Doogie: "No indication whatsoever that Tracy Claeys will lose his job."

I wouldn't be surprised if Kaler was in more danger than Claeys. No opinion on Hidden Man. How could I?

Where would anybody be able to get any indication about anything, what with Coyle hiding in his closet?

This is like the Mitch concussion thing where you had locals here all declaring Claeys was going to be fired.

It's jut folks who really want it, otherwise nobody knows.

I wasn't worried about Claeys being fired until just now...if Doogie says it wont happen it almost for sure going to happen.

If he isn't fired I think that is an even larger undictment for the u of m admin than the money that will be lost in the settlements

If he isn't fired I think that is an even larger undictment for the u of m admin than the money that will be lost in the settlements

Well they knew info months ago when they reinstated the players; would look pretty self-serving and a complete CYA to do it now. So it probably will happen and then the BoR will use that move to pull the plug on the prez and AD.

then the BoR will use that move to pull the plug on the prez.

I'd be surprised if they do that. The biggest role of the Prez is getting donations.

2016 312M
2015 351M
2014 252M
2013 236M
2012 244M
2011 221M
2010 186M
Kaler Hired Nov 2010

Endowment sits at 3.3B, up 1B over the last decade

I'd be surprised if they do that. The biggest role of the Prez is getting donations.

2016 312M
2015 351M
2014 252M
2013 236M
2012 244M
2011 221M
2010 186M
Kaler Hired Nov 2010

Endowment sits at 3.3B, up 1B over the last decade

Really...the biggest role huh? Wonder what was going on in the economy and market around that time...that money is invested, yes? Hmmm.

Well they knew info months ago when they reinstated the players; would look pretty self-serving and a complete CYA to do it now. So it probably will happen and then the BoR will use that move to pull the plug on the prez and AD.

God I hope they do that backwards. Kaler and Coyle really messed this up and they should go first? TC is the only one that has been credible in this process - although not the best in communicating his position. I say fire Kaler and Coyle...let the new Prez and AD formulate their own impressions.

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God I hope they do that backwards. Kaler and Coyle really messed this up and they should go first? TC is the only one that has been credible in this process - although not the best in communicating his position. I say fire Kaler and Coyle...let the new Prez and AD formulate their own impressions. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Kaler is more likely to receive a commendation from the BOG for his handling of this matter than he is to be fired. So far the members of the U's faculty who have spoken publicly have been entirely supportive of Kaler's actions. They like how he is standing up for the integrity and academic mission of the U in the face of an Athletics Department that has had one embarrassing scandal after another for as long as most Minnesotan's can remember. And the local and national press coverage has been very favorable for Kaler and how he stood up to the player boycott by not compromising with them. It appears that the only real naysayers about Kaler are GopherHolers who are starting to look more and more like the diehards at Blue and White Illustrated who tolerate absolutely no dissent from their hero worship of Joe Parterno.


U professors criticize bowl boycott threat and Gophers coach

Four professors at the University of Minnesota with expertise on student or athletic conduct or general university policy on Tuesday condemned the bowl game boycott Gophers football players threatened last week.

Panelist Christopher Uggen, a professor of sociology and law who is also a member of the faculty consultative committee to the university administration, said, "We are not proud of the language of Coach Claeys."

By contrast, Uggen said that a lot of faculty were proud of the stance that University President Eric Kaler took in the controversy.

Kaler declined to rescind his suspension of 10 Gophers football players over allegations they were involved in a Sept. 2 sexual assault. Kaler encouraged the students to end the boycott, assuring them their appeals would be treated fairly.

Emily Hoover, a horticulture science professor and a faculty athletic representative, said Kaler did a "wonderful job."

Read more at:

Really...the biggest role huh? Wonder what was going on in the economy and market around that time...that money is invested, yes? Hmmm.

at least per former UARK Chancellor John White, yes fund raising. I was doing some work with them years ago. It keeps a University moving forward. From the numbers it looks like Kaler is an effective fund raiser, hence I'd be surprised if he is removed because of what's going on with football

I play golf with a former college head football coach. He's also a 2 time super bowl winning Ass't coach. He told me two days ago that in his opinion Claeys handled the situation remarkably well. He really put his job on the line to support his team. He then got them to understand the correct way to proceed. He said that if Minnesota fires Claeys they will only get a real upgrade in coaching if they put up a ton of money. he also recognized that this was not likely at all. He said that if they fire Claeys the program could really go into the dumpster. Enough so that we might look back at the Brewster reign as the "Good ol days". That's pretty scary.

