You are closer to reality here than you may know. I am not a football side insider, but I do have several people I know who work in the premium seating, gameday management and PTS staff. To a person they all have said that having a good gameday atmosphere is WAY down on the list of priorities. One of the challenges at the "U" is that in their efforts to manage by consensus or committee you end up with paralysis. The parking folks hate having to staff the lots and the mess, the security team is scared to death that some kid will puke or get in w/o a ticket, the faculty liason doesn't drink and thinks it would send a bad message to let the band drummers play at Sally's or in a tailgate lot where people are drinking (ala what they do at Wisconsin). To get anything done, everyone tips over on their peers pet peeves. In the end, what you get is a resounding "no" to everything. The bureaucrats don't care about the fans, they only care about making their life easier and not getting hassled. The change in getting the pat downs changed this year was a herculean task. The decision reached all the way to the President's office. That is patently ridiculous. We need a stong AD to come in and take control. While you can't get rid of this consensus style quickly, it is something that needs to be done, a strong leader can do it. It will just take some time (and a high pain threshold for that person)