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Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
there you go. problem solved. don't feed the becky troll people. and to anyone who does sell their tickets to becky or hogeye fans because "well it is just good business" i only have this to say: PHUC YOU TRAITORS! GIVE UP YOUR SEASON TICKETS NOW YOU PATHETIC TOOLS! :eek:

What kind of fan would sell their Big 10 opener tickets in the new stadium?

What kind of fan would sell their Big 10 opener tickets in the new stadium?

Some giant douche called Nervous Gopher. Then he gets all pissy and sanctimonious when you call him out for actively selling his tickets to Wisky fans on a Gopher board. I'm going to make it my job next year to find out where he sits in TCF so I can leave a steamer on his chair.

Nervous Gopher is the biggest turd. Loser. Sellout. Waste. I could go on and on. There is no shed big enough for that TOOL.

you don't buy this crap do you?

Nervous does not even have season tix. Nobody is selling anything.

I'm not going to waste my time reading that crummy other thread, and can't imagine anyone selling their first Big 10 game tickets, regardless of the price especially to a Badger fan. Can you imagine telling your grandkids that I sold the opening (Big 10) game tickets to make a few bucks? How embarassing would that be. But I suppose everybody has their limit. How much would you sell a ticket for? For me it would definitely have to be five digits. I don't know that I would even sell my ticket for $10,000 cash. Twenty or thirty thousand? Maybe I would consider that, but even now my first instinct is no way. I didn't sit through 15 years of average football in the metrodome to watch Brewster bring in some great recruits and then decide to sit out the first Big 10 game against Wisconsin, of all teams.

Now that I think about it, three of us split 4 seats and the agreement is that I get the fourth badger ticket for my wife, who is a badger graduate (as part of my family deal to secure season football and basketball tickets). Thankfully I'm a lot louder, I'll be a lot happier come Saturday evening, and she deserves to see what a real stadium looks like.

I'm not going to waste my time reading that crummy other thread, and can't imagine anyone selling their first Big 10 game tickets, regardless of the price especially to a Badger fan. Can you imagine telling your grandkids that I sold the opening (Big 10) game tickets to make a few bucks? How embarassing would that be. But I suppose everybody has their limit. How much would you sell a ticket for? For me it would definitely have to be five digits. I don't know that I would even sell my ticket for $10,000 cash. Twenty or thirty thousand? Maybe I would consider that, but even now my first instinct is no way. I didn't sit through 15 years of average football in the metrodome to watch Brewster bring in some great recruits and then decide to sit out the first Big 10 game against Wisconsin, of all teams.

Had the same conversation with my wife tonight. I have four tickets with two of my friends. We haven't decided what to do with the fourth ticket yet (usually we each bring a friend to two games apiece), but I can promise you it won't be going to a Wisky fan. The wife kept running numbers by me to see if I'd take it: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000? Decided I'd start to think about it at $35,000 in cash. I feel like it would cost that much just to wash off the stink from doing something so dirty. My wife thought I was insane, of course, but that's OK; tell me it won't be worth $35 large to tell the grandkids in 30 years that I was there to see the first Big Ten game at TCF.

First let me say that I certainly understand people's disgust with the thought of selling one's seats to the Big Ten opener at TCF Bank stadium to a Badger fan. As a season ticket holder I have seen first hand how Badger and Hawkeye fans have behaved in the Metrodome. It has been almost too much to bear. Having said that, I have a dilemma.

My neighbor and one of my best friends is a Badger fan. He is one of only a small handful of my friends that enjoys college football, and we have some good natured back-and-forth banter regarding the Gophers and Badgers every year. He is genuinely a good guy, even though he is a Badger fan (he graduated from the U of W).

So, here is my dilemma. He has already asked me if he could come with me to the Gophers-Badgers game at TCF Bank Stadium. He wants to see the new stadium and he wants to see the Badgers. Of course, since he is one of my best friends, I readily said that he could come with me. I would enjoy it very much to see the pain on his face when the Gophers win!

