Doogie's alumni quotes

I liked this quote the best from Ron Johnson, "The state of Gophers football has a defeated feline right now".

Any other nerds play The Isle of Dread D&D module? There is a a race, Rakasta, which are cat people. I'm pretty sure that is what he is talking about.

Go with what has worked for Minnesota. Aggressive defense and running the football. Play to the strengths of the state -- linemen! Pass-happy spread offensive minds don't work here.

The reality doesn't match the perception. Look at the quality receivers that have come out of Minnesota and currently playing College Ball. I would think they would make a spread offense very effective.

Micheal Floyd Notre Dame
Isaak Anderson Wisconsin
David Gilreath Wisconsin
Bryce McNeal Clemson

I'd be really curious where this is coming from too. Nobody in the gopher fan crowds I know is remotely interested in him.

It's coming from Sid.

He tweeted me saying he is working the back channels on the interstate.

Did you ever look in the mirror and say......How Goofy am I?

The reality doesn't match the perception. Look at the quality receivers that have come out of Minnesota and currently playing College Ball. I would think they would make a spread offense very effective.

Micheal Floyd Notre Dame
Isaak Anderson Wisconsin
David Gilreath Wisconsin
Bryce McNeal Clemson

Anderson and Gilraeth aren't the best receivers in the world, but the idea that we couldn't recruit speed to MN is crazy.

It's about being able to bring guys in who are fast enough to make the spread reliable. People have to keep in mind that two of the best WRs during Leach's tenure were not recruited by anyone, they literally didn't have any BCS conference offers (Amendola and Welker). It isn't like Leach built his offense based on high profile Texas WR recruits. (some of them were).

The U should have landed Josh Huff (if we didn't have all the uncertainty last offseason), we have Bryant Allen, Dajon Mcknight, and even Gray (if he is a WR).

I liked Deinhart's and Stein's comments the best...and any of the comments surrounding the key points to be examined and addressed. the truth is the U has struggled with value of football in the overall grand scheme of things. I remember in times past the noble position was to place the value on academics over sports without giving sufficient credence to the overall contribution of sports to the U's place in academics.

I think Royston meant Horton as well...

Some of the anonymous comments reeked of locker room gossip more than actual insight into the last coaching search. Not saying some of the comments weren't true...don't know But I have trouble believing the players would know candidates withdrew their offers based on Maturi?

I think Brewer's is still bugged Mason got fired in the first place and never got over that along with the thought that he has fallen in love with his own opinion.

I think a few were trying to be fair, like Johnson and Cupito.

The reality doesn't match the perception. Look at the quality receivers that have come out of Minnesota and currently playing College Ball. I would think they would make a spread offense very effective.

Micheal Floyd Notre Dame
Isaak Anderson Wisconsin
David Gilreath Wisconsin
Bryce McNeal Clemson

Add in Decker, Fitzgerald, Swift that had success in college recently, we can put out a handful of good native Minnesotan WR's for sure.

Shaw was here for 14-years... heck, he still has 612 phone number while living in Hawaii... Deep-down, he bleeds maroon and gold, so why not?

I just think you knew exactly what you were going to get from Gordy and so did your readers. It didn't add any insight.

Doogie do you know anything about boosters backing Trestman?

Unprompted, the big-time booster I spoke with yesterday brought up Trestman... there are a handful of influential types who clearly love him... in the end though -- a semi-informed feeling -- Trestman will not get the job.

I was trying to get to a meeting so NO I didn't proof read. I'm surprised I didn't do worse. I also was referring to Jeff Horton not Cosgrove.

I'm sitting in the meeting and I thought to myself....self, did you write Cosgrove or Horton? When you're kissing azzes sometimes they look alike.:clap:

I should've double-verified... but since I know you have strong feelings for Cosgrove, figured you just meant him.

Unprompted, the big-time booster I spoke with yesterday brought up Trestman... there are a handful of influential types who clearly love him... in the end though -- a semi-informed feeling -- Trestman will not get the job.

