ESPN: Brew's tumultuous tenure had many questioning why U ever got rid of Mason

Kill is definitely an improvement over Brewster, who was a wannabe fraud. The only issue I have with Jerry, is his tip-toe approach to out of conference scheduling. Getting to bowl games because most of the wins came against weak non-conference opponents, is not where you folks want to be. For the good of the B1G, I hope that gets rectified quickly.

Already done - check:

Go Gophers!!

Kill is definitely an improvement over Brewster, who was a wannabe fraud. The only issue I have with Jerry, is his tip-toe approach to out of conference scheduling. Getting to bowl games because most of the wins came against weak non-conference opponents, is not where you folks want to be. For the good of the B1G, I hope that gets rectified quickly.

You do see the irony of a Wisconsin fan complaining about having a weak Non-Conference Schedule don't you? Just give Kill as many cream puff schedules as Bielema had before you start complaining about it. :cool: Though in three seasons Kill's already faced USC and will face TCU in 2014 and 2015. That's 3 big time opponents in his first 5 years with Oregon State in '17 and '18.

He might not be thrilled about it, but it will be fine.

I find it hilarious that the author of that piece calls a 32-48 Big Ten record "middling". I also find it hilarious that he fails to mention the Gophers never even finished as high as 3rd in the conference under Mason or (unbelievably) defeated a team that finished in the top 3 of the conference.

I find it interesting how Brewster is treated in relation to both Mason and Kill. It's somewhat disheartening that Brewster is treated as some massive failure while Mason/Kill seem to get more of a free pass. Brewster took over a program in terrible shape, the Gophers were a pretty bad football team in Mason's final year with senior QB in his 3rd year as a starter AND the Mackey award winning Senior TE. The recruiting classes had been awful for 3 years and Daniels, Jones, Massey all were (rightly) kicked off the team. Brewster started two true freshmen in his defensive backfield and at least one true freshman at wide receiver...and these were guys that were available after he was hired...ex Curtis Thomas. His first season was a disaster record wise, but he was cleaning up someone elses mess (the theory everyone allows with Kill following Brewster) and the team was at least very competitive against Wisconsin and Iowa to end that season. His second season started out great, but he made a BRUTAL decision to try to get in FG range and took that horrible loss to Northwestern when Weber got picked. The Gophers could have been 8-2 at that point. Also in that game, Decker got hurt and that was a big loss. The next season the Gophers won 3 games again, despite their best offensive weapon (Decker) going down for the second year in a row. The team had a great shot to beat Wisconsin that year (again), but failed. Brewster was then on a SCORCHING hot seat going in to his 4th season, despite already reaching the typical Mason season twice (3-5 in the B1G, minor bowl appearance) and recruiting better in state and out of state than Minnesota had in years. I believe his final recruiting class was weaker than what he what was bringing in years earlier, and the momentum was clearly gone. The team took some terrible losses and Brewster was fired mid season, only for Horton to take the talent on that team to 2 B1G wins.

Brewster had plenty of flaws, chief among them going through essentially 3 different offensive schemes in just 3 full years as head coach. I think he would have lasted at least another year, if he came in talking like Kill instead of trying to build excitement within the fan base, but don't think the end result would have been much different. Once the recruiting momentum was gone and we were down to Cosgrove as our DC, there wasn't a lot of reason to believe things would turn around.

I don't have any issue with firing Brewster, but his tenure wasn't the disaster it was made out to be relative to what we've seen from Mason/Kill. This year, the Gopher return Rashede Hageman as a source of optimism and exactly the type of in state kid we had zero shot at pre-Brewster.

I agree with most in this thread who mention that the real issue wasn't hiring Charlie Strong in the first place. I remember a lot of the Mason fans claiming we had "no shot" to get a guy like Strong to come to Minnesota...and then Maturi hired Brewster over him. FWIW, Brewster wasn't a name that was completely out of nowhere, he had turned down Iowa State before campaigning for the Gophers job.

EG - Agree with ALL of this. If Mason had coached one more year, that team would have been below .500, perhaps 3 or 4 wins max. Maturi knew it, and rolled the dice. And I would add, a big part of Brewsters failure was because he rubbed the 'no BS' factions the wrong way. The negative sentiment permeated the entire program and forced it downward. Personally he never bothered me, I enjoyed his optimism for the most part.

