Early Beer Reviews UPDATED (9/11): TCF serves 15K servings; $110K in total sales

Is it rrue that the distributor Philips the distributor is receiving most profits

From Beer sales? Sounds like the U "outsourced" these beer tent locations to the distributor Phillips in St Paul
and is only getting a small cut of the revenue(Like a small upfront amount of money) from the beer sales at least in the general seating sections. Most of the money sounds like it is going to the distributor in this case Phillips.
If so this was likely another dumb deal negotiated on the U's behalf from someone with a vested interest in making
someone else a lot of money. I would rather support the local establishments if this is the case, that the U is not really getting much of a cut of inside TCF beer sales. I only waited 5 minutes before the game to get 2 Grain belts.
The lines were not that bad, I got in line at 04:15 left until halftime, and actually made it back to my seat before
the halftime show even started from the band. It was less than 8 minutes total wait time and that was at the congeste
plaza area. Beer lines really moved fast compared to other concession stands.

From Beer sales? Sounds like the U "outsourced" these beer tent locations to the distributor Phillips in St Paul
and is only getting a small cut of the revenue(Like a small upfront amount of money) from the beer sales at least in the general seating sections. Most of the money sounds like it is going to the distributor in this case Phillips.

If so this was likely another dumb deal negotiated on the U's behalf from someone with a vested interest in making
someone else a lot of money. I would rather support the local establishments if this is the case, that the U is not really getting much of a cut of inside TCF beer sales. I only waited 5 minutes before the game to get 2 Grain belts.
The lines were not that bad, I got in line at 04:15 left until halftime, and actually made it back to my seat before
the halftime show even started from the band. It was less than 8 minutes total wait time and that was at the congeste
plaza area. Beer lines really moved fast compared to other concession stands.

I don't know if what you said in bold is true or not, but this sounds like an "I heard from a reliable source close to the situation" type of rumor.

I went at the very end of halftime and made it through in about five minutes.

Admittedly, I was against beer at the stadium but now I see that the rest of the Big Ten will follow this lead. The genie is now passing around the bottle it flew out of.

I don't know if what you said in bold is true or not, but this sounds like an "I heard from a reliable source close to the situation" type of rumor.

Also the U is not exactly experienced in the beer business for groups of that size. Out-sourcing that concession may very well be in their best interest. Terms of any agreement would dictate whether it is a good or bad agreement.

By out-sourcing the U may very possibly lower or limit their liability also.

Safe to say no one here knows the real facts. No sense judging until the whole story is known.

After the test run with the beer gardens, I hope things continue to go smoothly and the beer sales will extend to the end of the 3rd quarter. That would also increase the profits for the Athletic Department.

The ending at half time thing is written into law - it's not something the U can (currently) decide to do.

Speaking of the law... can people fill in the blank w/their thought(s)?

Beer is sold only on one side of the stadium. This is done to make purchasing beer less _______ for those in the opposite end of the stadium, particularly students.

The ending at half time thing is written into law - it's not something the U can (currently) decide to do.

Speaking of the law... can people fill in the blank w/their thought(s)?

Beer is sold only on one side of the stadium. This is done to make purchasing beer less Groovy for those in the opposite end of the stadium, particularly students.

I was on the plaza at halftime. When the clock reached zero to end halftime they would no longer let anyone else in line.
I was down there for quite awhile, and the lines moved pretty quickly.

Kind of like voting. If you in line at the deadline, you can stay in line.

One of the articles in the Strib said the U would make about $2 million on beer sales this year. At least I think that's what I read, I'm too lazy to search for it.

Beer is sold only on one side of the stadium. This is done to make purchasing beer less filling for those in the opposite end of the stadium, particularly students.

This is about beer after all.

One of the articles in the Strib said the U would make about $2 million on beer sales this year. At least I think that's what I read, I'm too lazy to search for it.

That number includes the increase in price they can charge on premium seats and is also inclusive of sales at for Mariucci and The Barn (as well as price for those premium seats that include alcohol again). They'll make ok money from the general public sales, but the bulk of the revenue is premium seat related.

From Beer sales? Sounds like the U "outsourced" these beer tent locations to the distributor Phillips in St Paul
and is only getting a small cut of the revenue(Like a small upfront amount of money) from the beer sales at least in the general seating sections. Most of the money sounds like it is going to the distributor in this case Phillips.
If so this was likely another dumb deal negotiated on the U's behalf from someone with a vested interest in making
someone else a lot of money. I would rather support the local establishments if this is the case, that the U is not really getting much of a cut of inside TCF beer sales. I only waited 5 minutes before the game to get 2 Grain belts.
The lines were not that bad, I got in line at 04:15 left until halftime, and actually made it back to my seat before
the halftime show even started from the band. It was less than 8 minutes total wait time and that was at the congeste
plaza area. Beer lines really moved fast compared to other concession stands.

Phillips is a liquor/wine distributor so I highly doubt they are getting the beer profit. JJ Taylor, which distributes the beer involved, shares a warehouse with Southern Wine & Spirits so they might be getting something...not saying you're wrong, but I don't see how Phillips would be getting profit from the beer sales

I don't know the specifics of this particular situation, but if you think believing that deep-pocketed businesses have direct effect on laws makes you a conspiracy-theory nut job, you're probably more innocent and naive than you think. Corporate (and other moneyed) interests influence many if not most of the decisions in Washington, and in state legislatures across the country. Unfortunately, ours is no different.