He said that if Minnesota fires Claeys they will only get a real upgrade in coaching if they put up a ton of money. he also recognized that this was not likely at all. He said that if they fire Claeys the program could really go into the dumpster. Enough so that we might look back at the Brewster reign as the "Good ol days". That's pretty scary.

We would definitely have to upgrade our financial commitment. I wouldn't fire Claeys without a commitment to at minimum double his salary for a potential new coach.

I know this might be in poor taste but if handled correctly the football program doesn't have to take a huge step back. Short term we'll lose some players and some fans, but if we stay committed we can repair the damage to the team and rebuild trust in the community. It might take a new coach, but we'll have to wait and see. Claeys is not a bad guy. Clumsy on social media yes, but hardly someone who is endorsing sexual assault. Claeys has to figure out how to get his players to behave better in socially. At least they're doing well in school and the gridiron. If there are no post game announcements from Coyle then I imagine it will be onto contract negotiations and winter conditioning. We'll be hurting on the recruiting trail this year though. Sad.

I play golf with a former college head football coach. He's also a 2 time super bowl winning Ass't coach. He told me two days ago that in his opinion Claeys handled the situation remarkably well. He really put his job on the line to support his team. He then got them to understand the correct way to proceed. He said that if Minnesota fires Claeys they will only get a real upgrade in coaching if they put up a ton of money. he also recognized that this was not likely at all. He said that if they fire Claeys the program could really go into the dumpster. Enough so that we might look back at the Brewster reign as the "Good ol days". That's pretty scary.

He may have done fine in this situation (although he should have consulted an English major before publishing his tweet) and maybe he did what I'm going to suggest, but I don't know if his personality would come through if he did. At the first team meeting, did he say "You guys have the privilege of playing college football and getting a free education. There are rules. There are university rules and there are my rules. If I hear of any of you f*cking around and getting close to anything close to what I consider bad behavior, the personal contents of your locker will be waiting for you on the curb." I think Kill could go the tough love route. Claeys strikes me as a kindly uncle who'll let the kids run wild while he's napping. I know that's unfair, but Claeys really has to start asserting himself in a more active manner. If he wasn't in the room with Kaler and Coyle, he should have been and he should have forced his way into that conversation.

He said that if they fire Claeys the program could really go into the dumpster.

Agreed. This seems to be pretty obvious to anyone who isn't pushing an agenda and fixated on stupid, inconsequential things like Claeys' weight, accent, manner of dress, and so on.

I'd be surprised if they do that. The biggest role of the Prez is getting donations.

2016 312M
2015 351M
2014 252M
2013 236M
2012 244M
2011 221M
2010 186M
Kaler Hired Nov 2010

Endowment sits at 3.3B, up 1B over the last decade

Kaler plays an important role in fundraising, but it doesn't even crack the top 10 on his list of responsibilities. He spends about 2 days per month on fundraising trips.

Kaler plays an important role in fundraising, but it doesn't even crack the top 10 on his list of responsibilities. He spends about 2 days per month on fundraising trips.

Does your job involve fundraising in some capacity? You appear to have some sort of experience in it. Just curious.

Kaler plays an important role in fundraising, but it doesn't even crack the top 10 on his list of responsibilities. He spends about 2 days per month on fundraising trips.

Not challenging but would need to see 2007-2009 to see the real picture.

Really...the biggest role huh? Wonder what was going on in the economy and market around that time...that money is invested, yes? Hmmm.

Sure the market played a role but I think a comparative analysis of similar institutions would be more relevant, 30th isn't bad which is kind of an understatment, in the B1G the only schools with a larger endowment than the U are Northwestern and Michigan.

Other than Michigan the only public Universities with a bigger endowment are:

University of Texas System
California University System
Texas A&M
Universty of Virginia
University of Pittsburgh

Sure the market played a role but I think a comparative analysis of similar institutions would be more relevant, 30th isn't bad which is kind of an understatment, in the B1G the only schools with a larger endowment than the U are Northwestern and Michigan.

Other than Michigan the only public Universities with a bigger endowment are:

University of Texas System
California University System
Texas A&M
Universty of Virginia
University of Pittsburgh

Maybe go look at the quarterly reports to understand my statement. Look at the graph...and look at the 5, 10, and 20 years avg returns on investment. It's pretty clear.

If anyone's job is in jeopardy, it goes as follow:
1) Kaler
2) Coyle
3) Claeys

Kaler has already been caught lying during this process and made a some decision then pinned it on Coyle and Claeys. My best guess is Claeys tweet was more of a thumb at Kaler for citing him as the man with the suspension decision..

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