Doogie, what are these guys thinking????? I am glad there are only few as there is nobody outside of those you mentioned that see him as the guy to lead us out of the wilderness. I would add it seems that a few of the media guys like him to. Do they hate Gopher football?

I agree, everything Bruininks has said would not indicate a Trestman or a shot in the dark hire. We have done that and failed.

Former player who asked to remain anonymous

Having played for Mason and being a proud alumnus, I understand the need for accountability on campus.

There were numerous warning signals based upon Brewster's inability to chalk the Xs and Os. Brewster was a symptom. not a cause.

There must be a sense of urgency in restoring the football program. The football program is a branding tool for not only the university but the state of Minnesota. This team affects donors, fans, alums and legislators. With a competitive program, it raises the profile and revenues of the university.
The fact is the program is BADLY broken. Change and direction needs to occur TOP down with a sense of accountability. This must happen now (DAY 1). The past decision[makers must be replaced and not allowed to participate in the next selection. The current AD is committed to passive aggressive feel good.
Do we really want change? Absolutely. Donna Shalala took over Wisconsin and saw a tool in that a strong football program supports the mission of the university. Tradition doesn't matter if you don't honor it. Are we striving for excellence?One more former player who asked to remain anonymous

I spoke with two regents who "assured" me there would be no search committees or panels and the hire would be a big-time coordinator/current head coach.

Sounds like it's Tubby Smith Part 2 -- throw the checkbook at the problem.

The problem is multiple candidates after Mason was fired backed out upon meeting with Maturi and crew.

How are Maturi and Bruininks going to hire a top coach when they are both on the way out and disfunctional...Brewster had to go...but we should have just named Horton the coach and let him run the team until Maturi and Bruininks' replacements were hired.

What am I missing in the accountability discussion? I always thought Mason was the king of the shoulder-shruggers. I agree that Brewster is a "symptom" and was a "stretch" hire from the get-go, but I thought Maturi 'fessed up fairly well in last week's press conference.

I think the situation cries out for Belotti or someone who is bigger than the whole lame-duck situation.

Some of these former players sound like they took a few too many blows to the head. There weren't a lot of econ or pre-med majors on those teams is what I'm saying.

Some of these former players sound like they took a few too many blows to the head. There weren't a lot of econ or pre-med majors on those teams is what I'm saying.

What are you trying to say?

50lbhead: The data that is reported by the NCAA re:

academic preformance is very much a lagging indicator. Data being furnished last year was pretty much data on classes and players from a few years ago. The date on the academic record of Brewster's 3.5 year tenure is just starting to roll in now.

You people are so incredibly anti-Mason that one certainly can't help but challenge your take on him vs your take on Brewster.

Damn right, I would have LOVED to have seen Mason have the new stadium that he helped get sold to the legislators and the naming rights deal to TCF BANK.

You people can not sugar coat Brewster any longer. His record at Minnesota is fixed forever in time in the record books.

Also, Maturi is so incompetent that he needs a pr guy (Dave Mona) to help him even function. Brewster was a complete failure as a program builder. Maturi failed even worse than his hire with the football program. And Prexy b is a very lame duck jsut waiting for June to come.

I give a LOT of creedence to JB and also Gordy Shaw. You people can NOT speak for everyone on this board, just as I can not speak for everyone. I will speak for myself and you people speak for yourselves. We will let the chips fall where they may out there in cyberspace. But, I pretty much totally disagree with what some of you people have to say about Mason and about Brewster. So, sugar coat Brewster's record here if you want to try, but, in the end, he was fired in the middle of the season in the year 2010. He was here 3.5 seasons and new we will try to pick up the pieces and will try to put things back together so that we can start all over again.

Jack Brewer also thought he could make the Gopher baseball team. He looked like a girl when he threw and couldn't hit a 60 mph fastball from the pitching machine and got hit in the chest multiple times trying to catch fly balls. LOL I wouldn't trust a word this joker says.


It's apparent I wasn't a big Mason fan near the end of his time at Minnesota, but I was asking an honest question. I don't know how the team was doing academically under Mason and was under the impression that things had improved under Brewster. Do I know that? No. I wouldn't be asking the question if I did.

