Early Beer Reviews UPDATED (9/11): TCF serves 15K servings; $110K in total sales

And its just like any other distributer/ bar relationship. Distributer buys the beer/wine from the brewery/winery for price A. They sell the beer/wine to bar for price A +1, Bar sells wine/beer to public for Price A+ more than 1. Everyone gets their cut.

and therein lies the problem. the mandated 3-tier system of alcohol distribution in this state, and a good portion of the country, sucks ballz. CUT OUT THE FREAKING MIDDLE MAN distributors/wholesalers and just let anyone with an off-sale or on-sale liquor license (i.e. package stores (which are what some of you call liquor stores), grocery stores, bars and restaurants) buy directly from the beer, wine and spirit manufacturers.

the silly, mandated, 3-tier system is nothing but a giant racket. as well as a byproduct of the mafia, big unions, and prohibition era. what a crock.

and therein lies the problem. the mandated 3-tier system of alcohol distribution in this state, and a good portion of the country, sucks ballz. CUT OUT THE FREAKING MIDDLE MAN distributors/wholesalers and just let anyone with an off-sale or on-sale liquor license (i.e. package stores (which are what some of you call liquor stores), grocery stores, bars and restaurants) buy directly from the beer, wine and spirit manufacturers.

the silly, mandated, 3-tier system is nothing but a giant racket. as well as a byproduct of the mafia, big unions, and prohibition era. what a crock.

Just alcohol distribution, or all product distribution?

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