EG - Agree with ALL of this. If Mason had coached one more year, that team would have been below .500, perhaps 3 or 4 wins max. Maturi knew it, and rolled the dice. And I would add, a big part of Brewsters failure was because he rubbed the 'no BS' factions the wrong way. The negative sentiment permeated the entire program and forced it downward. Personally he never bothered me, I enjoyed his optimism for the most part.

I totally disagree with everything you say. You claim that Mason would have won four games max the next year...well, that year NEVER got the chance to happen. Even four wins would have been four times as effective as that Brewster was. I say Mason would have EASILY won six or seven games with that squad and would have been invited to a bowl game again in 2007. Your guess as to what would have happened is purely spin based upon your bias. Heck...even that Brewster person got to a bowl game in 2008 with quite a few of those same players. Some of the problem was the way some of those players were cut loose and the TERRIBLE job that Brewster did in being present and in charge of the program. The Football Program was a rudderless ship when Brewster took over. And, he didn't retain ANY of the old staff members who might have had some influence on the players that did have problems MONTHS after Mason and his staff were booted out.

Brewster was a disaster. Period.

; 0 )

My two cents about Mason...people actually used to look at their schedule and say "Minnesota might be a loss". We haven't had that in a while.

I totally disagree with everything you say. You claim that Mason would have won four games max the next year...well, that year NEVER got the chance to happen. Even four wins would have been four times as effective as that Brewster was. I say Mason would have EASILY won six or seven games with that squad and would have been invited to a bowl game again in 2007. Your guess as to what would have happened is purely spin based upon your bias. Heck...even that Brewster person got to a bowl game in 2008 with quite a few of those same players. Some of the problem was the way some of those players were cut loose and the TERRIBLE job that Brewster did in being present and in charge of the program. The Football Program was a rudderless ship when Brewster took over. And, he didn't retain ANY of the old staff members who might have had some influence on the players that did have problems MONTHS after Mason and his staff were booted out.

Brewster was a disaster. Period.

; 0 )

It was time for mason to go. I don't think mason would have led us to a bowl game if he wouldn't have been fired. We were going to be bad regardless. Can't prove that but that's how I saw things. I will never blame Brewster for anything! He sparked the youth in the state to be excited for the U. He started to make the U "cool." Maturi is who I blame. Brewster shouldn't have been hired and Brewster probably wouldn't have been hired if maturi didn't extend mase and then fired him. Brewster was cheap and a mouth piece. Brew was not ready to be a head coach but I will never be upset with him, he worked his butt off and failed because he wasn't ready for the position of head coach. Maturi failed us not mason or Brewster!

It was time for mason to go. I don't think mason would have led us to a bowl game if he wouldn't have been fired. We were going to be bad regardless. Can't prove that but that's how I saw things. I will never blame Brewster for anything! He sparked the youth in the state to be excited for the U. He started to make the U "cool." Maturi is who I blame. Brewster shouldn't have been hired and Brewster probably wouldn't have been hired if maturi didn't extend mase and then fired him. Brewster was cheap and a mouth piece. Brew was not ready to be a head coach but I will never be upset with him, he worked his butt off and failed because he wasn't ready for the position of head coach. Maturi failed us not mason or Brewster!

I disagree with the majority of what you have to say, but do agree with your maturi assessment. However, I would extend the blame to prexy b. He was calling all those shots. maturi was his yes man and his bag man. However, Brewster was NOT a role model for men, women, children or anyone else. He played the fool and he lost. He made NO improvements any where. He had much to do with the destruction of student interest in the Gophers. BUT...maturi and prexy b had the power, controlled the purse strings, called the shots and ALWAYS zigged when they should have zagged. They payed Tubby more than twice as much as a football coach at a time when they were bringing the nearly 300 million dollar stadium on line.

The ONLY time in my life I seriously questioned dropping my season tickets out of protest was during that failed brewball experiment.