In my long tenure as a Minnesota sports' fan, I can say that in my estimation there are two coaches who could have been extremely popular but somehow did themselves in and those two would be Denny Green and Glen Mason. Solid football guys who could have had the public eating out of their hands, but they seemed to get "alligator arms" when trying to reach out to the public. And yes, that's important, especially in college football.

I'm not sugar-coating Brewster's record. I wanted him to do well. He didn't. He's gone.

Thank you Doogie! That was as interesting a piece of research as I have seen re: a variety of thoughts on this incredibly important coaching hire for the U of M Football Program. You were able to get opinions from folks who have good reasons to have opinions about the Gopher sitution and people I just would never run into to ask those qustions to myself. I do care very much what they have to say and what their impressions are since they all have invested a great deal in Golden Gopher Football. Good work Doogie...and thanks. We could all benefit from some of the thoughts these people expressed. I do hope that the powers that be will have some of the common sense needed to listen to the people who really know and really do care about the program.

I've been a Gopher fan for well over half a century and who knows how many more I will get to attend the games? A long time I hope, but, one never knows what tomorrow will bring. I am always minful of the point Mark Dienhart made about the fact that the U of M not only has fired six of the last seven coaches...but also Warmath and Bierman. That is a pretty telling fact. Get the hire right and provide good support. The need for a LONG_TERM prexy and AD is so very apparent and at this time is missing from this process. So, make the hire of the coach good...and then hurry up and hire a great prexy and athletic director for the long term!

Keep the good work coming Doogie and never let the bashes get you down!

academic preformance is very much a lagging indicator. Data being furnished last year was pretty much data on classes and players from a few years ago. The date on the academic record of Brewster's 3.5 year tenure is just starting to roll in now.

You people are so incredibly anti-Mason that one certainly can't help but challenge your take on him vs your take on Brewster.

Damn right, I would have LOVED to have seen Mason have the new stadium that he helped get sold to the legislators and the naming rights deal to TCF BANK.

You people can not sugar coat Brewster any longer. His record at Minnesota is fixed forever in time in the record books.

Also, Maturi is so incompetent that he needs a pr guy (Dave Mona) to help him even function. Brewster was a complete failure as a program builder. Maturi failed even worse than his hire with the football program. And Prexy b is a very lame duck jsut waiting for June to come.

I give a LOT of creedence to JB and also Gordy Shaw. You people can NOT speak for everyone on this board, just as I can not speak for everyone. I will speak for myself and you people speak for yourselves. We will let the chips fall where they may out there in cyberspace. But, I pretty much totally disagree with what some of you people have to say about Mason and about Brewster. So, sugar coat Brewster's record here if you want to try, but, in the end, he was fired in the middle of the season in the year 2010. He was here 3.5 seasons and new we will try to pick up the pieces and will try to put things back together so that we can start all over again.

You mean Jack Brewer who said:

"Go with what has worked for Minnesota. Aggressive defense and running the football. Play to the strengths of the state -- linemen! Pass-happy spread offensive minds don't work here. We need a coach with a SYSTEM. Not one coming here to search for what works like Brewster.

Use the Mason doctrine."

Where to begin ---- aggresive defense? Please. Those defenses were the worst of the worst, for the most part. The running game? Yes, very good at times. However, there were a lot of wins left on the field due to the inability of the Mason passing game to function when needed and defenses that could not stop anyone.

I am no Brewster fan. I just think JB is off. LOOK at his suggested hires.

The 1999 defense was an rugged defense...a very good defense. As any new coach at Minnesota will learn, it is difficult to build both a good offense and good defense at a program that has been down for a very long time. Brewster could build neither.

Good work on the story Doogie. I agree that Brewer is out of touch, and that if anyone suggests Cosgrove that they should be disqualified from any further commentary. I also agree with some of the posters that because of the disfunction that has become Gopher football, there is NO reason that the person has to be an alumni or have ties to the state -- region maybe, for recruiting purposes. I think we should take Sid's top five candidates and summarily dismiss them. That would be a good start.

