ESPN: Brew's tumultuous tenure had many questioning why U ever got rid of Mason

I disagree. I thoroughly enjoy the pissing contests between various parties about the unchangeable past and the participants' opinions.

Hum?...Maybe I am not drinking enough beer or the right brand. I suspect if I were, I would be better in pissing contests or maybe not care.;)

Believe me, Alvarez and Richter took full advantage of the "cupcake" method of building a football program. More power to them. It worked pretty darn well...

It took nine years before Alvarez had a non-conference schedule without a BCS opponent. Grinning Glen accomplished that by his second year and his third year and his sixth year and his seventh year and his eighth year and his ninth year.

Wisconsin played road games at #2 Washington and #7 Colorado in Barry's first four years on the job. In year six, Wisconsin played Colorado and Stanford out of its three non-conference games.

It took nine years before Alvarez had a non-conference schedule without a BCS opponent. Grinning Glen accomplished that by his second year and his third year and his sixth year and his seventh year and his eighth year and his ninth year.

Wisconsin played road games at #2 Washington and #7 Colorado in Barry's first four years on the job. In year six, Wisconsin played Colorado and Stanford out of its three non-conference games.

I recall picking the Gophers in 1993 to take (at the time) undefeated wisky down hard in the dome because wisky had played a crappy iowa State team and a few other cupcake "bcs-type" schools in their ooc and then struggled against Indiana. KFAN with "thor-tollo" had a call in contest and I picked the score on the head! I won...and they sent me...of all things...a pair of "vikqueen gloves..." The next year in 1994 Jim Wacker took his team into the camp and Tutu Atwell caught a td pas in the final few minutes of that game to once again prevail over the alvarez led Badgers. Back then, was there even such a thing as "bcs?" Why no, there wasn't. The first BCS bs system was put in place in 1998! Alvarez started when...1990 or 1991?

I can tell by your 'grinning glen" comment that you are nothing but a Mason hater. That "bcs" bs really doesn't matter. Since the College bowl system is CONSTANTLY evolving and now with college football headed toward the made for tv money grabbing schemes the "bcs" bs becomes lacking in relevance to an even larger degree.

For Minnesota: the ONLY thing that will help the program is to IMPROVE within conference play. OOC games should be totally eliminated now that the conference is large enough to play a conference ONLY schedule.

And, when some coach finally does better than Glen Mason, who had the best seasons experienced during the past 22 or 23 years, maybe THEN and ONLY then will you have ANY ground to stand on with your criticizing of Glen Mason. That failed brewball experiment darn near KILLED football at the University of Minnesota. Now we will have to see IF Coach Kill can revive football after that failed brewball period any where near as competitive as it was during the Glen Mason Period.

Screw the ooc schedule! Go to an ALL B1G Schedule! It is time for that to happen. Take it ALL "in-house" within the conference and then IF the program gets invited to a bowl game, they can see how they fare against a team outside the conference! Now THAT would be football!

; 0 )

Final statement on this matter:

Glen Mason was a good coach, but NOT a perfect coach.

His teams had strong running games, but for whatever reason, he was not able to back up the running game with an equally strong defense.

His teams won several big games, but they also lost several big games, including a series of heart-breaking losses after blowing big leads in the 2nd half.

Glen Mason also irritated a number of fans through his willingness to entertain/flirt with other job offers, giving the perception that he was not 100% committed to the Gopher program.

The president of the united states is NOT above criticism.
The Pope is not above criticism
I am not above criticism.
Wren is not above criticism, and
Glen Mason is NOT above criticism.

Here is the paradox of Wren: Wren doesn't respect anyone else's opinion, but he can't understand why we don't respect his opinion. That says it all.

Final statement on this matter:

Glen Mason was a good coach, but NOT a perfect coach.

His teams had strong running games, but for whatever reason, he was not able to back up the running game with an equally strong defense.

His teams won several big games, but they also lost several big games, including a series of heart-breaking losses after blowing big leads in the 2nd half.

Glen Mason also irritated a number of fans through his willingness to entertain/flirt with other job offers, giving the perception that he was not 100% committed to the Gopher program.

The president of the united states is NOT above criticism. Current
The Pope is not above criticism Current
I am not above criticism. Current
Wren is not above criticism, Current and
Glen Mason is NOT above criticism. Past

Here is the paradox of Wren: Wren doesn't respect anyone else's opinion, but he can't understand why we don't respect his opinion. That says it all.

Just my opinion, but criticizing the past is wasted time, time which is better utilized drinking beer.

maybe THEN and ONLY then will you have ANY ground to stand on with your criticizing of Glen Mason.

A coach has a 32-48 Big Ten record and there are no grounds to criticize him. Seems logical.

after that failed brewball period any where near as competitive as it was during the Glen Mason Period.

Must kill you to know that the failed brewball period of 3+ years produced two seasons equal to Grinning Glen's 10th season as head coach of the program. Way to build that program Glen.

