Regarding the original topic. None will average 20/ game. But all are capable of scoring 20 any given night. That is a huge asset to have in a recruiting class. All have showed that ability already as freshman. The future is looking up.

Lest we not forget the "76ers effect" on our team. I'm excited about Mason and the freshman have all shown flashes, but Thad Young and Robert Covington were 25 point candidates every night over the last few years for Philly. Neither those players nor the current Gopher players are THAT bad in comparison to their computation to not score 60-70 points (NCAA) or 90-100 points (NBA). Somebody has to score.

Hard to imagine being any worse,no way but up from here.I don't think we'll be good next season(we should be better),but In two seasons we'll be really good.(if everyone is still here)

Anyone know whether redshirt discussions were had with Gilbert and even McBrayer? I guess McBrayer is getting experience in games, but simply practicing with the team every day would probably yield similar results. Would have also helped with roster balance.

Huh? Do you realize how few eligible players we would've had this year? I also strongly disagree that practicing with the team would probably yield similar results.

Regarding the original topic. None will average 20/ game. But all are capable of scoring 20 any given night. That is a huge asset to have in a recruiting class. All have showed that ability already as freshman. The future is looking up.
That's how I view it too, and if I had to guess is what the OP meant. Heck Dorsey and Murphy have already accomplished it. Gilbert probably will one day when he's hot from three. McBreyer seems like a capable slasher that will benefit by adding 10-15lbs of muscle in the offseason. Key will be can enough guys score in the teens and can we keep improving on D and improve rebounding for next year

Huh? Do you realize how few eligible players we would've had this year? I also strongly disagree that practicing with the team would probably yield similar results.

Yes, without a lot of eligible players the team might have started 0-10 in conference. There are lots of teams that only play 7 or 8 players, and lots of teams that play their walk-ons.

As for practicing with the team, it seemed to work for Wisconsin's Ethan Happ.

Yes, without a lot of eligible players the team might have started 0-10 in conference. There are lots of teams that only play 7 or 8 players, and lots of teams that play their walk-ons.

As for practicing with the team, it seemed to work for Wisconsin's Ethan Happ.

Not if they can help it. Outside a very select few walk-ons, who could have had D1 scholarships elsewhere (see Kenny Goins at MSU), you rarely(with respect to total minutes played by scholarship players) see walk-ons making a significant contribution.

Yes, without a lot of eligible players the team might have started 0-10 in conference. There are lots of teams that only play 7 or 8 players, and lots of teams that play their walk-ons.

As for practicing with the team, it seemed to work for Wisconsin's Ethan Happ.

I'm curious. Can you name 10 teams that play their walk-ons outside of garbage time?

I didn't mean lots of teams right now. I certainly don't know the scholarship situation of enough players to be able to rattle that off. But over the years there have certainly been lots of guys who played as walk-ons.

This season was always known to be a rebuilding season and I suspect fans will wish they had another season of Gilbert later on. McBrayer may have been more of a stretch, but the results wouldn't have changed. The team could probably also have achieved 0-10 in the Big Ten with one of Dorsey, Mason, Morris, Buggs, and Sharp manning the 1-3 spots. That's 120 mins per game between 4 guys, plus a walk-on. 30, 30, 28, 28, 4 would have been fine. Then 60 mins per game between Murphy, King, Konate, and Diedhou and you're set.

I didn't mean lots of teams right now. I certainly don't know the scholarship situation of enough players to be able to rattle that off. But over the years there have certainly been lots of guys who played as walk
But why would you want too?

I think we made a huge mistake by not redshirting every scholarship player and using exclusively walk-ons. We could have gone 0-10 with that strategy too.

McBreyer seems like a capable slasher that will benefit by adding 10-15lbs of muscle in the offseasonr

I hope so, but he's built like a guy that will only add 10-15 lbs muscle over his 4 years.

I hope so, but he's built like a guy that will only add 10-15 lbs muscle over his 4 years.

I think his lack of size was a bigger factor when he was getting used to the B1G, he's ALWAYS been a slight guard, he seems to handle the contact and physicality pretty well the last couple games. I think he'll be fine as a smaller guy, he's crafty.

Yes, without a lot of eligible players the team might have started 0-10 in conference. There are lots of teams that only play 7 or 8 players, and lots of teams that play their walk-ons.

As for practicing with the team, it seemed to work for Wisconsin's Ethan Happ.

There's a big difference between playing 7-8 players and only having 7-8 scholarship players available (won't even address the ridiculousness of the walk-ons comment). Ever heard of injuries, foul trouble, suspensions, or fatigue? I think you'd be lucky to find even one other person on here who thinks it would've made sense to redshirt McBrayer.

What point are you trying to make with Happ? That a single player having success after redshirting means that most players would produce basically the same whether their college basketball experience consists of 1) practice; or 2) practice and an entire season of significant minutes on a BT team? Happ was also on the 2nd best team in the country last year and was playing behind the best player in the country. He was redshirted because there weren't minutes for him. McBrayer wasn't redshirted because it would not have made any sense.

It's EVERY SINGLE ONE. We're on the edfe of something great, and to the ones who don't see it: F*** YOU! That means you, DP!!!

My apologies: I'll say something more intelligent tomorrow. For now, F** DP. That should suffice! :)

Have to say, if I didn't know Morris was kicked off the team, not sure I would have noticed his absence tonight.

Still drinking. But, I need to repeat: there is not a miss in this recruiting class. NOT ONE MISS. And Mason is already an upperclassman.

And Kanote is is developing; F**k you to those who don't see that, either. He just needs to improve his hands - then he'll be a monster.

In case I've not said it, F**k you, DP!!

DP will remain very upset and snarky instead of celebrating a win. You can almost imagine his veins pulsing with the outrage of us celebrating a win instead of stringing Pitino up.

Still drinking. But, I need to repeat: there is not a miss in this recruiting class. NOT ONE MISS. And Mason is already an upperclassman.

And Kanote is is developing; F**k you to those who don't see that, either. He just needs to improve his hands - then he'll be a monster.

In case I've not said it, F**k you, DP!!

Gee...what a shock. A guy who uses a Vikings moniker on a Gopher board with a drinking problem. Imagine that.

DP will remain very upset and snarky instead of celebrating a win. You can almost imagine his veins pulsing with the outrage of us celebrating a win instead of stringing Pitino up.

I see that sh*t pulsating - mplarson7, you're wise. Let's all recognize and celebrate what is happening here: a team and coach are being born here. That happens rarely, but it's happening here. To those who deny it: FU*K YOU!

DP will remain very upset and snarky instead of celebrating a win. You can almost imagine his veins pulsing with the outrage of us celebrating a win instead of stringing Pitino up.

In his defense, I remember him continuing to cheer on the Gophers in Tubby's final games while others hoped we would lose in order to ensure that Tubby got fired.

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