Now, however, I am second guessing this decision. And not because I can't stand the thought of a Badger fan at TCF Bank Stadium, but because I would fear for his safety, and maybe even mine! Would people really be upset with me if I brought a Badger fan to that game? I'm not looking to make any money. In fact, I would probably give him the ticket as a birthday present.

Is it too much to ask that two friends enjoy a college football game together? Is there too much pain there?

First let me say that I certainly understand people's disgust with the thought of selling one's seats to the Big Ten opener at TCF Bank stadium to a Badger fan. As a season ticket holder I have seen first hand how Badger and Hawkeye fans have behaved in the Metrodome. It has been almost too much to bear. Having said that, I have a dilemma.

My neighbor and one of my best friends is a Badger fan. He is one of only a small handful of my friends that enjoys college football, and we have some good natured back-and-forth banter regarding the Gophers and Badgers every year. He is genuinely a good guy, even though he is a Badger fan (he graduated from the U of W).

So, here is my dilemma. He has already asked me if he could come with me to the Gophers-Badgers game at TCF Bank Stadium. He wants to see the new stadium and he wants to see the Badgers. Of course, since he is one of my best friends, I readily said that he could come with me. I would enjoy it very much to see the pain on his face when the Gophers win!

Now, however, I am second guessing this decision. And not because I can't stand the thought of a Badger fan at TCF Bank Stadium, but because I would fear for his safety, and maybe even mine! Would people really be upset with me if I brought a Badger fan to that game? I'm not looking to make any money. In fact, I would probably give him the ticket as a birthday present.

Is it too much to ask that two friends enjoy a college football game together? Is there too much pain there?

Get ready to duck if I see you two...something is getting thrown! ;)

First let me say that I certainly understand people's disgust with the thought of selling one's seats to the Big Ten opener at TCF Bank stadium to a Badger fan. As a season ticket holder I have seen first hand how Badger and Hawkeye fans have behaved in the Metrodome. It has been almost too much to bear. Having said that, I have a dilemma.

My neighbor and one of my best friends is a Badger fan. He is one of only a small handful of my friends that enjoys college football, and we have some good natured back-and-forth banter regarding the Gophers and Badgers every year. He is genuinely a good guy, even though he is a Badger fan (he graduated from the U of W).

So, here is my dilemma. He has already asked me if he could come with me to the Gophers-Badgers game at TCF Bank Stadium. He wants to see the new stadium and he wants to see the Badgers. Of course, since he is one of my best friends, I readily said that he could come with me. I would enjoy it very much to see the pain on his face when the Gophers win!

Now, however, I am second guessing this decision. And not because I can't stand the thought of a Badger fan at TCF Bank Stadium, but because I would fear for his safety, and maybe even mine! Would people really be upset with me if I brought a Badger fan to that game? I'm not looking to make any money. In fact, I would probably give him the ticket as a birthday present.

Is it too much to ask that two friends enjoy a college football game together? Is there too much pain there?

I think this is the exception to the rule. It just really bugs me when I see the fat, obnoxious badger goons that act like a d-bag and cant keep their trap shut during the game. Friendly old guys that realize they arent in wisconsin anymore and respect the people around them by sitting there and not heckling the home teams fans are fine by me... however, those are rare as far as badger fans go.

First let me say that I certainly understand people's disgust with the thought of selling one's seats to the Big Ten opener at TCF Bank stadium to a Badger fan. As a season ticket holder I have seen first hand how Badger and Hawkeye fans have behaved in the Metrodome. It has been almost too much to bear. Having said that, I have a dilemma.

My neighbor and one of my best friends is a Badger fan. He is one of only a small handful of my friends that enjoys college football, and we have some good natured back-and-forth banter regarding the Gophers and Badgers every year. He is genuinely a good guy, even though he is a Badger fan (he graduated from the U of W).

So, here is my dilemma. He has already asked me if he could come with me to the Gophers-Badgers game at TCF Bank Stadium. He wants to see the new stadium and he wants to see the Badgers. Of course, since he is one of my best friends, I readily said that he could come with me. I would enjoy it very much to see the pain on his face when the Gophers win!

