Doogie to break some news on Tubby?

I hope Tubby wasn't forced to release this information but wanted to voluntarily.

In my opinion - things like this shouldn't be teased. If Tubby wants it released he should release it, otherwise the media should leave it alone.

Doogie - I support your decision to get the facts from Tubby before releasing the story, I don't support your decision to Tweet about it in advance of releasing the story.

Let me get this straight, if Tubby said no comment KSTP lets the story die? That's a good one. I can't wait for Doogie to let us know when his next hemorrhoid appointment is. That will pull in some big ratings for sure.

Let me get this straight, if Tubby said no comment KSTP lets the story die? That's a good one. I can't wait for Doogie to let us know when his next hemorrhoid appointment is. That will pull in some big ratings for sure.

royboy, I am Doogie's proctologist (retired, by special appointment only), and for me to release such personal and confidential information would cause me to lose my license. It would have to be a special and personal news release by Doogie himself.

Let me get this straight, if Tubby said no comment KSTP lets the story die? That's a good one. I can't wait for Doogie to let us know when his next hemorrhoid appointment is. That will pull in some big ratings for sure.

We've had the story for a while... we wanted to present it the right way... no statement, no story today, that's for sure. Way too sensitive of a story... if we wanted to, we could've done what you just laid out a week ago.

Best wishes for Tubby.

Main message should be for men to get checked.

One of my coworkers died from prostate cancer on Sunday. He was 53. Not a good way to go.

In case you did not see the other thread with the statement from the U...

"Amid speculation..." suggests he made the statement because word had leaked, and not because he wanted to. This is nuts. A guy has a medical procedure which took care of the problem and he has to issue a statement on it. What have we gotten ourselves into? HIPPA where are you when you are really needed?

We've had the story for a while... we wanted to present it the right way... no statement, no story today, that's for sure. Way too sensitive of a story... if we wanted to, we could've done what you just laid out a week ago.

Doogie, I like you and I really admire the way you are accountable for your stories.

In this case, however, I think you should have filed the story and not done anything. Don't tweet anything and just let the news come out. It is not an appropriate story to want to be first to report.

We've had the story for a while... we wanted to present it the right way... no statement, no story today, that's for sure. Way too sensitive of a story... if we wanted to, we could've done what you just laid out a week ago.

You didn't answer the question. If Tubby said no comment does KSTP let the story die forever? Tubby's statement said it was released amid speculation, doubt if he had much choice at that point.

Best wishes for Tubby.

Main message should be for men to get checked.

One of my coworkers died from prostate cancer on Sunday. He was 53. Not a good way to go.

Thank you! The voice of reason. This is extremely common, and the fact that Coach Smith caught it early and is now cancer-free is a great lesson to all men to get their yearly check-ups.

Let's just all be happy that our coach, and a good man, is doing very well and the surgery was a big success.

Doogie, I like you and I really admire the way you are accountable for your stories.

In this case, however, I think you should have filed the story and not done anything. Don't tweet anything and just let the news come out. It is not an appropriate story to want to be first to report.

Hear you... not saying you're wrong... will fully admit that there is an element, especially during Sweeps, to drive viewers to the outlet that pays my bills, and recently allowed us to welcome a special young man into the world... I'd also be lying if I said that this business isn't competitive... as much internally as anywhere else... there is a want from the decision-makers to "break" stories.

But if we (Joe & I) really wanted to "own" the story, we would've done something with it last week... We were supposed to have a statement minutes after I sent the first tweet... we didn't. The idea wasn't to tease people via Twitter.

It's nice you're taking the time to defend yourself Doogie, I don't think it's necessary though. Good story and well done.

"Amid speculation..." suggests he made the statement because word had leaked, and not because he wanted to. This is nuts. A guy has a medical procedure which took care of the problem and he has to issue a statement on it. What have we gotten ourselves into? HIPPA where are you when you are really needed?

There was no speculation outside of my tweet that news was coming, and I was led to believe was coming in 5 min., not almost an hour. We can debate whether it's even news or not, but considering he is the state's highest paid employee, multiple people I work with came to the conclusion that it was.

I never once in the last 7-10 days hinted that anything was up with him health-wise. Just wrote that I didn't think he would go to Maryland even if offered the job.

As Nadine mentioned, God Bless Tubby, and his family.

What we should all do is back up a step and realize that our Football Coach Jerry Kill has also defeated cancer.

And to you, Doogie, you upheld your personal ethics and standards by NOT developing diarrhea of the mouth. I admire you for your position on this.


Seriously guys, this thread should be about Tubby and his situation, not on how it was reported. Glad to hear that Tubby is doing well.

I don't care if people are first or second the most important story Tubby Smith is cancer free.

God bless Tubby. Glad to hear it was caught early.

And lay off Doogie. They obviously exercised restraint here. Some you want it to be 1950 in too many ways. The fact that in this era, this story went from nothing to confirmed by a U press release in an hour is a sign that people were being respectful of the information.

I'm very happy for Tubby and his whole family. We've had cancer scares in my family and it allows you to refocus on the important stuff.

Separately, I'm astonished that people on a message board are complaining about news being leaked in anything but a scheduled news cast or newspaper. Television stations have always promoted stories by airing commericials. So a journalist can't do that on social media? Social media is how the news is broken these days. The internet wasn't available when I went to college, and even I realize that news is communicated differently. I actually appreciate ticklers via the internet or social media for live news that I would likely have missed without warning.

God bless Tubby, thoughts are with you. This should be a private matter between him and his family, and what he wants to divulge to the press.

As someone who had his father get diagnosed early for prostate cancer and go through a similar situation about two years ago, it is a bit premature for anyone to say they are cancer-free less than a month after having the procedure.

Doctors have become very good at treating prostate cancer, but there will be several checkups for the head basketball coach over the next year.

Hopefully we can sit here a year from now and everything is fine. If that's the case, then Tubby will be cancer free. Until that year mark, I think it is premature to say anything other than, 'things are looking good.' Cancer is a dogged opponent, it plays really hard.

Not trying to be a downer and I'm sure that Tubby is getting excellent care. But trying to provide a little perspective.

And guys, make sure you get in and get checked.

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