The president of the united states is NOT above criticism.

The Pope is not above criticism
I am not above criticism.
Wren is not above criticism, and
Glen Mason is NOT above criticism.

Here is the paradox of Wren: Wren doesn't respect anyone else's opinion, but he can't understand why we don't respect his opinion. That says it all.

You clearly have a great understanding of that paradox known as wren. Therefore I suggest you become our DL65 for translating wren speak into English like DL65 does for Sid. If you used the following shorthand symbols such as IAABTW = It's all about Big Ten wins and TSNTMNIV = Thou shall not take Mason's name in vain you could summarize most of wren's post with as little as a dozen or more key strokes.

Tim Brewster was a lightning bolt from Zeus to punish us for the hubris of firing Glen Mason, the best thing to happen to Gopher Football in the last 40 years. While his firing may not have been totally unwarranted, it was indeed a mistake, and we're worse off for it. That we're still debating this is comical to me. But as many have said, what's done is done.

God bless Jerry Kill and may he lead us to the promised land!

You clearly have a great understanding of that paradox known as wren. Therefore I suggest you become our DL65 for translating wren speak into English like DL65 does for Sid. If you used the following shorthand symbols such as IAABTW = It's all about Big Ten wins and TSNTMNIV = Thou shall not take Mason's name in vain you could summarize most of wren's post with as little as a dozen or more key strokes.

And if wren's posts didn't include references to County Jer, the new Norwood, and/or Prexy K, they wouldn't say anything.

Final statement on this matter:

Glen Mason was a good coach, but NOT a perfect coach.

His teams had strong running games, but for whatever reason, he was not able to back up the running game with an equally strong defense.

His teams won several big games, but they also lost several big games, including a series of heart-breaking losses after blowing big leads in the 2nd half.

Glen Mason also irritated a number of fans through his willingness to entertain/flirt with other job offers, giving the perception that he was not 100% committed to the Gopher program.

The president of the united states is NOT above criticism.
The Pope is not above criticism
I am not above criticism.
Wren is not above criticism, and
Glen Mason is NOT above criticism.

Here is the paradox of Wren: Wren doesn't respect anyone else's opinion, but he can't understand why we don't respect his opinion. That says it all.

You are too full of short ornery Norwegian "know it all..." If I contrast someone's opinion I could care diddly squat what that person thinks about my opinion. You are saying NOTHING about me Norwegian...absolutely NOTHING. You don't know me at all. So YOU people who you refer to as your "we" like to operate in group-think and group-speak. I have noticed that. And, I really don't care. I'll state my opinion and let the chips fall where they may. I say what I think and I really don't care what you think about what I say. That works out pretty well...because I don't think I'd really care to think or say many of the things you say, think and attempt to convey to others Norwegian...even though I am of Norwegian descent myself.

I think for myself Norwegian. I don't do this "we-think-thing" that you and the others you and your friends band together to do. Or, do you always just refer to yourself as "we..." IF you ever get to a game, let me know, I'd even buy you and your we people a beverage. It would be fun to talk about this face to face. I will be at every home game except the San Jose State game. Just let me know IF you will be at any home games and we can talk this thing out. You have a LOT of misconceptions about me...and I may have some about you.

But, do NOT try to explain anything about who I am when you have never even had the decency to talk face to face with me.

Deal Norwegian? I am the Walrus...but...I am Norwegian too!'s time to go. You and your little buddies can feel free to say what ever you feel you can get by with. I really don't care. It's all good. Opinions are great...and contrast is even greater!

Later Norwegian!

; 0 )

A coach has a 32-48 Big Ten record and there are no grounds to criticize him. Seems logical.

Must kill you to know that the failed brewball period of 3+ years produced two seasons equal to Grinning Glen's 10th season as head coach of the program. Way to build that program Glen.

Not at all. That Brewster got EXACTLY what he deserved. He was TERRIBLE. These mid-season ditchings and firings don't happen very often. They are an act of LAST RESORT. Go back and check the record books to see how many Gopher Football Coaches have ever been fired mid-season and not even allowed to finish coaching the season. He was removed on the spot. The administration had so much shame about the miserable job he was doing they did a brewsterectomy ON THE SPOT. He was the worst of the worst...

; 0 )

You are too full of short ornery Norwegian "know it all..." If I contrast someone's opinion I could care diddly squat what that person thinks about my opinion. You are saying NOTHING about me Norwegian...absolutely NOTHING. You don't know me at all. So YOU people who you refer to as your "we" like to operate in group-think and group-speak. I have noticed that. And, I really don't care. I'll state my opinion and let the chips fall where they may. I say what I think and I really don't care what you think about what I say. That works out pretty well...because I don't think I'd really care to think or say many of the things you say, think and attempt to convey to others Norwegian...even though I am of Norwegian descent myself.

