Doogie's alumni quotes


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Jun 5, 2009
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I've got to say I'm pretty disheartened by the majority of Doogie's interview quotes on his blog.

Jack Brewer is absolutely out of it, he blatantly shows how out of it he's been the last 4 years by his top 3 candidates, his Mason suggestion is absolutely asinine and idiotic.
Seriously Jack, can you be any more blind? Care to remember how bad the defenses were when you were playing, care to remember some of the bad chokejobs your coach manufactured?
Oh and BTW it got worse after you left Jack. The guy undercut Brewster every chance he got, now he wants to go back to mediocrity. He even stumps for a job, but only if we get one of the coaches he likes.

Mr. Royston, Cupito, and Ron Johnson are the only 2 with any sense quoted, good input for the most part.
Gotta disagree with the Cosgrove suggestion, but at least it's thought out and I can understand the reasoning behind the quote.

Gordy Shaw spouts off like the embittered tool he is.

And the most disheartening "quotes", if I can call them that
ANONYMOUS # 1, 2, 3

Clearly Jack Brewer teammate types embittered that Mason isn't held as the golden standard of excellence and rip the H out of the program publicly("BADLY","JOKE"),without standing behind their statements.

Sorry linked it.

I've got to say I'm pretty disheartened by the majority of Doogie's interview quotes on his blog.

Jack Brewer is absolutely out of it, he blatantly shows how out of it he's been the last 4 years by his top 3 candidates, his Mason suggestion is absolutely asinine and idiotic.
Seriously Jack, can you be any more blind? Care to remember how bad the defenses were when you were playing, care to remember some of the bad chokejobs your coach manufactured?
Oh and BTW it got worse after you left Jack. The guy undercut Brewster every chance he got, now he wants to go back to mediocrity. He even stumps for a job, but only if we get one of the coaches he likes.

Mr. Royston, Cupito, and Ron Johnson are the only 2 with any sense quoted, good input for the most part.
Gotta disagree with the Cosgrove suggestion, but at least it's thought out and I can understand the reasoning behind the quote.

Gordy Shaw spouts off like the embittered tool he is.

And the most disheartening "quotes", if I can call them that
ANONYMOUS # 1, 2, 3

Clearly Jack Brewer teammate types embittered that Mason isn't held as the golden standard of excellence and rip the H out of the program publicly("BADLY","JOKE"),without standing behind their statements.

Radio interview?

Although I liked the approach to the article by Doogie, I found the quotes to be quite disappointing. I thought the only rational perspective was Chris Royston. Ron Johnson talked about how good Mason would have been in the new stadium based on the fact that Mase had MULTIPLE 10 win teams. Mase only had one team that won ten games in a season at the U.

I wonder where Gordy Shaw got the idea that once you give a coach a big paycheck he will become complacent and lazy?

This article just shows how hard it is to make an objective comparison between yourself as an athlete and other teams/athletes that came before or after you.

Jack Brewer's media mentor is Paul Allen. The fact that his top two candidates are the two PA has been preaching for every UMN opening for the last 5 year shouldn't surprise anyone.

The fact that Doogie went back to the same tired list of fairly irrelevant gopher alums/coaches also shouldn't surprise anyone.... Does anyone really give a sh*t what Gordy Shaw thinks about the opening? I sure as hell don't.

Well, that sure sucks the enthusiasm out of this whole process, doesn't it?

Jesus Christ....

The part where he thinks Kevin Cosgrove should be the next head coach?


Fair point, but if you look at Chris's description of Cosgrove it appears that he is really talking about Horton.

Brewer sounds like a real dip-*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#. Good thing he is on Wall Street........oh wait, maybe not.

When you get ex-players and M club guys talking like that, well maybe having those types involved is not a good idea.

Edit; what is so bad about dip-*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#?

Edit#2; they did it again. okay how about dit-ship.

I've got to say I'm pretty disheartened by the majority of Doogie's interview quotes on his blog.

Jack Brewer is absolutely out of it, he blatantly shows how out of it he's been the last 4 years by his top 3 candidates, his Mason suggestion is absolutely asinine and idiotic.
Seriously Jack, can you be any more blind? Care to remember how bad the defenses were when you were playing, care to remember some of the bad chokejobs your coach manufactured?
Oh and BTW it got worse after you left Jack. The guy undercut Brewster every chance he got, now he wants to go back to mediocrity. He even stumps for a job, but only if we get one of the coaches he likes.

Mr. Royston, Cupito, and Ron Johnson are the only 2 with any sense quoted, good input for the most part.
Gotta disagree with the Cosgrove suggestion, but at least it's thought out and I can understand the reasoning behind the quote.

Gordy Shaw spouts off like the embittered tool he is.