We need to fully support Coach Kill for as long as the "smart-people" will stick with him IF he is fired and bought out...the program's fate will revert all the way back to almost nothingness within the B1G scheme of things. IF the boosters and fans allow our new Norwood to do a "Killectomy" on our football program, the soonest we fans can HOPE for a mid conference finish just MIGHT be 2025...Based upon what I have seen in the past half century, that is the way I would see it IF our new Norwood is allowed to make a "signature" football move here at Minnesota. The guy just doesn't quite "get football..." He fancies himself to be a hoops guy...and, believe me, I fear the jury is still out on that assumption...
; 0 )

It was time for mason to go. I don't think mason would have led us to a bowl game if he wouldn't have been fired. We were going to be bad regardless. Can't prove that but that's how I saw things. I will never blame Brewster for anything! He sparked the youth in the state to be excited for the U. He started to make the U "cool." Maturi is who I blame. Brewster shouldn't have been hired and Brewster probably wouldn't have been hired if maturi didn't extend mase and then fired him. Brewster was cheap and a mouth piece. Brew was not ready to be a head coach but I will never be upset with him, he worked his butt off and failed because he wasn't ready for the position of head coach. Maturi failed us not mason or Brewster!

lakesgopher, I finally agree in totality what you said. Let's bury the hatchet.


p.s. the part of your comment in bold has actually happened to me in the work force.

Just to make sure I have this right... folks are now defending Brewster?

Just to make sure I have this right... folks are now defending Brewster?

What's next.....ya know, Les Steckel sure got a raw deal

Still blows my mind though, if Joel Monroe makes that 20 yard field goal to put Minnesota up by 10 in the second half vs. Northwestern, Brew is probably 8-1 and ranked in the top 15 in 2008.

Is Glen going to spoon with every writer at the major college football news outlets to keep these articles coming?

So many things blow my mind. We win that Michigan game, we go to the rose bowl and made has a statue in front of Glen Mason field at TCF Stadium.

Most mind boggling thing though is Maturi hired a guy he had never heard of before. How many ADs don't keep a short list of FB and BB coaches? How many of them need to employ a search firm? You fire a coach (meaning you weren't caught off guard with a coach leaving), have a new stadium opening, and you end up hiring a guy you've never heard of before?

So many things blow my mind. We win that Michigan game, we go to the rose bowl and made has a statue in front of Glen Mason field at TCF Stadium.

Most mind boggling thing though is Maturi hired a guy he had never heard of before. How many ADs don't keep a short list of FB and BB coaches? How many of them need to employ a search firm? You fire a coach (meaning you weren't caught off guard with a coach leaving), have a new stadium opening, and you end up hiring a guy you've never heard of before?

That will always be the puzzler to me. It's one thing for Maturi to be mad at Mason, but if you're the guy in the big chair, you can't get so mad you can't see straight. When Strong's name came up, I thought he was the guy for sure.

Mason didn't do himself any good when at the pep fest the day before the Tech game he took a real pointed shot at the writers for the Strib. My wife and I were standing about 15 feet from Maturi and he rolled his eyes and his face got real flushed. He bolted out of there without Mason. The two never got along inside the lines. Maturi for the most part was an Albatrous around Mason's neck. Kate Mason couldn't stand Maturi. Remember, Mason was hired by Mark Dienhart. I honestly think Glen got melancholy the last two years as coach. The biggest problem was he lost his drive to recruit. If the head coach doesn't get after it 24/7 you better have a crackerjack staff. He didn't. Mitch Browning
and Carey Bailey were top shelf recruiters; the others were average at best. Maybe TCF stadium would've re- energized Mason, who knows.

For those of you who skipped all of Wren's posts, let me summarize:


For those of you who skipped all of Wren's posts, let me summarize:


Yes, that pretty much sums up the wisdom of wren. As you can see it is a very short book.

For those of you who skipped all of Wren's posts, let me summarize:


What a weak minded Norwegian short guy you are...
macturi was the bag man and yes man for the really bad actor: prexy b. prexy b. was a control freak who couldn't control anything very well. macturi got his extended gig at the U after he had retired because prexy b owed him.

The other thing you have got ALL wrong is that these fools who continually bash Mason and bring Mason up ALL the time just flat-out NEED to be contrasted because they are such pains in the butt. Why is it ok for them to continue to bring up their foolish and unbalanced bias inspired attacks ... and NOT ok for someone to contrast them? Maybe you don't like me and my contrasts of your little club members, but, contrast is what is NEEDED when those SAME people CONSTANTLY try to do their nasty little numbers. Is this supposed to be the bash Coach Mason board? Those people are still trying to bash him going on SEVEN years after he was bought out of his contract. Just why is it bad for me to contrast those tired old bashers when they are the ones who start the bashing. Aren't they men or women enough to be able to take a bit of contrast? What kind of wimps are they any way?