While playing for Murray, you didn't always like the man, he was very tough, but most every player respected him. When you were done playing he would do anything for his players. I'm guessing that most of the top coaches were not always the most popular guys with the players, but I bet most were respected. Bob Stein has it right, and there are alot of "M" men that played on alot of winning teams , both HS, College and Pro. that should be on the interview committee. Bob Stein being one! There is truth to coaches backing out after dealings with Mr. Maturi, he should have no part in the decision, maybe some input, but he knows nothing, but the Pres. likes the way he runs the whole Dept. so he will be there.

Comparing Brewster's best Big Ten defensive year to...

Mason's best Big Ten defensive year you would have to look at 2008 for Brewster and 1999 for Mason.

The 1999 Mason team gave up 158 points in 8 Big Ten games and went 5-3. That was a 19.75 point per game average in Big Ten play. In 2008, Brewster's team surrendered 210 points in 8 Big Ten contests for a 26.25 point per game average. So, please don't say Mason never put a decent defensive team on the field. And, don't assume that Brewster ever put together much of a defense. Some make such outlandish comments that really do not represent very much in the way of facts.

Some said Brewster had improved his defense in 2009, but, his team gave up 227 points in 8 big ten games for a 28.375 average. He had started out the 2007 season giving up 290 points in 8 Big ten games for a 36.25 average.

For 10 seasons, Mason's teams averaged giving up 28.1 points per game in Big Ten play. In three full seasons, Brewster's teams averaged giving up 30.292 points per game in Big Ten play. For the three games Brewster coached in 2010 in Big Ten play, his team was giving up a 32.67 points per game average.

Neither coach was especially known for their defense. However, that 1999 defense was pretty darn good.

Mason's best Big Ten defensive year you would have to look at 2008 for Brewster and 1999 for Mason.

If you have to reach back to 1999 for Mason's best defensive year that tells us everything we need to know about Mason's defensive genius. After Tyrone Carter and his teammates graduated Mason NEVER again had a defense that could stop anybody when it counted. If Mason had a defense in 2003 that was anywhere near as good as Brewster's defense in 2009 the Gophers would have won at least a share of the Big 10 Championship and Mason would still be coaching the Gophers.

Funny you should ask upnorthgopher:

In 2003, Mason's kids gave up an average of 25.50 points per game in Big Ten play.

In 2009, Brewster's kids gave up an average of 28.375 points per game in Big Ten play. Your memory is NOT so good, I guess. But, those are the facts. Brewster's team only won 3 Big Ten games in 2009, so, I guess they couldn't stop anybody when it counted...wouldn't that be correct upnorthgopher?

While playing for Murray, you didn't always like the man, he was very tough, but most every player respected him. When you were done playing he would do anything for his players. I'm guessing that most of the top coaches were not always the most popular guys with the players, but I bet most were respected. Bob Stein has it right, and there are alot of "M" men that played on alot of winning teams , both HS, College and Pro. that should be on the interview committee. Bob Stein being one! There is truth to coaches backing out after dealings with Mr. Maturi, he should have no part in the decision, maybe some input, but he knows nothing, but the Pres. likes the way he runs the whole Dept. so he will be there.

I have no idea as to the validity of this statement, but if true I would like to have more info.

You've got to be careful when asking former players opinions. It's interesting, but you always wonder how much is thoughtful, reasonably objective analysis and how much is simply looking at the past through rose-colored glasses. Speaking of which, now that Brewster has been fired, can we stop the Brewster-Mason comparisons?

Good Work Doogie?

He asked some of the most irrelevant people associated with the program that I can think of.

Second rate former players and the dad of a transfer. Where is the quote from Goldy or the band director...

Brewer is out of touch. BUT he is more in touch then someone like Conzemius who has the same color sky in his world as Brewster..


OK, Roland Brooks... who would you have tracked down? As I previously stated, I reached out to 30-35 different people, all backgrounds... many never got back to me... if they do, I'll be sure to post their thoughts.

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