I think for myself Norwegian. I don't do this "we-think-thing" that you and the others you and your friends band together to do. Or, do you always just refer to yourself as "we..." IF you ever get to a game, let me know, I'd even buy you and your we people a beverage. It would be fun to talk about this face to face. I will be at every home game except the San Jose State game. Just let me know IF you will be at any home games and we can talk this thing out. You have a LOT of misconceptions about me...and I may have some about you.

But, do NOT try to explain anything about who I am when you have never even had the decency to talk face to face with me.

Deal Norwegian? I am the Walrus...but...I am Norwegian too!'s time to go. You and your little buddies can feel free to say what ever you feel you can get by with. I really don't care. It's all good. Opinions are great...and contrast is even greater!

Later Norwegian!

; 0 )

Shorty don't feel bad that wren says he is a Norwegian. I am married to a Norwegian citizen, went to graduate school there, and then worked in Norway and I can tell you that wren is like no Norwegian I ever met. Probably the best way of describing what wren is like is that he is very similar to the character Chance from the movie Being There. Peter Sellers plays the role of Chance. Here is a short synopsis of the movie:

"Until his employer died, a simple-minded man named Chance had worked his entire life as a gardener in Washington, D.C., totally sheltered within house and garden, his only knowledge of the outside world coming from television. Out on the street, Chance is hit by the limousine of an influential businessman's wife, who takes him home as a guest. When Chance's references from television and to his garden are taken as metaphors, he is assumed to be a great thinker and becomes a Washington insider."

If you ever get a chance to watch/rent the move be sure to do it. It is very funny and you will find the similarities between Chance and wren amazing.

While Mason was undoubtedly better than Brewster, the issue wasn't that Mason shouldn't have been fired but rather that Brewster was the wrong choice as his replacement. The U of M and Maturi badly botched that key hire and set the football program back years in the process. Hire the right guy after Mason and we're not having this conversation.

While Mason was undoubtedly better than Brewster, the issue wasn't that Mason shouldn't have been fired but rather that Brewster was the wrong choice as his replacement. The U of M and Maturi badly botched that key hire and set the football program back years in the process. Hire the right guy after Mason and we're not having this conversation.

I always felt like Maturi rolled the dice with Brewster because he felt like he had the "credit" to work with after bringing in Tubby (which he had little to do with). Maybe I'm wrong and maybe the timeline is even wrong but that's the way I remember it. Maturi thought he could go out on a limb with that one because he was riding the positive momentum of the Tubby hire.

In the fall, there is death in the garden (Brewster), but in the spring (Kill) there is regrowth!

I always felt like Maturi rolled the dice with Brewster because he felt like he had the "credit" to work with after bringing in Tubby (which he had little to do with). Maybe I'm wrong and maybe the timeline is even wrong but that's the way I remember it. Maturi thought he could go out on a limb with that one because he was riding the positive momentum of the Tubby hire.

That's the problem: with EVERY buy out and fire...a hire has to be made. You blow the hire and you ALSO blow the fire...because replacing a head football coach is a VERY tricky and very costly deal.

Funny you should mention Tubby. macturi was willing to pay him more than twice as much as the football coach who would be bringing the new stadium into use. All the MORE reason to at least win a couple of Big Ten Games. That Brewster won a total of 6 Big Ten games in 3.5 seasons. The really tragic thing was that Tubby couldn't win enough Big Ten Games either.

Now, our new Norwood thinks he made a GREAT fire in buying out and ditching Tubby and he is bringing an inexperienced hoops coach to the BARN. Time will tell, but just remember to watch the number of Big Ten wins vs. the number of Big Ten losses in this youngster's first season here at Minnesota. Pretty much forget the ooc record. Even Tubby did pretty well with the cupcake ooc schedule. It's that B1G portion of the schedule that killed Tubby. It's the SAME thing in Football. If Coach Kill doesn't start winning more Big Ten Games...some of his most loyal fans and the new Norwood will be chomping at the bit to do the drill. But, always remember, in replacing a head coach in a revenue sport at the U of M it is ALWAYS a two-step-process. IF the AD screws up either end of the process...that AD will be a lame duck until he is eventually bought out and fired himself...The new coach HAS to win MORE conference games than the coach he replaces or the process has totally failed...

We need three Conference wins in Football this fall (better get a bowl invitation too) so that some of the fans and the AD won't panic and start wanting to do "fire drills..." Coach Kill needs to stay as far as I am concerned or we will be doomed to another decade of the "give the new coach time to get his own players on board..." blues...

; 0 )

While Mason was undoubtedly better than Brewster, the issue wasn't that Mason shouldn't have been fired but rather that Brewster was the wrong choice as his replacement. The U of M and Maturi badly botched that key hire and set the football program back years in the process. Hire the right guy after Mason and we're not having this conversation.

For every fire...there is a hire. It is a two step process and if either end is botched, you end up with a failed brewball tragedy and comedy of errors...

; 0 )

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