Now, however, I am second guessing this decision. And not because I can't stand the thought of a Badger fan at TCF Bank Stadium, but because I would fear for his safety, and maybe even mine! Would people really be upset with me if I brought a Badger fan to that game? I'm not looking to make any money. In fact, I would probably give him the ticket as a birthday present.

Is it too much to ask that two friends enjoy a college football game together? Is there too much pain there?

yes, yes and yes. while on it's face i find your story "touching" it is exactly this type of annual weaseling by becky & hogeye fans for tickets via their minnesota neighbors and co-workers (because let's be honest it is most of them moving here to the minneapolis metro for better jobs, better culture, better nightlife, etc. vs. the other way around) that all of us need to put a stop to from 2009 into perpetuity.

these mo-fo's play this game with some of you every year and many of you seem to fall for it every year. behind your back i can guarantee most of these red & yellow punks you know talk nothing but sh!t about the gophers and gopher fans, but when it comes time for becky and/or the hogeyes to visit minneapolis suddenly they are your "best friend" and would just love the opportunity to "bond with you" at that upcoming gopher game. BULL SH!T!!! do you think he would offer you his other ticket to a similar game at camp randall?! highly doubt it.

so, my suggestion for you here is a little "tough love". tell your becky neighbor you would love to take him with you, but frankly you are sorry and won't be able to take him afterall (i am sure he will be okay and you will still be friends afterwards). that you won't be able to stand watching the first conference home game in the new stadium while sitting next to a becky tool dressed in red cheering for the visitor. let alone look at yourself in the mirror with any self-respect the next day.

take a fellow gopher fan with you to that game. they are much more deserving than your becky neighbor who happened to oh so conveniently put you in a tough spot by asking for your other ticket over 6 months in advance of the game. that seems like kind of a dick-head move if you ask me.

so don't disappoint us snackeru. otherwise watch out for flying projectiles as pharmacygopher stated! ;)

Just remember this and everything will be okay: Ski-U-Mah and F Becky! :clap:

I think this is the exception to the rule. It just really bugs me when I see the fat, obnoxious badger goons that act like a d-bag and cant keep their trap shut during the game. Friendly old guys that realize they arent in wisconsin anymore and respect the people around them by sitting there and not heckling the home teams fans are fine by me... however, those are rare as far as badger fans go.

and how do you know his neighbor isn't also a fat, obnoxious, cheese eating, miller drinking, loud mouth slob as well?! i mean come on.....they are something like a dime a dozen across the st. croix river. ;)


Of course you can, snackeru. It's cordial hosting of your visitor fans and friends that helps build the reputation of an exceptional fan base. For me, UW and Penn State come to mind. These 13 year old nut heads who are having a cow on here are obviously silly if you haven't noticed and you shouldn't pay attention to them. No one is going to physically harm you or probably even say anything- especially if you aren't by students. (This isn't OSU vs. Michigan for crying out loud.) Bring a Badger friend and show him how good of a host the gophers can be and how proud you are of your new stadium. If you really think turning down an experience with a good friend for achieving some kind of mythical "gopher shut-out" that clearly is never going to happen, is going to be worth it, I suggest you re-consider your priorities. Who cares if Badger fans come... it has nothing to do with anything and ALL THE REST OF YOU BEING SUCH CRY BABIES only leads one to believe that you are afraid that you are going to lose and be embarrassed by a large crowd of Wisconsin fans. You should be thinking just the opposite. You should welcome a large crowd of rivals believing that you are going to win in front of them all. You Gopher fans have much to learn.

Roy Williams said it best tonight when asked about what he thought of the large contingent of Michigan State fans that had come to cheer on their team. Something to the extent of:

"Unless they're all going to come down here on the court and play defense against us, we should have nothing to worry about."

It's true. So many gopher fans have become so self conscious and bothered by their incessant role as Big Ten bottom feeders that they are only perpetuating their own fate as remaining some of the worst fans in football. But you, snackeru, you can be the beginning of a new era of gopher fans (unlike all of the posters on here) who breaks the cycle and becomes a true dignified fan. So bring your friend, and should you happen to win you will glad you did so.