And, finally, without more Big Ten wins do you think Coach Kill will survive at the U of M? Don't you realize just how far it would set back the Football Program IF Coach Kill is thrown under the bus by this new Norwood character?

Now: say you are sorry and sin no more short, ornery Norwegian person....sin no more...and IF you are going to try to have fun at my expense...go jump in the lake...

PS How many tickets have you bought to attend football games at TCF BANK STADiUM s.o.n....

; 0 )

For those of you who skipped all of Wren's posts, let me summarize:


Wren (Walrus) is on my ignore list as well but I can't reconcile his apparent love of Glen Mason with his 32-48 Big Ten record. The only thing I agree with Wren is that "it's about Big Ten wins," but I don't understand how he thinks a 40% winning percentage in the Big Ten is the best we should expect.

Mason didn't do himself any good when at the pep fest the day before the Tech game he took a real pointed shot at the writers for the Strib. My wife and I were standing about 15 feet from Maturi and he rolled his eyes and his face got real flushed. He bolted out of there without Mason. The two never got along inside the lines. Maturi for the most part was an Albatrous around Mason's neck. Kate Mason couldn't stand Maturi. Remember, Mason was hired by Mark Dienhart. I honestly think Glen got melancholy the last two years as coach. The biggest problem was he lost his drive to recruit. If the head coach doesn't get after it 24/7 you better have a crackerjack staff. He didn't. Mitch Browning
and Carey Bailey were top shelf recruiters; the others were average at best. Maybe TCF stadium would've re- energized Mason, who knows.

Really hope you have enjoyed Gopher Football post Mason Ruppert. Personally, I miss a LOT about the Mason years. But, I keep trying. I'll be going down to Northwestern this year to try to see my Gophers win one on the road. I guess I'm still trying to recapture the fun of seeing my Gophers win at the Horseshoe in Columbus...the Big House in Ann Arbor...Spartan Stadium in East Lansing...Kinnick Stadium in iowa city...and a few other places around the B1G. I hope Coach Kill can beat the odds and survive...but...we know just how fickle the fans are...the administrations are...

Do you suppose our new Norwood will bring back the student section? He says he is a great fund-raiser and a heck of a hoops you think he knows diddly about football and what it will take to turn the Game Day Saturday woes around at TCF BANK STADIUM?

You do see the irony of a Wisconsin fan complaining about having a weak Non-Conference Schedule don't you? Just give Kill as many cream puff schedules as Bielema had before you start complaining about it. :cool: Though in three seasons Kill's already faced USC and will face TCU in 2014 and 2015. That's 3 big time opponents in his first 5 years with Oregon State in '17 and '18.
He might not be thrilled about it, but it will be fine.

Iceland -- I HATED our pre-Conference schedule during Bielema's tenure. If you do a comparative of what UM's and UW's OOC (not post-season) schedules were from 2006-2012, you'd see that we were playing roughly a similar bunch of slugs. The major exception was that UM chose to play the Dakota schools in the midst of the conference season.

From a fan perspective, I hated having to pay for these games in a season ticket package. The truth is, most of the major Div 1 schools were playing the same game, during pre-conference. I'm glad the B1G conference has acknowledged that it needs to ramp up the competition to regain some credibility. When Jerry backed out of the NC State games, it looked bad. I'm glad you guys have put TCU on the schedule -- definitely a step in the right direction.

Wren (Walrus) is on my ignore list as well but I can't reconcile his apparent love of Glen Mason with his 32-48 Big Ten record. The only thing I agree with Wren is that "it's about Big Ten wins," but I don't understand how he thinks a 40% winning percentage in the Big Ten is the best we should expect.
Mason's predecessor, Jim Wacker, won 20% of his Big 10 games and annually finished at or near of the bottom of the conference. Many of you probably have no recollection of those years. Mason took over a program in shambles and won 40% of his conference games, and more than 50% of overall games, while recruiting to a stadium many of you have referred to as a dump. Since Mason was let go, we've won 25% of our Big 10 games, even with a beautiful new stadium to recruit to.

