as promised: I believe. I believe. I believe. I believe you have the right to your good opinion.

[everybody starts shouting here at OOP]

You are closer to reality here than you may know. I am not a football side insider, but I do have several people I know who work in the premium seating, gameday management and PTS staff. To a person they all have said that having a good gameday atmosphere is WAY down on the list of priorities. One of the challenges at the "U" is that in their efforts to manage by consensus or committee you end up with paralysis. The parking folks hate having to staff the lots and the mess, the security team is scared to death that some kid will puke or get in w/o a ticket, the faculty liason doesn't drink and thinks it would send a bad message to let the band drummers play at Sally's or in a tailgate lot where people are drinking (ala what they do at Wisconsin). To get anything done, everyone tips over on their peers pet peeves. In the end, what you get is a resounding "no" to everything. The bureaucrats don't care about the fans, they only care about making their life easier and not getting hassled. The change in getting the pat downs changed this year was a herculean task. The decision reached all the way to the President's office. That is patently ridiculous. We need a stong AD to come in and take control. While you can't get rid of this consensus style quickly, it is something that needs to be done, a strong leader can do it. It will just take some time (and a high pain threshold for that person)

All true though the people who really cause the most trouble aren't the ones looking to make things easier for themselves, those guys can be dealt with. It's the clowns who KNOW they are "on the side of the angels" who bring everything to a halt.

You are closer to reality here than you may know. I am not a football side insider, but I do have several people I know who work in the premium seating, gameday management and PTS staff. To a person they all have said that having a good gameday atmosphere is WAY down on the list of priorities. One of the challenges at the "U" is that in their efforts to manage by consensus or committee you end up with paralysis. The parking folks hate having to staff the lots and the mess, the security team is scared to death that some kid will puke or get in w/o a ticket, the faculty liason doesn't drink and thinks it would send a bad message to let the band drummers play at Sally's or in a tailgate lot where people are drinking (ala what they do at Wisconsin). To get anything done, everyone tips over on their peers pet peeves. In the end, what you get is a resounding "no" to everything. The bureaucrats don't care about the fans, they only care about making their life easier and not getting hassled. The change in getting the pat downs changed this year was a herculean task. The decision reached all the way to the President's office. That is patently ridiculous. We need a stong AD to come in and take control. While you can't get rid of this consensus style quickly, it is something that needs to be done, a strong leader can do it. It will just take some time (and a high pain threshold for that person)

I believe you. The M.O. at the U seems to be, "say no to avoid potential problems." I would rather they try some of these things out and if indeed there are problems you can always scale back or change.

My recommendation for the east bank tailgating issue is to offer "Partial east bank passes". If 25% of the spaces are open then offer a 2-game parking pass promotion. People will keep their regular pass for the other 5 games but for 2 games they get to park closer to the stadium.

Instead of paying $70/season to park in St. Paul for all 7 games I'd gladly pay $150 to park in St. Paul for 5 games and have 2 games where I park on the east bank by the stadium.

The drummers in the band are forbidden from playing in the tailgate lots or at Sally's?

I wish I had known that as I would have put that in my "one thing you can tell the AD" bit. Jeez, if you're not going to allow that, then why even bother sending out a survey?

I love the west bank lot my brother has... to Wiley Hall. We can drink all we want before and AFTER game time. As an alumni who went to his first game this year....I loved being able to walk through campus. My kids always want to see the shoe tree (a new addition ot campus in the last 15 years). Not sure when that started.

And we grilled was great.

Being closer so we could take in the victory walk/band pre-game would be nice...but it wasn't a deal breaker.

Agreed on Dave Lee. Brutal.

Go if they only would've beat NW.


It is my opinion that the band doesn't get the crowd into the game AT TIMES as much as the music does and it is also my opinion that it looks cool when they play music (kernkraft or jump on it) and the entire student section is jumping up and down. I know the crowd gets into the band also, that doesn't mean we should get rid of all the regular non-band music. The commercialization has nothing to do with it. You cannot say I don't get it just because our opinions are different.

I would be upset if they replaced the rouser after Touchdowns or big plays, but at the same time I also enjoy the piped in music. That must mean I don't understand how to watch a football game according to you.


There's a place for band music and there's a place for piped in music. I don't want piped in music after a big first down or touchdown. I don't want band music leading into the 4th quarter. I like both and they both have their place. I wouldn't want one and not the other.

Like MNfootballfan, I love the mix of Jump On It and Zombie Nation between the 3rd and 4th...just like I love the band performance during halftime. One thing I know...that sound system can really blare (in a good way) piped in music and that is best used to get the students and the other fans into the game, in short bursts. However, the tradition of hearing the rouser and seeing the band perform during other appropriate times is just as nice.

In regards to the tailgate lots, the prices are not the problem. They actually sold more spots this year than last. Most lots on the East Bank are full. The problem lies in the people that buy them. Many of them only buy them to park. So the lots are half empty until an hour before the game. They should have parking specific lots behind the biomedical buildings, and the lots closer to campus be tailgate only.

In regards to the tailgate lots, the prices are not the problem. They actually sold more spots this year than last. Most lots on the East Bank are full. The problem lies in the people that buy them. Many of them only buy them to park. So the lots are half empty until an hour before the game. They should have parking specific lots behind the biomedical buildings, and the lots closer to campus be tailgate only.

That was my #1 request in the survery. We have a bunch of tailgaters but they're too spread out. It makes for many lame tailgate lots. If we concentrated our tailgaters to a couple of lots, the environment would be much better. I'm a big believe that a good tailgate environment can go a long way to the overall gameday experience. Obviously responsibility needs to prevail but I think we have a pretty responsible fan base compared to others I've seen so we wouldn't be stepping into something that can't be managed. I think if you make a good tailgate, it would grow because the better gameday experience means more returning customers.

In regards to tailgating in the premium lots, we have a group of 12 that split the cost, which over the course of 7 games makes it a small price to pay, especially considering we have a big yellow van where no other parking spots are required.

A reduced price could attract more tailgaters but I think a better environment could do just the same. People will figure out a way to share the cost if it means going where the party resides. Unforunately, I get the feeling the administration as no motive to make for a better experience/environment.

Thought I'd give this a bump.

Is there any chance that some of the suggestions the GopherHole members gave them will actually be implemented this season?

I could certainly use a better hot dog this fall! :)

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