... don't feed the becky troll people
Great strategy.

Of course, starting a new thread naming said troll while admonishing others not to feed the troll must be part of that "other" strategy (1). ..... :rolleyes:

(1) the "do as I say, not as I do" strategy

Great strategy.

Of course, starting a new thread naming said troll while admonishing others not to feed the troll must be part of that "other" strategy (1). ..... :rolleyes:

(1) the "do as I say, not as I do" strategy

yep. i was pretty happy with it myself. who cares if i named said "troll" in the subject line of the OP?! no where in the subject line or body of the post did i address "it" personally, so as usual you seem to be trying to make an issue out of nothing. not really sure why. that is all.

Of course you can, snackeru. It's cordial hosting of your visitor fans and friends that helps build the reputation of an exceptional fan base. For me, UW and Penn State come to mind. These 13 year old nut heads who are having a cow on here are obviously silly if you haven't noticed and you shouldn't pay attention to them. No one is going to physically harm you or probably even say anything- especially if you aren't by students. (This isn't OSU vs. Michigan for crying out loud.) Bring a Badger friend and show him how good of a host the gophers can be and how proud you are of your new stadium. If you really think turning down an experience with a good friend for achieving some kind of mythical "gopher shut-out" that clearly is never going to happen, is going to be worth it, I suggest you re-consider your priorities. Who cares if Badger fans come... it has nothing to do with anything and ALL THE REST OF YOU BEING SUCH CRY BABIES only leads one to believe that you are afraid that you are going to lose and be embarrassed by a large crowd of Wisconsin fans. You should be thinking just the opposite. You should welcome a large crowd of rivals believing that you are going to win in front of them all. You Gopher fans have much to learn.

Roy Williams said it best tonight when asked about what he thought of the large contingent of Michigan State fans that had come to cheer on their team. Something to the extent of:

"Unless they're all going to come down here on the court and play defense against us, we should have nothing to worry about."

It's true. So many gopher fans have become so self conscious and bothered by their incessant role as Big Ten bottom feeders that they are only perpetuating their own fate as remaining some of the worst fans in football. But you, snackeru, you can be the beginning of a new era of gopher fans (unlike all of the posters on here) who breaks the cycle and becomes a true dignified fan. So bring your friend, and should you happen to win you will glad you did so.



Great strategy.

Of course, starting a new thread naming said troll while admonishing others not to feed the troll must be part of that "other" strategy (1). ..... :rolleyes:

(1) the "do as I say, not as I do" strategy

Way to address this unthinking person who can't afford seats, yet expects me to drop $400 into a shredder! The background, AGAIN, I did try to sell the first 4 here, but everyone wanted to be given the tickets and the admin took my post down. We have a family wedding that weekend so I was selling my 2 and my parents' 2. Now my brother has decided he is going to the wedding and has 2 for sale. I can't help that some of these guys' only value in life is the fantasy of keeping IA & WI fans out of TCF. Its not going to happen anyway and who cares..watch the damn game. Did some bully drunk give you a shove in Madison and this is your only way to get back at him?

Way to address this unthinking person who can't afford seats, yet expects me to drop $400 into a shredder! The background, AGAIN, I did try to sell the first 4 here, but everyone wanted to be given the tickets and the admin took my post down. We have a family wedding that weekend so I was selling my 2 and my parents' 2. Now my brother has decided he is going to the wedding and has 2 for sale. I can't help that some of these guys' only value in life is the fantasy of keeping IA & WI fans out of TCF. Its not going to happen anyway and who cares..watch the damn game. Did some bully drunk give you a shove in Madison and this is your only way to get back at him?

If you were really a Gophers fan, why wouldn't you try selling them to other Gophers fans first?

there you go. problem solved. don't feed the becky troll people. and to anyone who does sell their tickets to becky or hogeye fans because "well it is just good business" i only have this to say: PHUC YOU TRAITORS! GIVE UP YOUR SEASON TICKETS NOW YOU PATHETIC TOOLS! :eek:

This guy has trolled you soo hard you had to create a new thread and type in all caps.