The problem isn't believing that moneyed interests can and do influence governments, they do that, and always have. There have always been conspiracies, some benign, some malign, some overt and some covert.

The problem is with specific claims of conspiracies without evidence. Just because people conspire doesn't mean that every conspiracy scenario is true, or that everything that happens is the intended results of conspirators. A real sign of a conspiracy theorist is to believe that a lack of evidence is evidence that the conspiracy is even more vast and malign than they had imagined, that the conspirators are hiding all of the evidence. If a conspiracy requires more and more people to be in on the conspiracy, it's a sign that it might not be a reality. Most conspiracies are pretty mundane things, rather than something out of James Bond movie.

Amazing...A discussion on Early Beer Reviews regresses to Conspiracy Theories. And some people refuse to admit that GH commentors over analyze things.

Word on the street was lines were way too long, people got in line at the start of the second quarter and couldn't get through the line by halftime and were cut off.

So? Didn't seem to stop anyone. Non-issue.

Wow, five minute wait is considered good for a beer? Sheeeww. No Rangers would say that!

The problem isn't believing that moneyed interests can and do influence governments, they do that, and always have. There have always been conspiracies, some benign, some malign, some overt and some covert.

The problem is with specific claims of conspiracies without evidence. Just because people conspire doesn't mean that every conspiracy scenario is true, or that everything that happens is the intended results of conspirators. A real sign of a conspiracy theorist is to believe that a lack of evidence is evidence that the conspiracy is even more vast and malign than they had imagined, that the conspirators are hiding all of the evidence. If a conspiracy requires more and more people to be in on the conspiracy, it's a sign that it might not be a reality. Most conspiracies are pretty mundane things, rather than something out of James Bond movie.

How much did you get paid to say that? ;)


Amazing...A discussion on Early Beer Reviews regresses to Conspiracy Theories. And some people refuse to admit that GH commentors over analyze things.

Aha - I see what you are doing! You are trying to close this conversation down so people won't discover your role in this debacle. My personal take on all of this is that when soap operas went off the air the GopherHole stepped in and filled that void.

Aha - I see what you are doing! You are trying to close this conversation down so people won't discover your role in this debacle. My personal take on all of this is that when soap operas went off the air the GopherHole stepped in and filled that void.

Well stated, killjoy. The only difference: soap operas are/were fantasy, GopherHole is real. :)

I can't remember if I went down with my friend the first time to get beer or not (little fuzzy, hah), but definitely did the second time just before halftime. We went to the sales area just outside the stadium. Was pretty quick (with there only 2 places to sell beer I anticipated lines, so no biggie), the only issue was that they couldn't charge my card for all 4 beers. They had to run 2 transactions of $14.50 each...I thought that was kind of silly.

I know that people have already responded regarding if the U's getting lots of money from the public beer sales, but in my opinion any money that comes from those sales are gravy because they need the suites full rented out and that's where the big money is coming from (and the reason they wanted alcohol in the stadium in the first place).

For those that are wondering how the beer sales are ended, my buddy asked them when he got in line toward the end of halftime to make sure he could still get a beer and wasn't wasting his time.

He was informed that a staff member would be placed in line toward the end of half/start of 3rd Q and when that person made it through the line and reached the vendors then all beer sales would be stopped. I'm not sure if they inform those behind this person that they are out of luck or not but that's what he was told.

Has anybody heard if this this was truly successful? Meaning, have suite sales increased?

Phillips is a liquor/wine distributor so I highly doubt they are getting the beer profit. JJ Taylor, which distributes the beer involved, shares a warehouse with Southern Wine & Spirits so they might be getting something...not saying you're wrong, but I don't see how Phillips would be getting profit from the beer sales

Johnson Brothers will be getting the wine and liquore profits and J J Taylor the beer profits.

Johnson Brothers will be getting the wine and liquore profits and J J Taylor the beer profits.

And its just like any other distributer/ bar relationship. Distributer buys the beer/wine from the brewery/winery for price A. They sell the beer/wine to bar for price A +1, Bar sells wine/beer to public for Price A+ more than 1. Everyone gets their cut.

For those that are wondering how the beer sales are ended, my buddy asked them when he got in line toward the end of halftime to make sure he could still get a beer and wasn't wasting his time.

He was informed that a staff member would be placed in line toward the end of half/start of 3rd Q and when that person made it through the line and reached the vendors then all beer sales would be stopped. I'm not sure if they inform those behind this person that they are out of luck or not but that's what he was told.

My buddy was one of the last ones in line and the staff member was only two or three people behind him. He heard the staff member telling people they were too late and would not be served. Obviously that was one line so I can't guarantee that it's consistent, but I have a tough time believing it wasn't. For the record, he left with about 5 minutes left of halftime from near the student section, used the biffy, got into line and made it back with two beers and only missed a couple minutes of the game. He mised UNH's opening drive (3 and out or maybe 4 plays?) and was back early in the Gophers' first possession of the half.

13,327 beverages were sold.
11,118 in general seating.
2,209 in premium seating areas.
Gross sales were about $111,000

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