And the most disheartening "quotes", if I can call them that
ANONYMOUS # 1, 2, 3

Clearly Jack Brewer teammate types embittered that Mason isn't held as the golden standard of excellence and rip the H out of the program publicly("BADLY","JOKE"),without standing behind their statements.

Sorry linked it.

Thanks for the thread... I reached out to approximately 30-35 people this week -- all backgrounds -- for thoughts. 8 or so got back to me. I can only run with what I have. If anyone else gets back to me in the next week, I'll be sure to post their reaction.

Didn't academic performance get better under Brewster? I thought it had, but I could be wrong.

Doogie, I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't like anonymous quotes. If someone has the the urge to call us the "joke of the Big 10," he should have the cojones to put his name on the charge. Plus, the anonymous quotes didn't add much.

I like Jack Brewer. Very good football player, but can't figure out why he absolutely hated Brewster from the get-go. Don't get his accountability comments. I never saw Brewster as a guy trying to escape judgment. I always equated that more with Mason.

Why even ask Gordy Shaw for his comments?

I thought Dienhart's comments were the best. Having sat in the big chair over at the U, he understands the issue a lot more than most and I thought what he laid out in terms of challenges and opportunities was pertinent to the discussion.

Great perspective from Royston as well.

Thanks for the thread... I reached out to approximately 30-35 people this week -- all backgrounds -- for thoughts. 8 or so got back to me. I can only run with what I have. If anyone else gets back to me in the next week, I'll be sure to post their reaction.

Hey Doogie,
I actually like the article in premise, get thoughts from various alumni.
The problem looks like the majority of guys that responded simply are Mason players/coaches with an agenda.
Keep it up, but yeah, it kinda rained on the hope parade for me, this is an opportunity to move forward as a program and a fanbase. Stale retreads or blasts from the past need not be considered.
You hearing anything on Leach? I know he's been your guy for a while.

Didn't academic performance get better under Brewster? I thought it had, but I could be wrong.

Doogie, I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't like anonymous quotes. If someone has the the urge to call us the "joke of the Big 10," he should have the cojones to put his name on the charge. Plus, the anonymous quotes didn't add much.

I like Jack Brewer. Very good football player, but can't figure out why he absolutely hated Brewster from the get-go. Don't get his accountability comments. I never saw Brewster as a guy trying to escape judgment. I always equated that more with Mason.

Why even ask Gordy Shaw for his comments?

I thought Dienhart's comments were the best. Having sat in the big chair over at the U, he understands the issue a lot more than most and I thought what he laid out in terms of challenges and opportunities was pertinent to the discussion.

Great perspective from Royston as well.

Agreed on Dienhart.

Anonymous quotes will sometimes get information that you wouldn't otherwise get. Think Deep Throat.

Was I the only one that thought reading the answers from former players and coaches was funny? Almost every former player or coach spoke like when they were at the U that those were the golden years and we must try to go back to that time. I could have easy written up nearly the exact same answers if you would have given me the interviewee names and I was to guess how they would respond to the questions. Nearly each person looked out for making themselves or their era sound great! Let's get back to those 7-6 seasons!!

Was I the only one that thought reading the answers from former players and coaches was funny? Almost every former player or coach spoke like when they were at the U that those were the golden years and we must try to go back to that time. I could have easy written up nearly the exact same answers if you would have given me the interviewee names and I was to guess how they would respond to the questions. Nearly each person looked out for making themselves or their era sound great! Let's get back to those 7-6 seasons!!

Easy to do as they are not just remembering games but their relationships with coaches, teamates, ect. We all tend to look back fondly on our college years in our early 20's and it is no shock that they would also look back positively. Also, players and individuals interviewed mostly saw the Brewster regime from the outside looking in and weren't there day to day like they were under Mason.

Was I the only one that thought reading the answers from former players and coaches was funny? Almost every former player or coach spoke like when they were at the U that those were the golden years and we must try to go back to that time. I could have easy written up nearly the exact same answers if you would have given me the interviewee names and I was to guess how they would respond to the questions. Nearly each person looked out for making themselves or their era sound great! Let's get back to those 7-6 seasons!!

Exactly what infuriated me, how can these guys seriously feel that way?

The Mason Doctrine? You kidding?
Recruit one top back a year and get high character guys that graduate(Like Gary Russell, Dom Jones, Alex Daniels, Massey, class of 05, class of 06) YEAH:clap: those guys were really of a higher caliber of character and they all stuck around and all graduated!

Agreed on Dienhart.

Anonymous quotes will sometimes get information that you wouldn't otherwise get. Think Deep Throat.