I thought the tide was turning when the band card was played, but I underestimated your internet rage.

If you were really a Gophers fan, why wouldn't you try selling them to other Gophers fans first?

Re-read the post you quoted. It said he tried to sell it "here" first. I'm going to make a leap and think here means the Gopherhole, aka, to Gopher fans.

First let me say that I certainly understand people's disgust with the thought of selling one's seats to the Big Ten opener at TCF Bank stadium to a Badger fan. As a season ticket holder I have seen first hand how Badger and Hawkeye fans have behaved in the Metrodome. It has been almost too much to bear. Having said that, I have a dilemma.

My neighbor and one of my best friends is a Badger fan. He is one of only a small handful of my friends that enjoys college football, and we have some good natured back-and-forth banter regarding the Gophers and Badgers every year. He is genuinely a good guy, even though he is a Badger fan (he graduated from the U of W).

So, here is my dilemma. He has already asked me if he could come with me to the Gophers-Badgers game at TCF Bank Stadium. He wants to see the new stadium and he wants to see the Badgers. Of course, since he is one of my best friends, I readily said that he could come with me. I would enjoy it very much to see the pain on his face when the Gophers win!

Now, however, I am second guessing this decision. And not because I can't stand the thought of a Badger fan at TCF Bank Stadium, but because I would fear for his safety, and maybe even mine! Would people really be upset with me if I brought a Badger fan to that game? I'm not looking to make any money. In fact, I would probably give him the ticket as a birthday present.

Is it too much to ask that two friends enjoy a college football game together? Is there too much pain there?

I said no to my brother-in-law who is a big Badger fan when the same question came up recently.....without even blinking an eye. I felt a bit guilty, but I was so surprised that my wife actually laughed about it and thought that was fine. I'm pretty sure our 2 extras will go to a family member of some sort. I would never sell to WI or IA fans.........I would feel too dirty..:D

Alrighty....after reading all of this going on about the Wisconsin game here's a serious question for you all....

My brother-in-law attended the Air Force Academy. He proudly serves the country in the USAF, and will be in town with his wife the weekend before the game, the week before the game, and the weekend of the game. I offered him my extra ticket so he could watch his cadets (mind you he was also on the football team there) and enjoy a game since he's stationed in the middle of no-where and can't get to any college games.

While I do agree that selling to badger and hawkeye fans are just stupid and why you'd do that to try to make a quick buck (same goes for vikings selling to Packers fans), why all the hate if somebody chooses to bring someone with them?

According to the logic that I have read here I'm now also a traitor for bringing my brother-in-law to the game. Which I find hard to fathom after I crossed the boarder to go to college here and spent many wonderful years in the band...I was even able to convert my entire family. But like I said, the logic stated in this thread continues down to any other game, and frankly, makes me question the sanity of some on the board.

I've never posted here, but I tend to browse the forums once a day, and have for a good year now, but at this point too many people are starting to sound like those badger students who decided to throw batteries at visiting bands a while back. Not something I would have expected from one Gopher fan to the next.

Mind, you, I still think what was transpiring in the thread this thread talks about with Nervous and that other badger fan is real low...obviously he didn't try hard enough, and seeing as that game is still months away I'm only sure demand for those tickets to Gopher fans will go up. But if somebody decided to bring a friend with who just happened to be a fan of the opposite team, the mild threats on here is enough for me to question wanting to consider myself a Gopher fan.

Alrighty....after reading all of this going on about the Wisconsin game here's a serious question for you all....

My brother-in-law attended the Air Force Academy. He proudly serves the country in the USAF, and will be in town with his wife the weekend before the game, the week before the game, and the weekend of the game. I offered him my extra ticket so he could watch his cadets (mind you he was also on the football team there) and enjoy a game since he's stationed in the middle of no-where and can't get to any college games.

While I do agree that selling to badger and hawkeye fans are just stupid and why you'd do that to try to make a quick buck (same goes for vikings selling to Packers fans), why all the hate if somebody chooses to bring someone with them?