I don't understand the continual need to vilify Glen Mason on this message board. It's as though many of you need to find someone to blame for the current state of the program. You won't blame the current coach because you still cling to hope. Until you turn on him like you did with Brewster, and Mason, and Wacker, and Gutekunst.

The history of the past 45 years shows that this is a difficult place to build a competitive football program. Perhaps we should drop the "7 National Football Titles Forum" title because it causes some of you to be delusional.

Really hope you have enjoyed Gopher Football post Mason Ruppert. Personally, I miss a LOT about the Mason years. But, I keep trying. I'll be going down to Northwestern this year to try to see my Gophers win one on the road. I guess I'm still trying to recapture the fun of seeing my Gophers win at the Horseshoe in Columbus...the Big House in Ann Arbor...Spartan Stadium in East Lansing...Kinnick Stadium in iowa city...and a few other places around the B1G. I hope Coach Kill can beat the odds and survive...but...we know just how fickle the fans are...the administrations are...

Do you suppose our new Norwood will bring back the student section? He says he is a great fund-raiser and a heck of a hoops you think he knows diddly about football and what it will take to turn the Game Day Saturday woes around at TCF BANK STADIUM?

IATW, I enjoyed Mason the person. A lot of people thought Glen was a arrogant stuffed shirt. I didn't find him to be that way. I could relate some Mason stories, but to many on this site have rigid opinions about Glan.Coaching wise he had some gaffes, but he also had some memorable wins. He had to work with an AD who put building a rowing facility at the top of his agenda. You wonder what
Mason would have done if football had been " really " a top priority at the U and not just lip service from the Prez. It is interesting to note that Mason would always take the staff/family on a winter retreat. He did this in part because he felt the staff was under paid. Under Mason the Gopher staff was in the lower half of the B1G in salaries. Why would anybody blame him for seeking tOSU job?
It was his dream job at a school that puts football on a pedestal. There were those who say Glen was
always looking to get out of Minnnesota. Interesting, since he still lives here. Like I said, it would have been interesting to see what Mason would have done at TCF stadium under the regime of Teague and Kahler. That my friends will always be the 64,000 dollar question?

Wren (Walrus) is on my ignore list as well but I can't reconcile his apparent love of Glen Mason with his 32-48 Big Ten record. The only thing I agree with Wren is that "it's about Big Ten wins," but I don't understand how he thinks a 40% winning percentage in the Big Ten is the best we should expect.

You didn't ignore me, did you? You just lie a lot. The thing is that you do not DESERVE to read my contrasts. I have NEVER said a 40% winning percentage is the BEST we should expect. But, OBVIOUSLY, some years Coach Mason had us winning 60% of our Big Ten Games. The ONLY way to win MORE than 60% of the Big Ten Games in a single season is to have a team that IS capable of winning at least 60% of the Big Ten Games. For Coach Mason, he had us CLOSE but he didn't quite manage to take it over the stinking hill to the top OR a tie for the top the way wisky, Northwestern, iowa and some other programs managed to get their Rosebowl Games. For virtually ALL Big Ten Teams other than the Ohio State, Michigan, probably Nebraska and formerly PSU, winning 60% of the Big Ten Games played is not a realistic goal for most of the other B1G programs.

Well, waterboy, ...for the Gophers and many other B1G Programs...having a LUCKY season is the ONLY way a Rosebowl Game is going to happen. YOU just DON'T get it, do you? You do NOT deserve to try to tell ANYONE what I (wren...Walrus...Renegade...eyeinthesky...aka a few other moniker names) thinks. IF you claim to ignore me, spin it that way. But, the thing is you do not DESERVE to read what I say. You just don't quite "get it" about how Big Ten Football works waterboy.