I don't disagree with your point on anonymous quotes. I just thought there was very little added to the story from these particular quotes, especially the one that ripped Brewster. If you're going to rip him in a forum like the one Doogie provided, the person should have had the backbone to publicly stand behind his words. One thing I hate is a "tiger in the locker room, pussycat on the field" approach.

Ron Johnson's quote:Tim Brewster had a great run and he changed a lot of people's eyes.:eek:
I think Cupito sees the issues clearly and has some good ideas. I can't take Royston's dad seriously, he told PA we would be 6-1 right now at the beginning of the year. Cosgrove? What? The players and some dads get too close with the coaches to see things for what they are. Sure the players love Brew but he wasn't doing them any favors with his poor coaching.

Exactly what infuriated me, how can these guys seriously feel that way?

The Mason Doctrine? You kidding?
Recruit one top back a year and get high character guys that graduate(Like Gary Russell, Dom Jones, Alex Daniels, Massey, class of 05, class of 06) YEAH:clap: those guys were really of a higher caliber of character and they all stuck around and all graduated!

Yeah. Although it can't be put at Mason's feet, at least there were no players shot and killed in downtown Minneapolis during Brewster's tenure.

I had a hard time fathoming where Brewer was coming from. Brewster's failure on the football field was obvious, but I was of the impression he was working much harder at keeping kids on track academically than Mason did. And I could be dead wrong in my assessment.

Didn't academic performance get better under Brewster? I thought it had, but I could be wrong.

Doogie, I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't like anonymous quotes. If someone has the the urge to call us the "joke of the Big 10," he should have the cojones to put his name on the charge. Plus, the anonymous quotes didn't add much.

I like Jack Brewer. Very good football player, but can't figure out why he absolutely hated Brewster from the get-go. Don't get his accountability comments. I never saw Brewster as a guy trying to escape judgment. I always equated that more with Mason.

Why even ask Gordy Shaw for his comments?

I thought Dienhart's comments were the best. Having sat in the big chair over at the U, he understands the issue a lot more than most and I thought what he laid out in terms of challenges and opportunities was pertinent to the discussion.

Great perspective from Royston as well.

Shaw was here for 14-years... heck, he still has 612 phone number while living in Hawaii... Deep-down, he bleeds maroon and gold, so why not?

I liked this quote the best from Ron Johnson, "The state of Gophers football has a defeated feline right now". We're beating up on cats at Bierman?

Also, according to Chris Royston, "you must expect some pumps in the road". Does he mean gas pumps, air pumps?

Does anybody proof read these things? ;)

Doogie do you know anything about boosters backing Trestman?

Are they the joke of the Big Ten? Right now they are. The last two years they were exactly where Mason left them.

Doogie do you know anything about boosters backing Trestman?

I'd be really curious where this is coming from too. Nobody in the gopher fan crowds I know is remotely interested in him.

I liked this quote the best from Ron Johnson, "The state of Gophers football has a defeated feline right now". We're beating up on cats at Bierman?

Also, according to Chris Royston, "you must expect some pumps in the road". Does he mean gas pumps, air pumps?

Does anybody proof read these things? ;)

I laughed out loud at both of those. There was another, less egregious one I noticed as well. I had to read the feline one a few times to believe it!

My issue is, all these people spout off like they know EXACTLY what will bring success to Minnesota. When the real fact is NO ONE knows. You cannot go 40+ years like this, having all kinds of different philosophies, coaches, playing venues, etc. and think there is just one simple formula that can fix this thing. Most are right when they say it starts from the top, but you also gotta realize, it's not as simple as saying "Have a system, and recruit to it." We've had that, and it didn't work. We also tried getting a guy we hoped could recruit better players, and that failed. There's no one key to this. There will come a time when we do get that "right" coach (hopefully, it's the very next coach) who will have at least some success (like, at least one NYD bowl would be nice), but let's not act like we all know exactly what needs to be done here.

If you want my perspective, I think you gotta get somebody that truly knows how to win at a high level at a BCS level school. I'm saying that as far as to feel absolutely confident in your hire, that is. Now, hiring a "hot-shot" at a non-BCS school, or a coordinator, it's ALWAYS going to be a riskier proposition, but it could pay off.

All I ask is we please hire someone with actual qualifications for the

I liked this quote the best from Ron Johnson, "The state of Gophers football has a defeated feline right now". We're beating up on cats at Bierman?

Also, according to Chris Royston, "you must expect some pumps in the road". Does he mean gas pumps, air pumps?

Does anybody proof read these things? ;)

I was trying to get to a meeting so NO I didn't proof read. I'm surprised I didn't do worse. I also was referring to Jeff Horton not Cosgrove.

I'm sitting in the meeting and I thought to myself....self, did you write Cosgrove or Horton? When you're kissing azzes sometimes they look alike.:clap:

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