According to the logic that I have read here I'm now also a traitor for bringing my brother-in-law to the game. Which I find hard to fathom after I crossed the boarder to go to college here and spent many wonderful years in the band...I was even able to convert my entire family. But like I said, the logic stated in this thread continues down to any other game, and frankly, makes me question the sanity of some on the board.

I've never posted here, but I tend to browse the forums once a day, and have for a good year now, but at this point too many people are starting to sound like those badger students who decided to throw batteries at visiting bands a while back. Not something I would have expected from one Gopher fan to the next.

Mind, you, I still think what was transpiring in the thread this thread talks about with Nervous and that other badger fan is real low...obviously he didn't try hard enough, and seeing as that game is still months away I'm only sure demand for those tickets to Gopher fans will go up. But if somebody decided to bring a friend with who just happened to be a fan of the opposite team, the mild threats on here is enough for me to question wanting to consider myself a Gopher fan.

I am not a fan of selling tickets to opposing fans however you should feel free to bring whomever you want and don't have to receive permission from others to do so. Please bring your brother-in-law and enjoy the game and do not let some peoples idle threats scare you aware. You can want to beat an opponent but still be respectful towards them which will often garner you respect back from the opponents as well as fans worldwide which is good for a program who is hoping to expand their fanbase and national profile. I grew up going to Nebraska vs Oklahoma games and it was always one of the biggest rivalries with bigtime implications but the fans were for the most part respectful of each other which made the rivalry that much better. I hope that we can get to that point in the future as it can only help the program as we try to lure recruits and opponents to TCF.

All of these excuses

but seriously, who would even have a Badger fan as a friend. I mean why would you lower yourself to that. You mind as well be a whore.

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WIgopher, it's not the same. First of all, it's Wisconsin vs. USAFA. Not even a comparison in terms of the rivalry.

Further, your brother-in-law deserves just about whatever he wants because of his service to our country. By all means, bring him and have fun.

There's Wisconsin/Iowa, there's everyone else, and there's the military. People are mostly upset about the number of Wisconsin and Iowa fans at recent games. But a new stadium and winning, as witnessed at this years Wisconsin basketball game at Williams, will drastically reduce the number attending games.

I like travelling to other cities and watching the Gophers play at different venues. I like to meet new people, to see how other people live and support their teams, and to see what unique traditions they have. I want other fans to come here; I want to be a good host. I've been treated very well at many Madison games, and not so well at Iowa and haven't been back since.

We need good rivalries. How boring it would be not to have history and tradition with other teams. I like good natured trash talking with other team's fans. That's a lot of fun. School spirit is important, and I think less of others who don't have school spirit and enthusiasm.

Then there's the military. WiGopher should proudly bring his brother-in-law. Our military service people have had a rough go of it recently, and should be supported more now regardless of political party affiliation. I hope that cadet wears his uniform, and I'll happily by him a beer. I'll thank him for his service then proceed to tell him we're going to pummel Air Force on the field as we gear up to crush the badgers. I can't wait for the fly over. That'll be really cool.

Anybody buys this b.s.?

Way to address this unthinking person who can't afford seats, yet expects me to drop $400 into a shredder! The background, AGAIN, I did try to sell the first 4 here, but everyone wanted to be given the tickets and the admin took my post down. We have a family wedding that weekend so I was selling my 2 and my parents' 2. Now my brother has decided he is going to the wedding and has 2 for sale. I can't help that some of these guys' only value in life is the fantasy of keeping IA & WI fans out of TCF. Its not going to happen anyway and who cares..watch the damn game. Did some bully drunk give you a shove in Madison and this is your only way to get back at him?
What a liar, he comes on first with "free enterprise", and now it's some sob story? do us a favor and tell us what your small intestine tastes like, since you head is so obviously rammed so far up there.
No if somebody would tell me how to ignore him and Wiskydick33...

Way to ignore him, Sparky.

Another 28-post thread responding to an obvious troll. Brilliant stragetery, Sparky. Can't wait for your next slick move! Ca .... ;)

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