Down goes Sconny

Reading the UW message boards this morning is hilarious. They are talking about how the slow tempo of Tony Bennett's Virginia was disgusting to watch. They were also complaining about all of the clutching and bumping on defense around the perimeter and how it would be a different game if the officials were calling those bumps. They are basically complaining about exactly what UW has been doing very successfully since the Dick Bennett days.

Say that Bucky loses Sunday at home vs Cal (50/50) game, I see them losing at Marquette. That would put them at 8-5 in the Non-Conf, I dont think going 9-9 and 17-14 will get them in the NCAA would it or even 10-8, 18-14. Living right across the St. Croix I would like nothing more than to see the consecutive NCAA Tournies come to end and watch the athletic program spiral further down (Fb still is Solid, but BB and hockey are really down, and their Baseball program will once again lose all their games to the always tough Title IX) and all these pukes over here can remember what it was like pre BA (Before Alvarez).(Joking I grew up over here as well and the majority of my buddies were Becky fans) I know Becky has a good recruiting class coming in next year and get Gasser back next year and will probably be a one year hiccup but being a minority fan my whole life I can revel in it for a year.

I think 10 wins is an automatic ticket to the dance this year in the Big Ten. Even 9-9 would be tough to be left out.

Wait wait wait...this was promised to be Becky's best season evarrr under Bo Ryan. GVBadger told me so.

After watching a few Wisconsin games. I am absolutely shocked they didn't go after Wally more. Even in the limited action we've see of him it appears that they could desperately use his athleticism and shooting. I think they are really going to regret letting him get away.

Always entertaining to have Wisconsin struggle early this season, but I won't hold my breath on them not having their act together come conference play.

I'm banking on it. Going to be their worst season in a loooooong time.

Is it bad that I feel worse about Wisconsin having success than I do about Minnesota's stuggles? Or maybe that just makes me a good Gophers fan :D

Just having a little light hearted fun. No offense intended. I predicted the Gophs would finish ahead of Wisky this year too and was wrong.

Lets hope that the gophers go further in the tourney than the badgers. You hope for that too right?

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