I say Glen Mason just about had us at that spot that is probably as good as it will EVER get for Golden Gopher Football. They proved they could win 60% in a season...and with a bit better play...or luck...or good fortune COULD have won 75%. But, it wasn't to be. And that puts us in the camp of some other incredible B1G Schools. That puts us in GREAT company. Glen Mason gave us a CHANCE to be more competitive. And you people cheered when our idiotic administrators bought out and fired his butt. And THAT has taken us where? And, IF Coach Kill doesn't start winning MORE Conference games VERY soon, our new Norwood will buy out and fire his butt...and then we will have about 10 more really BAD years. I believe that Coach Kill HAS to win at least three Conference games in 2013 so that YOU people won't turn on him. I'll support him and hope for the very best of him because since I am 66 years old another 10 or 12 years of seeing uncompetitive Gopher Football would really dampen my final years of attending Gopher Games. I have Seen a LOT of Gopher Football. I still LOVE Golden Gopher Football. But I AM realistic about what is possible for Golden Gopher Football and what probably is not possible. We will NOT join the Ohio State at the top of the Conference most every year. We will NOT join Michigan and Nebraska in terms of resources and fan loyalty.

And, IF we ever get a coach who CAN compete and turns out All-American Players, All-Conference players and every once in a while can get to a 5-3 conference record OR greater, we had better let that coach stay here as LONG as that Coach desires IF he is graduating ever increasing numbers of student athletes, abiding by all the NCAA and Conference rules. I hope Coach Kill can be at the U for ten or fifteen years OR longer if he wants to be here. That would mean I could see COMPETETIVE B1G Football being played at the U of M for probably the rest of my days...that would be a GREAT thing and I could NEVER ask for...OR...expect more...

Go Gophers!

; 0 )

Iceland -- I HATED our pre-Conference schedule during Bielema's tenure. If you do a comparative of what UM's and UW's OOC (not post-season) schedules were from 2006-2012, you'd see that we were playing roughly a similar bunch of slugs. The major exception was that UM chose to play the Dakota schools in the midst of the conference season.

Alvarez ALSO "cupcaked" his way to becoming more competitive. Pat Richter dropped some non-revenue sports to free up more money for football to aid and support Alvarez. Prexy S (Chancellor in wisky's case) also bent over backwards with support for Richter and Alvarez and the UW Football Program.

I've been watching Big Ten Football a LONG time. I recall the first season Alvarez arrived on the scene over there in wisky-land. Heck, I even remember when Richter was playing football and "Milty B." was coaching the Badgers.

Believe me, for a LONG time wisky used the "cupcake" method of building a football program. How the heck else does a football program get better? It takes wins of ANY kind. That hopefully translates to becoming MORE competitive within the conference AND invitations to bowl games. That hopefully means a few bowl game wins...and an increase in the ability to compete within the conference.

Believe me, Alvarez and Richter took full advantage of the "cupcake" method of building a football program. More power to them. It worked pretty darn well...
much to my dismay... But, it's a great rivalry. Not so much in the past fifteen years or so. wisky is catching up in the over-all series record with my Gophers. But...every year is a new year and we WILL start upholding our end of the bargin eventually. I couldn't imagine a Big Ten Season (or B1G now, I guess) without playing your Badgers. It's been very painful this past decade and a half except for a few wins that Coach Wacker and Coach Mason got us. Congratulations to your Badgers...but...we WILL be back. You can count on that!

; 0 )

What's next.....ya know, Les Steckel sure got a raw deal

Still blows my mind though, if Joel Monroe makes that 20 yard field goal to put Minnesota up by 10 in the second half vs. Northwestern, Brew is probably 8-1 and ranked in the top 15 in 2008.

And perhaps the season does not end in a complete meltdown, which may have led to some stability, which could have brought Brewster some years to learn on the job. Perhaps he would have pulled in another top 25 recruiting class. I certainly do not look at the Brewster era as a success, but I think he was much closer to being successful than he is given credit.

The same goes for Mason in 2003 - the Michigan game was pivotal. If we win that game, Gopher history is altered - all things remaining the same we would have gone to the Rose Bowl. If we won, I do not see us losing to Michigan State the next week. We could have gone into Iowa undefeated. Could the outcome of that game have changed, as well? Would this have reinvigorated Mason, or made him believe you could build a strong program here?

Brewster was overmatched, and Mason was beaten down, but both had potential to do more. It just did not break that way. I sure hope it does with Kill.

I hope kill can win 8 or 9 games this year so we can put threads like this to bed.

I hope kill can win 8 or 9 games this year so we can put threads like this to bed.

I disagree. I thoroughly enjoy the pissing contests between various parties about the unchangeable past and the participants' opinions.

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